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Non-renewable energy

In this article we will learn about the concept of non-renewable energy, non-renewable energy examples, its uses and more.

Non renewable energy sources are energy sources that will not be replenished in the future. This implies it can’t be replenished once it’s been spent and will ultimately run out. Non-renewable energy is derived from non-renewable resources that can be supplied at a rate far slower than they are consumed. Because the rate of replenishment of non-renewable energy is far slower than its usage, it is likely to run out over time. Nuclear energy is also classified as non- renewable due to its shortage. Uranium plutonium is the primary source of nuclear energy.

Renewable energy

Renewable energy is energy that can be regenerated or renewed, as the term implies. It is usually referred to as “clean energy” because it is less harmful to the environment than non-renewable energy. Renewable energy is derived from naturally replenished materials and processes. When the question of what constitutes renewable energy arises, we may simply state that it is energy obtained from resources that regenerate continuously and is thus available in sufficient quantities for human consumption, so that it will not run out regardless of how much we use it.

Renewable energy resources accounted for 19.2%of worldwide energy consumption in 2014 and23.7 percent in 2015, according to a report published by REN21in 2016. Many governments have begun to invest in renewable energy resources, believing that these resources will benefit in the long-term development of the country.

In contrast to traditional energy resources, which are often concentrated in a small number of countries, such as oil and gas, which are predominantly concentrated in the Middle East, renewable energy resources cover a vast geographic territory. Using renewable energy resources to generate energy minimises pollution while also delivering significant economic and energy security benefits.

Examples of Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is described as energy that will not be depleted in the future. The significance of renewable energy is enormous. These sources of energy are not the same as fossil fuels like oil, coal, and gas. Some examples of renewable energy sources are as follows:

Solar Power

Wind Power


Tidal Power

Geothermal Energy is a renewable source of energy.

Energy from Biomass

Renewable Energy Resources

These are the kinds of resources that can be used to generate renewable energy. They are most commonly encountered in the wild. Renewable energy is a natural resource that restores depleted or spent resources over a finite period of time on the human time scale, either through natural reproduction or other recurrent processes. Solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, and water are all renewable energy sources (hydro).

Non-renewable energy

Most of non- renewable energy resources are found in the earth’s crust as fossil fuel deposits. Coal, petroleum, and natural gas are the most well-known fossil fuels. Humans remove them from their solid, liquid, or gaseous deposits and transform them to useful energy forms.

These non-renewable energy sources are created by heating and compressing carbon-rich materials for an extended period of time. The earth’s landscape was very different millions of years ago than it is now. Plants, algae, and microorganisms like planktons flourished in the wetland environment and used photosynthesis to generate energy. When they died, they sank to the ocean’s depths. Over time, the seabed crushed the species, depositing rock and sediment on top of them. As a result, prolonged heating and compression began. Coal, petroleum, and natural gas were formed from the decomposing organisms. Coal, crude oil, and natural gas required millions of years to develop. There are various pockets or deposits of these fossil fuels today, which are referred to as reservoirs.

Types of Non-Renewable Energy 


Coal is made up of the remains of plants that died millions of years ago. It has the most carbon of any fossil fuel.


Oil, commonly known as petroleum, can be extracted and refined to produce gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel, among other things.

Natural gas 

Natural Gas is a type of fuel that is used

Natural gas was created millions of years ago from the remains of small sea plants and creatures. It is mostly made up of methane.

Nuclear Power

When the nuclei of atoms are fused together (fusion) or split apart (splitting), nuclear energy is released (fission). Nuclear power facilities use nuclear fission to generate electricity.

Advantages of Non-renewable Energy

Non-renewable energy has a tendency to deliver more energy than its renewable counterpart. This attribute increases its commercial viability and profitability.

They make a lot of money every year. Oil-rich countries, for example, are among the world’s wealthiest.

These energy sources are convenient to use and cost-effective.

It is cost-effective due to its widespread availability.

They’re simple to store.

The majority of our technologies are compatible with fossil fuels.

Examples of Non-renewable energy

Coal, natural gas, oil, and nuclear energy are examples of Non-renewable energy sources. These resources can’t be replaced after they’re exhausted, which is a serious problem for civilization because we rely on them for the majority of our energy needs.

Advantages of using non- renewable energy

Lots of fossil fuels are available: Humans have spent a lot of time, effort, and money to get fossil fuels, so we now have a ready supply.

Easier to locate: Fossil fuels may be discovered all over the world, with many regions having already been identified as having abundant reserves.

Very efficient: Even with a tiny amount of fuel, fossil fuels may provide a lot of energy.

Transporting fossil fuels is easier, for example by installing subterranean pipes to transfer oil and gas.

Easy to set up: A fossil fuel plant can be built anywhere there is a large amount of fuel to create electricity.


Non renewable energy sources are energy sources that will not be replenished in the future. Non-renewable energy is derived from non-renewable resources that can be supplied at a rate far slower than they are consumed.  Uranium plutonium is the primary source of nuclear energy. Renewable energy is energy that can be regenerated or renewed, as the term implies. Renewable energy resources accounted for 19.2%of worldwide energy consumption in 2014 and23.7 percent in 2015, according to a report published by REN21in 2016. Coal, natural gas, oil, and nuclear energy are examples of Non-renewable energy sources.


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What is non-renewable energy?

Answer:- Non-renewable energy is derived from resources that will deplete over time or will not be supplied f...Read full

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Give examples of non -renewable energy?


 Natural gas, coal and nuclear energy.


Give the examples of renewable energy?


Biogas, tidal energy and so on.