NEET UG » NEET UG Study Material » Physics » Kirchhoff’s Laws and Simple Applications

Kirchhoff’s Laws and Simple Applications

The voltage and current Kirchhoff's Laws are the basis of circuit analysis. We have the basic toolset. We need to start analysing circuits with these two principles and the equations for individual components.

Most electrical circuits are complicated and applying simple ohm’s law and series/parallel mixture simplification approaches to find the unknown variables in such circuits is not practical. As a result, Kirchhoff’s laws are applicable to simplify these circuits. 

The rules are the fundamental analytic tools for finding the voltages and currents in an AC or DC electrical circuit. Because elements in an electric circuit can be linked in various ways, these principles are extremely useful in determining the parameters of an electrical circuit. This post aims to better understand Kirchhoff’s Current and Voltage Laws and their applications.

State Kirchhoff’s law for electric network 

Kirchhoff’s rules are named after its originator, Gustav Kirchhoff. They can be used to understand current and voltage in a circuit and evaluate complex systems that can’t be simplified to one resistance value utilising something you already understand regarding series and parallel resistors. 

According to Kirchhoff’s law, the sum of currents entering a junction must match the sum of currents exiting the junction. Because current never runs out in a circuit, it’s only natural that all of the currents that flow into the junction must also flow out.

Kirchhoff’s First law 

We must use certain rules or regulations to write down the amount or magnitude of the electricity flowing around an electrical or electronic circuit in the form of an equation. The network formulas used are Kirchhoff’s laws and we’ll look at Kirchhoff’s current law because we’re dealing with circuit currents (KCL). 

One of the basic laws utilised in circuit analysis is Gustav Kirchhoff’s Current Law. His current law states that the rate current entering a circuit’s junction equals the total current exiting the same junction for a parallel line.

Kirchhoff’s approach is the Conservation of Charge because the current is preserved around the junction and no current is lost. Let’s look at a basic application of Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL) to a single junction.

Limitations of the first law

Kirchhoff’s Current Law states that all currents or charges reaching a node in an electrical network must exit the node. 

However, this is not the case in real life, especially when using an AC source. Because of parasitic capacitance and inductance, a small charge is often leaked or preserved through nodes and conductors, causing Kirchhoff’s Current Law to be inaccurate in many circumstances. However, in most circumstances, the leakage or conserved charge is relatively small, especially when considering a DC source; thus, the KCL constraint owing to leakage and conserved charges can be ignored in most cases.

Kirchhoff’s Second law 

The Voltage Law of Gustav Kirchhoff is the second of his key rules that can be applied to electric circuits. His voltage law states that the algebraic total of all closed-loops in a circuit is zero for a closed-loop system series path. 

The Conservation of Energy is a concept proposed by Kirchhoff, which argues that travelling through a closed-loop or circuit, would return you where you started in the circuit and thus to the same starting voltage with no voltage loss. As a result, any voltage drops must be equal to any voltage sources met along the way.

Limitations of the second law

Kirchhoff’s Voltage Laws remain true in any circuit or loop only if a fluctuating magnetic field does not connect the circuit or loop. 

As the loop’s changing magnetic field can either create or consume electrical energy or voltage, some excess voltage is induced or dropped from the loop. This effect can be noticed in all current loops, especially when considering AC loops. 

But the voltage produced or lowered owing to this effect is modest in most circumstances and can be ignored if maximal accuracy on measurement is not necessary.

Kirchhoff’s law is applicable to

At any junction point, KCL can be used to find the unknown current. 

KVL can be used to calculate the potential drop across a resistance. 

Kirchhoff’s principles can calculate the current through any resistance or branch. 

KVL is also useful for determining the unknown resistance in a loop. 

Any electrical circuit can be analysed using them. 

Complex circuit current and voltage computation. 

To figure out how much current is flowing and how much voltage is dropped in various portions of the complex circuit. 

Kirchhoff’s Laws can help you comprehend how energy moves across an electric circuit.


Ohm’s law is a fundamental law in current electricity, as we all know. But, according to scientist Kirchhoff, there are two more fundamental electricity rules. Using nodal analysis and loop analysis methodologies, one may quickly find the current, voltage and resistance in an electrical circuit using these two criteria. Kirchhoff’s law of current and voltage, its mathematical form, applications and restrictions were all explored in this article.


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What is the status of Kirchhoff's law?

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What purpose does Kirchhoff's law serve?

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What are your thoughts on Kirchhoff's rules?

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What exactly is the distinction between KCL and KVL?

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