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Learn About the Displacement Currents

Displacement current is a phenomenon similar to an ordinary electric current. Let's learn about the Displacement current in-depth.

In electromagnetism, displacement current is a phenomenon similar to an ordinary electric current proposed to explain magnetic fields created by altering electric fields. Ordinary electric currents, known as conduction currents, create an associated magnetic field in the current area, whether constant or variable. Because magnetic fields have long been related to currents, the projected magnetic field was also assumed to result from another type of current.

As a result of Maxwell’s understanding of displacement current, it is now feasible to understand electromagnetic waves as being transmitted across space completely independent of electric currents in conductors.

Magnetic Field and Electric Current

Introduction to physics courses are divided into numerous significant topics, one of which being electricity and magnetism. Electricity and magnetism are included in a single topic since they are inextricably linked. When working with current-carrying wires, physics students first see this relationship. When an electric current flows through a wire, it generates magnetic field lines around it.

Conduction current is the current formed by the flow of electrons via a conductor, such as an electrical wire, and is the current we’ve been discussing thus far.

This is the most common sort of current. However, you may not be aware of another type of current called displacement current. This session will study how displacement current differs from conduction current and why it’s crucial in electromagnetic wave propagation.

Maxwell-Ampere Law

Andre-Marie Ampere derived the renowned equation known as Ampere’s law before Maxwell. Ampere’s law states that the magnetic field (B) around a closed loop is proportional to the conduction current (I) flowing through it multiplied by a constant known as the permeability of free space μ0.

B = μ0H

Displacement current explained

The total current flowing through any surface whose perimeter is a closed loop is the sum of the conduction current and the displacement current.

Ampere-Maxwell Law is another name for this. It is essential to note that the physical consequences of displacement and conduction currents are the same. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

The displacement current may be 0 when the electric field does not fluctuate with time, such as stable electric fields in a conducting wire. Both currents are present in distinct portions of the space in the circumstances like the one described above.

Because there is no such thing as an entirely conducting or insulating substance, both currents can occur in the same place in most circumstances.

Only displacement current exists when there is no conduction current but a time-varying electric field. Even when there is no nearby conduction current source, we have a magnetic field.

Displacement Current

What Maxwell added to it is the displacement current (Id), but what exactly is it?

ID = ε0 [dΦE/dt]

The first is known as the permittivity of free space 0), and the second is the derivative of electric flux to time E). The rate of passage of an electric field through a given area is defined as electric flux. We may examine the change in that rate of flow over time by considering its derivative with regard to time.

The introduction of the current displacement component in the Maxwell-Ampere equation teaches us that a change in the flow rate of an electric field over time can operate like a current and create a magnetic field. This equation is the apparent complement to Faraday’s law, which states that a changing magnetic field (dΦB/dt) may generate an electric field (E).

The Importance and properties of Displacement Current:

The displacement current is generated by the rate of change in electric current density, and the current displacement phenomenon may be observed in capacitors. We know that the capacitor can store energy in an electric field and resist voltage fluctuations. Another essential feature of the capacitor is that the current in the capacitor precedes the voltage in the capacitor.

The current in an inductor lags after the voltage.

The displacement current is what causes the capacitor’s current to lead. As a result, voltage is produced by current. This property is crucial in electric applications.

As a result, capacitors require displacement current since it leads the current and improves the power factor.


In electromagnetic, displacement current is a quantity described in terms of the rate of change of the electric displacement field that appears in Maxwell’s equations. Displacement current, like actual currents, has units of electric current density and an accompanying magnetic field. It is, however, a time-varying electric field rather than an electric current of moving charges. As we have seen, displacement current is essential since it causes the capacitor current to lead voltage. The significance of this is that it increases the power factor.


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