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Physics_Key Note on the Relation Between Current Density j and Drift Velocity vd

The drift velocity of the electron in physical science is the average speed achieved by charged particles in a material, like electrons, because of an electric field. As a rule, an electron in a guide will engender at the Fermi speed aimlessly, bringing about a speed of zero by and large. An electric field adds a little net stream to this arbitrary movement; this is the drift velocity. The velocity of drift is proportional to the current. It is likewise relative to the extent of an outer electric field in resistive material. Expressing the law as vd = μE.

Drift velocity of the electron

Free electrons move at a net speed known as drift velocity when a conductor is connected to a battery. It is of 10-4 m/s, which is extremely small. As a result, when we turn on the light, it is not the actual displacement of an electron from the end of the switch to the bulb that causes it to glow. When all electrons begin to drift in the same direction, the current is said to have formed. Current goes at the speed of light. As a result, despite the low value of drift velocity, the bulb glows instantly when the switch is turned on.

Electrons’ thermal velocity

Thermal velocity: When a conductor is not connected to a battery, free electrons are said to move due to their temperature, hence the name. The value of the thermal velocity of the electron is 105 m/s, but due to the random motion of electrons in all possible directions, their average thermal velocity is zero. As a result, thermal velocity does not contribute to net current.

Current Density j and Drift Velocity vd relation

The full-scale current going through a unit cross-sectional aide in unit time is described as current thickness. We can discover float speed using the condition: I = nAvdQ.

J = I/A = nvdQ


J exhibits the predictable thickness in Amperes per square metre.

vd = drift velocity of the electron

Thus, we can compare the electron’s drift velocity and current thickness. Furthermore, as the force of the electric field increments, so does the float speed and the stream going through the channel.

Net electron speed:

Every material over zero temperature that can coordinate, for instance, metals, will have a couple of free electrons moving unpredictably. Electrons will move towards the positive potential whenever potential is applied around an aide. They will slam into particles and either return or lose a portion of their vibrant energy as they move. Nonetheless, the electrons will speed up in the future because of the electric field and these arbitrary impacts will proceed. In any case, because the speed increase is constantly in a comparative course as a result of the electric field, the net speed of the electrons will also be in a near heading.

How fast do electrons travel in a straight line?

A few free electrons move indiscriminately in materials that lead like metal above absolute zero temperature. Electrons tend to gravitate toward the positive potential when a potential is applied to a conductor. They will eventually collide with atoms, and some of their kinetic energy will be lost. Electrons will continue to accelerate due to the electric field, as well as have random collisions with atoms. 

What is drift velocity and what is the relationship between current and drift velocity?

The average velocity of free electrons with which electrons begin moving from lower potential to higher potential under the action of an external electric field is referred to as drift velocity.

Consider a guide with length ‘l’ and a uniform area of cross-segment A.

The electrons are then accelerated with velocity Vd.

Let n=number of electrons per unit volume or number density of electrons.

N=total number of electrons inside the guide =n*volume of the conductor=nAl

Total charge in the conductor q=Ne


Where e indicates the extent of the charge

The time it takes for an electron to go through a guide of length L.


I=q/t for electric current

I =neAl/lvd 

I= neAvd 

As a result, the electric current is directly proportional to the drift velocity.

At room temperature (300K), this value for a free electron is approximately 1.17 x 105m/s, which is a tremendous value.

Room Temperature Definition

Room temperature is a temperature range that denotes human comfort inhabitation. When wearing regular clothing, a person is neither hot nor cold across this temperature range. When it comes to science and engineering, the definition of temperature range is a little different from climate control. 


Electric current is the rate of charge flow in a conductor. I = Q/t, where Q is the charge and t is the time. The ampere (A) is the SI unit of current and 1 A equals 1 C/s. The flow of free charges such as electrons and ions is called current. The drift speed vd signifies the average speed at which these charges move. The relationship I = nAvd states that current I is proportional to the drift velocity of the electron vd


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