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Period angular frequency

In this topic, we will learn about angular frequency, period in angular frequency, difference between frequency and angular frequency and more.

The time it takes any string element to perform one complete vibration is defined as the period of oscillation T of a wave. A scalar measure of rotation rate is angular frequency (also known as angular speed, radial frequency or the circular frequency. It shows the rate of variation of the phase of a sinusoidal waveform (e.g., in oscillations and waves) or the time variation of the sine function’s argument (e.g., in rotation).

The magnitude of the vector quantity angular velocity is called angular frequency (or angular speed). The vector quantity angular velocity is sometimes referred to as angular frequency vector.


In physics, frequency refers to the number of waves that passes through a given point in one unit of time, as well as the number of cycles or vibrations that a body in periodic motion goes through in one unit of time. After travelling through a series of events or positions and returning to its original state, a body in periodic motion is said to have completed one cycle or one vibration. Simple harmonic motion is also known as angular velocity.

If the duration or time interval required to complete one cycle or vibration is 1/2second, the frequency is 2per second; if the period is 1/100 of an hour, the frequency is 100 per hour. The frequency is the inverse of the period, or time interval, in general; i.e., frequency=1 ⁄  period=1 ⁄  time interval . The Moon orbits the Earth with a frequency of just over 12cycles every year. The frequency of the A string on a violin is 440 vibrations or cycles per second.

  The letters f and the Greek letters nu (v) and omega (ω) are the most commonly used symbols for frequency.

Angular frequency

Any specific wave in wave mechanics has parameters such as frequency, time period, wavelength, amplitude, and so on. For a periodic motion object, the angular frequency is a crucial calculation. For example, if a ball is swung around in a circle at the end of a rope, the pace at which the ball passes around a complete 360°. 

The frequency is the number of full cycles of waves crossing a location in unit time, whereas the time period is the time it takes for a complete cycle of waves to pass a point. Angular frequency is defined as the angular displacement of any wave constituent per unit time.In wave terminology, the angular frequency of a sinusoidal wave relates the angular displacement of any element of the wave per unit time. It is symbolised by .

The parameters of this quantity are radians per unit time since a frequency is a rate. The units will be determined by the problem being studied. If we’re talking about the spinning of a merry-go-round, the angular frequency in radians per minute might be appropriate. The angular frequency of the Moon around the Earth will be measured in radians per day.

Angular Frequency Formula

the angular frequency must be determined in order to determine the rate at which the rotations take place, The frequency of rotation, or how many rotations occur in a given length of time, can be calculated as follows:

 f=1 ⁄ T  

For taking the frequency in case of earth rotation,

 f= 1 ⁄ 365

The oscillation frequency ‘f‘ measured in oscillations per second, multiplied by the angle across which the body moves, is the formula for angular frequency. For an item that completes a full oscillation or revolution, the angular frequency formula is:


In terms of time period we write the angular frequency:

 ω= 2π ⁄ T

Also write this equation as:

 ω= 2π ⁄ 365

Angular frequency is a scalar number, which simply implies that it is a magnitude. However, we occasionally refer to angular velocity, which is a vector. As a result, the angular velocity formula is the same as the angular frequency equation.

Period in angular frequency

The time required to go around once, or the time it takes to span an angle of radians, is specified as the period. The rate of rotation, or the number of rotations per unit of time, is referred to as frequency. The rotation rate in radians is known as angular frequency.

These are related to given equation as: f=1 ⁄ T =ω ⁄    

These values can be used to calculate the speed at which an object travels around a circle.

 v=Rω= 2πR ⁄ T

Difference between frequency and angular frequency

The angular frequency is the change in angle that occurs when a body oscillates.

The frequency of an object is the number of times a particle vibrates in one second.  rad/sec is  the unit of angular frequency. Hertz is the frequency unit.

The number of times you do anything each second is known as frequency. For instance, how many times does a race car go around a circular track in a second? Angular frequency, on the other hand, refers to how many Radians (angle measurements) the car may traverse every second.


The time it takes any string element to perform one complete vibration is defined as the period of oscillation Tof a wave. The magnitude of the vector quantity angular velocity is called angular frequency. frequency refers to the number of waves that passes through a given point in one unit of time, as well as the number of cycles or vibrations that a body in periodic motion goes through in one unit of time. The angular frequency must be determined in order to determine the rate at which the rotations take place. The time required to go around once, or the time it takes to span an angle of radians, is specified as the period.


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