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Overview of Self Inductance

In this article, we will focus on understanding self-inductance, factors affecting self-inductance, and examples of self-inductance.

What is Self-Inductance? 

The trait of a current-carrying coil that resists the change in current flowing through it is known as self-inductance. The self-induced emf of the coil is mostly to blame. When voltage is triggered in a current-carrying wire, the phenomenon of self-inductance occurs.

The self-induced emf in the coil resists the climb when the current rises, and it resists the fall when the current declines. In other words, as the current increases, the induced emf opposes the applied voltage, and when the current decreases, the induced emf equals the applied voltage.

When the current rises, the self-induced emf in the coil fights the climb, and when the current falls, it likewise resists the fall. In essence, if the current increases, the induced emf opposes the applied voltage, and if the current drops, the induced emf is equal to the applied voltage.

The coil’s aforementioned attribute applies only to alternating current, which is a changing current, and not to a stable current. Self-inductance, which is measured in Henry, is always opposite to the charging current.

Whether the magnitude of the current increases or decreases, induced current always opposes the change in current. Electromagnetic induction entails self-inductance. 

Formula of Self Inductance

Inductive effects can be achieved without the need for two circuits. Consider a single conducting circuit with a current running across it. This current produces a magnetic field, which creates a magnetic flux that connects the circuit. Given the linear nature of magnetostatic laws and the definition of magnetic flux, we anticipate the flux to be directly proportional to the current. As a result, we may write

= LI

The circuit’s self inductance L is defined as the proportionality constant. The self-inductance of a circuit, like mutual inductance, is measured in henries and is a purely geometric quantity that depends only on the form of the circuit and the number of turns in the circuit.

If the current flowing around the circuit changes by a defined amount dI in a time frame dt, then the magnetic flux which is linked to the circuit changes by an amount d= LdI in the same time interval. Faraday’s law entails that an emf


As a result, the emf created around the circuit as a result of its own current is directly proportional to the current’s rate of change. If the current increases, Lenz’s rule, and common sense dictate that the emf should always operate to lessen the current, and vice versa. This is easily understood because if the emf worked to raise the current as it increased, we would have an unphysical positive feedback loop in which the current continued to climb indefinitely. As a result, the self-inductance of a circuit must be a positive amount. On the other hand, mutual inductances can be either positive or negative. This was all about self-inductance.

Factors Affecting Self Inductance and Its Coil

Various factors affect the self-inductance coil including the following.

  • Number of turns in the coil
    The coil’s inductance is mostly determined by the number of turns it has. As a result, they are proportionate to each other, like N and L.

When the number of turns in the coil is large, the inductance value is high. Similarly, when the number of turns in the coil is low, the inductance value is low.

  • Area of the Inductor Coil
    The inductance of the coil will rise as the area of the inductor increases (L∝ N). If the coil area is large, it generates a large number of magnetic flux lines, allowing the magnetic flux to form. As a result, the inductance is quite high.

  • Coil length
    When magnetic flux is induced in a long coil, it is lower than when a magnetic flux is created in a short coil. When the induced magnetic flux is lowered, the coil’s inductance is reduced as well. As a result, coil induction (L ∝  1/l) is inversely proportional to coil inductance.

  • The material of the coil
    The inductance and induced e. m.f. will be affected by the material’s permeability with the wrapped coil. Inductance can be reduced by using materials with high permeability.

L ∝ μ0

When μ = μ0r, then L∝ 1 / μr.

Examples of Self-Inductance

The examples of self-inductance are very diverse. Its applications in physics are also varied and include the following.

  • Tuning circuits
  • Inductors used as relays
  • Sensors
  • Ferrite beads
  • Store energy in a device
  • Chokes
  • Induction motors
  • Filters
  • Transformers


When a current-carrying coil has the feature of self-inductance, it resists changes in current flow. This is most common when the coil generates its self-induced e.m.f. To put it another way, it occurs when voltage induction occurs within a current-carrying wire.

The self-induced e.m.f will resist the current as it grows or drops. If the current is ascending, the route of the induced e.m.f. is essentially reversed to the voltage supplied. Similarly, if the current flow is decreasing, the path of the induced e.m.f is in a direction similar to that of the applied voltage. The above coil feature happens when the current flow changes, which is AC, but not when the current flow is constant, which is DC. This property makes self-inductance a form of electromagnetic induction, and Henry is the SI unit of self-inductance.

This document explains a basic understanding of what inductance is. As the current in the coil changes, the flux associated with the coil also changes. Inductive emf can be induced in the coil under these conditions. Accordingly, this emf is called self-induction. The answer to what is self-inductance is well explained through the above material.


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