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MCQ on Biot Savart Law

MCQ on Biot Savart Law

The Biot Savart Law is an equation that describes how a constant electric current generates a magnetic field. It connects the magnetic field to the electric current’s magnitude, direction, length and proximity. Both Ampere’s circuital law and Gauss’ theorem are consistent with Biot–Savart law. In magnetostatics, the Biot Savart law plays a role similar to that of Coulomb’s law in electrostatics.

1. According to Biot  Savart’s-law,  What is the magnetic field equation?


2. A copper rod carrying direct current has a magnetic field that is:

a) inside the rod

b) outside the rod

c) both inside and outside the rod

d) neither inside nor outside the rod.

Answer: Correct option will be: (c) both inside and outside the rod.

3. Consider a current I that flows through the inner conductor of a coaxial cable and returns along the cable’s outer conductor. At distance r from the axis, the value of magnetic induction is:


Answer: Correct option will be: (c) 0.

3. Which of the given properties can’t be calculated using the Biot-Savart equation?

a) Intensity of magnetic field

b) Flux density 

c) Permeability 

d) Intensity of electric field

Answer: Correct option will be: (d)Intensity of the electric field.

4. If we consider a circular conductor with a radius of 2 meters and a current of 8 amps flowing through it. What is the value of the magnetic field intensity at the circular conductor’s center?

a) 4π×10-7T

b) 8π×10-7T

c) 810-7T

d) 3π×10-7T

Answer: Correct option will be: (b) 8π×10-7T

5. A current of 1 Ampere is carried through a straight wire with a length of 2 meters. At a distance of 3 meters from either end of the cable, the magnetic field at a point along the axis of the cable is given by:

a) 04π

b) 0

c) 0

d) 20

Answer: Correct option will be: (b) 0.

6. True or False. Inside a conductor, the magnetic field intensity will be zero.

a) True

b) False

Answer: Correct option will be: (b) False

Reason: Inside a conductor, the electric field is zero, while the magnetic field is zero outside the conductor. To put it another way, at the conductor boundary, E will be the highest and H will be the lowest.

7. Which of the following statements concerning the Biot-Savart Law is incorrect?

a) The magnetic field’s magnitude is proportional to the current flowing through the conductor.

b) The magnetic field’s magnitude is proportional to the current of the element.

c) The magnitude of the magnitude field is related to the square of the current element’s distance.

d) The magnetic field’s magnitude is inversely proportional to the square of the current element’s distance.

Answer: Correct option will be: (c) The magnitude of the magnitude field is related to the square of the current element’s distance.

Reason: The magnitude of the magnetic field is given by the formula: B=04πr2 Idlsin  .

8. Two parallel wires of infinite length convey the same amount of current in the same direction. The magnetic field produced by a location in the middle of the two wires is:

a) Equal to two times of that of magnetic field produced by each wire

b) Equal to half of that of magnetic field produced by each wire

c) Equal to square of that of magnetic field produced by each wire

d) Zero

Answer: Correct option will be: (d) 0.

9. The magnetic induction at the center of the coil due to some current flowing is B1 when a particular length of wire is twisted into one circular loop. When the same wire is wound into three loops to form a circular coil, the magnetic induction at the coil’s center for the same current equals:

a) B1

b) 9B1

c) 3B1

d) 27B1

Answer: Correct option will be: (b) 9B1

10. A long straight wire carrying a current induced magnetic induction at any place that is

a) proportional to the distance from the wire 

b) inversely proportional to the distance from the wire 

c) inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the wire 

d) independent of distance.

Answer: Correct option will be: (b) inversely proportional to the distance from the wire 

11. An external homogeneous magnetic field of induction 4×10-4T is applied to a long straight wire carrying a current of 30A. The magnetic field acts in the same direction as the current. At a distance of 0 cm from the wire, the magnitude of the resulting magnetic induction in tesla is:

a) 10-4T

b) 3×10-4T

c) 5×10-4T

d) 6×10-4T

Answer: Correct option will be: 5×10-4T.

12. The mean diameter of a long solenoid of length L is D. If it has n layers of windings, each with N turns. The magnetic field at its center will be:

a) proportional to diameter D 

b) inversely proportional to D 

c) Regardless of D 

d) proportional to the length L

Answer: Correct option will be: (c) regardless of D.

13. If the radius of a current-carrying coil is doubled while the current remains constant. What happens to the magnetic field in the center of the coil?

a) Half

b) Double

c) Unchanged

d) Quadruples

Answer: Correct option will be: (a) half

14. The magnetic field B on the axis of a circular coil at a distance x from its center has the following relationship:

a) B α x-1

b) B α x-4

c) B α x-3

d) B α x-2

Answer: Correct option will be: (c) B α x-3

15. Current I is carried via a circular coil of radius R. The magnetic field at the coil’s center is B. At what distance from the coil’s center on the axis is the magnetic field B/8?

a) 3R

b) 2R

c) 2R

d) 3R

Answer: Correct option will be: (d)3R