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Physics, Technology and Society

Physics, Technology and society depend upon each other for their existence. There are instances where physics gives rise to technology and there also have been instances where technology gave rise to physics. Physics tells the society about natural phenomena, energy laws and basic tech knowledge whereas technology helps the society practically by making their life easier. This article deals with how the three of them are interrelated and interdependent.

This topic Physics, Technology and Society deals with the correlation of these three since they are interconnected. Physics, technology and society give rise to one another in various ways. Some concepts of physics are used to develop technology which hence affect society.

A country’s growth, both in the field of technology and in the education about physics, is equally important since one leads to solutions for practical problems and the other strengthens the in-depth knowledge, which of course further help in technology growth as well. It is a complete cycle which keeps on going and will never end.

Examples to relate physics, technology and society :

  1. How technology gave rise to physics :

    Principles of thermodynamics and magnetism originated keeping in mind the already existing technology related to them. These principles were required to have an in-depth, calculative knowledge of the topic and to make some advancements in the previously existing technology by deeply studying them and experimenting with them. This was possible only because of the already prevailing technology. People earlier had known about the magnetic effect but due to lack of knowledge of the reason behind that effect, they were unable to understand and explain it. Hence, people progressed in this field only after physics and technology were combined and they could have a complete knowledge about it.

  2. How physics gave rise to technology:

    Now, we all know that wireless communication technology was formed by using and following the principles of electricity and magnetism. Moreover, only by studying the laws of physics related to energy, we are now able to form technology that can conserve wind energy, solar energy, hydra energy etc,. This has helped us to conserve our fossil fuels. We can convert these stored energies into electrical energy. This was all possible because of absolute knowledge of physics that could contribute to the formation of this technology. The human course of civilization was hugely impacted after the invention of the steam engine in the 18th century.

Contribution made by various physicists :

  1. Bhaskaracharya :

    He proposed the concept of instantaneous motion, talked about gravitational laws and gave the concepts of calculus.

  2. Galileo Galilei :

    He proposed the concept of acceleration, discovered the law of inertia, invented a gaseous thermometer and contributed to astronomy.

  3. Issac Newton :

    He invented binomial theorem for non integer powers, gave universal law of gravitation, found out about spectrum of white light.

  4. Johannes Kepler :

    He gave the three laws of planetary motion and is the establisher of geometric optics.

  5. Robert Hook :

    He was the designer of Gregorian.

    Reflecting Telescope.

  6. Archimedes :

    He was the inventor of the catapult, a system made of a combination of pulleys and proposed the concept of buoyant force.

  7. Daniel Bernauli :

    He worked in the field of fluid mechanics. He contributed to the works of calculus, probability, principle of vibrating strings and applied mathematics. Mathematical Physics was established by him.

  8. Lord Kelvin :

    He had a major contribution in the development of the concept of energy conservation which was already proposed by that time. He also brought forward the concept of Absolute Temperature. He also formulated the second law of thermodynamics with Sadi Carnot’s help.

  9. Rudolph Clausius :

    He discovered the second law of thermodynamics. He discovered entropy on the basis of work done by Carnot And Kelvin. He also contributed to the field of kinetic theory of gases.

  10. John Dalton :

    He proposed the very first atomic theory in the modern world of science. He also proposed a theory related to colourblindness.

Interrelation of Physics and Communication Industry :

Under the communication industry we cover both : Television and Telecom industry.

The communication industry has connected the entire world in digital as well as commercial terms. Both the television and telecom industry work on the principles of electromagnetic waves. The German physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz first examined the generation of electromagnetic waves. Communication also includes travelling across one place to another. Aeroplanes, hence,  operate on Bernoulli’s principle.

Interrelation of Physics and Medical Industry :

Physics is most significantly and efficiently used in radiology in the medical industry. X-Rays, discovered by W.K. Roentgen is the most popular and inexpensive way to determine cracks or fractures in the body.

The principle of reflection is used in ultrasonography (where ultrasonic waves are reflected) which forms an extremely essential part of the medical industry. Nuclear medicines make use of radioactive elements. This discovery of physics also contributes hugely to the medical industry.

Interrelation of Physics and Energy Industry.

In the energy industry, Faraday, Tesla and Edison had an exceptional contribution in the commercialisation of energy. People now have knowledge about the concept of energy conservation. The concept of renewable sources of energy was introduced by the energy industry which was only possible with the knowledge of physics. This gradual shift from coal, petrol, diesel to renewable energy sources like dams, solar energy,wind farms, nuclear reactors etc has only been influenced by physics.

Conclusion :

In this article we all can understand that Physics and Technology have a huge impact on society. The development in the sector of Physics and Technology helps in the economic development of the society. Basically, technology functions when we apply laws of physics. Practically applying physics in various fields has helped in improving standards of living for many. Applied physics is the second name of technology.


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