NEET UG » NEET UG Study Material » Physics » LAYERS OF THE EARTH


The earth is divided into four major layers: the crust, the mantle, the outer core, and the inner core. The crust is the outermost layer, and the mantle is the middle layer.

The surface of the Earth is a breathtaking sight to see. Even the deepest canyon, though, is only a speck on the surface of the world. To have a true understanding of the Earth, you must travel 6,400 kilometres (3,977 miles) beneath its surface.

The Earth is made up of four separate layers, which begin at its centre and work their way outward. The inner core, the outer core, the mantle, and the crust are the layers that are deepest to shallowest in order of depth. With the exception of the crust, no one has ever physically investigated these levels. In reality, the deepest hole ever dug by humanity is slightly over 12 kilometres below the surface (7.6 miles). Even that took a whopping 20 years!

Scientists, on the other hand, have learned a great deal about the Earth’s internal structure. They’ve gotten to the bottom of it by looking at how earthquake waves move through the world. As these waves pass through strata of varying densities, the speed and behaviour of the waves change. Earth’s core and mantle have also been discovered by scientists, including Isaac Newton three centuries ago, through calculations of the planet’s total density, gravitational attraction, and magnetic field, among other things.

The Inner core

With a radius of 1,220 kilometres (758 miles), or around three-quarters the radius of the moon, this solid metal ball is the largest known. It is located between 6,400 and 5,180 kilometres (4,000 and 3,220 miles) beneath the surface of the Earth. It is composed primarily of iron and nickel, and it is quite dense. The inner core of the planet rotates at a somewhat higher rate than the rest of the planet. In addition, it is extremely hot: Temperatures reach 5,400 degrees Celsius (9,800 degrees Fahrenheit). That’s almost as hot as the surface of the sun at its highest point. The pressures here are enormous: they are more than 3 million times stronger than those found on Earth’s surface. Some research implies that there may potentially be an inner core within the core within the core. It would almost certainly be made up almost completely of iron.

The Outer core

This section of the core is also formed of iron and nickel, but it is in a liquid state instead of solid. It is located between 5,180 and 2,880 kilometres (3,220 and 1,790 miles) below the surface of the Earth. This liquid, which is primarily heated by the radioactive decay of the elements uranium and thorium, churns and churns, generating enormous, violent currents. Electrical currents are generated as a result of this motion. They, in turn, are responsible for the generation of the Earth’s magnetic field. The Earth’s magnetic field reverses approximately every 200,000 to 300,000 years for reasons that are believed to be related to the outer core. Scientists are still trying to figure out what is causing this to happen.

The Mantle

This is the thickest layer on the planet, measuring about 3,000 kilometres (1,865 miles) in thickness. It all begins just 30 kilometres (18.6 miles) below the surface of the earth. It is dense, heated, and semi-solid, and it is mostly composed of iron, magnesium, and silicon (think caramel candy). This layer flows in the same way as the layer below it. It simply goes about its business at a much slower pace.

Towards its upper margins, between approximately 100 and 200 kilometres (62 to 124 miles) underground, the mantle’s temperature surpasses the melting point of rock, according to geological calculations. Indeed, it results in the formation of an asthenosphere, which is a layer of partially molten rock (As-THEEN-oh-sfeer). It is believed by geologists that this weak, heated, and slippery layer of the mantle is what allows the Earth’s tectonic plates to ride on and slide across it.

Diamonds are microscopic fragments of the mantle that humans can practically feel. The majority of them develop at depths greater than 200 kilometres (124 miles). Rare “super-deep” diamonds, on the other hand, may have originated as far as 700 kilometres (435 miles) below the surface of the earth. These crystals are then brought to the surface by volcanic activity, resulting in the formation of kimberlite.

The mantle’s outermost zone is generally chilly and stiff, as is the rest of the mantle. When compared to the crust above it, it behaves more like the crust below. The lithosphere is the term used to describe the highest part of the mantle layer and the crust taken together.

The Crust

The crust of the Earth resembles the shell of a hard-boiled egg. When compared to what is beneath it, it is incredibly thin, chilly, and fragile to the touch. The crust is composed of materials that are generally light in weight, such as silica, aluminium, and oxygen. In addition, the thickness of the material is widely varied. It may be as thin as 5 kilometres (3.1 miles) in thickness beneath the oceans (and Hawaiian Islands). The crust beneath the continents can range in thickness from 30 to 70 kilometres (18.6 to 43.5 miles).

The crust, along with the upper zone of the mantle, is split into large pieces, much like a giant jigsaw puzzle, by the forces of gravity. Tectonic plates are the names given to these structures. These move at a snail’s pace, gaining only 3 to 5 cm (1.2 to 2 inches) every year. What drives the movement of tectonic plates is still a mystery to scientists today. It is possible that it is related to heat-driven convection currents in the mantle under the surface. Some scientists believe it is caused by the tug of different-density slabs of crust pulling on one other, a phenomenon known as “slab pull.” Within a reasonable amount of time, these plates will converge, pull apart, or slide past one another. The majority of earthquakes and volcanoes are caused by these activities. It’s a long, arduous journey, but it makes for exciting times on the planet’s surface.


However, despite the fact that it is not feasible to see deep into the heart of the globe, numerous scientific tests and forecasts, such as geological samples and seismic analysis, have contributed to the creation of a picture of what the Earth (and other planets) look like beneath the surface.

Even if you were to grasp the Earth in your hand and then slice it in two, you’d find that it is composed of many different layers, as seen in the illustration. But, of course, the inside of our world continues to be a source of fascination and intrigue for us. The core reaches of our globe remain beyond limits to humanity, even while we bravely explore distant worlds and launch satellites into orbit around the sun.


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