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Kinetic Energy Examples

The energy possessed by an object due to its motion is called kinetic energy. It is the work needed to accelerate a body at rest to a specific desired velocity.

Kinetic energy is the amount of work an object does by its motion to accelerate it from rest to a particular desired velocity. 

It is a scalar quantity, and it is often described by magnitude.

  • The SI unit of kinetic energy is Joule, and 1 Joule is equivalent to 1 kg.m2.s-2.
  • The CGS unit of kinetic energy is erg.

The primary form of energy is of two types, one of which is kinetic energy (KE). All moving objects possess kinetic energy. In this case, work is called force applied in a similar direction as motion. The required work is directly proportional to the object’s mass and distance. 

 Examples of kinetic energy

  • Windmills

Windmills are one of the best examples of kinetic energy. When the wind hits the blades of the windmills, rotations occur, resulting in electricity generation. In this case, the blades rotate due to the kinetic energy present in the moving air. So in this example, kinetic energy is being converted into mechanical energy.

  • Flying aeroplane 

The flying aeroplane is another good example of kinetic energy. A flying aeroplane has a large mass and a very high velocity. That’s the reason why it has a large amount of kinetic energy. Flying on an aeroplane is possible due to this kinetic energy itself.  

  • Hydropower plants

The places where electricity generation takes place through water are called hydropower plants. Moving water possesses some kinetic energy; it hits the turbine present in the dam, and then that kinetic energy converts into mechanical energy. The turbine of the hydropower plants moves with the help of that mechanical energy, and as a result, the electrical energy produces.

  • Moving car 

There is some kinetic energy possessed by the moving cars. It is due to the mass and velocity present in it. Let’s compare a truck with a moving car; surely, it will possess more kinetic energy than the moving car because of its large size. Since the kinetic energy is directly proportional to the mass of the moving object, the truck will have more kinetic energy.

  • Bullet shot from a gun 

A bullet that is being fired from a gun has a high amount of kinetic energy so that it can penetrate an object easily. It is so because it possesses a huge amount of velocity. Although the kinetic energy is directly proportional to mass, in this case, it is more due to the high velocity possessed by the bullet.

  • Cycling

The movement of bicycles also possesses some kinetic energy. Our body energy is converted into mechanical energy and finally into kinetic energy due to the motion of the wheels. If we increase the velocity, the kinetic energy will also increase.

  • Roller coaster  

Let’s talk about the roller coaster ride. There is a wagon on the roller coaster, and when it is at the top, which means at rest, it possesses zero kinetic energy. But as soon as it starts to come down, with the increase in the wagon’s speed, the kinetic energy also increases when several people sit on the wagon. Its mass increases, increasing kinetic energy, irrespective of the speed.

  • Skateboarding 

This case is somewhat similar to the case of the bicycle. When the person riding the skateboard is at rest, it has zero kinetic energy. With the increase in the skateboard’s movement, the kinetic energy increases gradually. 

  • Meteor shower  

This example is not so common in day-to-day life, but it is still a very interesting one. Whenever any meteoroid comes closer to the earth’s surface, gravity attracts it. As a result, it starts flowing at a very high speed. At this moment, the meteoroid possesses a high amount of kinetic energy due to its high speed and enormous weight.

  • Walking

One of the most common examples of kinetic energy is walking. We possess some kinetic energy while walking. That’s the reason why we feel warm after walking some distance. When we walk, the chemical energy is converted into kinetic energy.

The formula of kinetic energy

The kinetic energy formula relates the energy to mass (m) and velocity (v).

KE = 1/2 mv2

The mass is always a positive quantity, so kinetic energy remains unaffected whether we square it or not. But we take the square of the velocity. This means maximum kinetic energy will be produced when velocity is largest, irrespective of the motion’s direction.

From this kinetic energy equation, we can see that the velocity of an object matters more than the mass. This formula works well in classical physics, but when the velocity approaches the speed of light, it starts to deviate from the true energy.


Kinetic energy is a form of energy possessed by an object or particle due to its motion. When we do any kind of work on an object, energy transformation occurs, and the object will move at a constant speed. The energy that is transformed is referred to as kinetic energy. It is the property of a moving particle that depends on its motion and mass. We have to apply some force to accelerate an object, and for applying that force, we need to do some work. The flowing of a river at a certain speed is an example of kinetic energy.


Newton’s law of stability, because centripetal force is no longer present.

In physics, the same circular motion refers to the movement of the body across a circular motion at a constant speed. As the body defines circular motion, its distance from the axis of rotation remains unchanged at all times. speed, vector value, depends on both your physical speed and your movement. This change in speed indicates the presence of acceleration; this centripetal acceleration is continuous magnitude and is always directed towards the rotating axis. This acceleration, in turn, produces a medium force that also does not change in size and is directed to the rotating axis.

In the case of rotating a fixed axis of a solid body that is negligible in comparison to the width of the path, each body part describes the same circular motion with the same angular speed, but with a different speed and acceleration.

Particles that form a circular motion can be defined by their vector r⃗ (t) position.  A particle that makes a circular motion on the opposite side of the clock. As the particles move in a circle, the vector of its position sweeps the θ angle with an x-axis. Vector r⃗ (t) that makes an angle θ with the x axis is shown with its parts next to the x- and y-axes. Maximum vector area is A = | r⃗ (t) | and it also is a round place, that according to its parts,

r⃗ (t) = Acosωtiˆ + Asinωtj.


Here ω is a system called the angular frequency of the particle. Angular frequency has units of radians (rad) per second and is simply the number of radians of the angular scale through which the character passes per second. The angle θ the local vector at any time is equal to  ωt.

If T is a movement time, or a time to complete a single turn (2π rad), then

ω = 2π/T

 The simplest form of circular motion is the same circular motion, in which the object moves in a circular motion at a constant speed. Note that, unlike speed, the line speed of an object in a circular motion is constantly changing because it is constantly changing direction. We know from kinematics that accelerating speed changes, either in size or in the direction or both. Therefore, the object associated with the same circular motion is constantly increasing rapidly, although the magnitude of its speed does not change.

This speedy feeling for you every time you ride in a car while turning a corner. When you hold the steering wheel steady while turning and moving at a steady pace, you are making uniform circular motion. What you notice is the feeling of slipping (or tossing, depending on the speed) away from the center. This is not the actual force that works for you — it just happens because your body wants to keep moving in a straight line (according to Newton’s first law) while the car shuts down this straight line. Inside the car it seems you are forced to move from the center of the curve. This discovery  is known as the centrifugal force. When the curve is sharp and your speed is high, the effect is noticeable.


I have observed the centripetal acceleration of an object in uniform circular motion, and verified its relationship between force, and as a result centripetal acceleration. The second part of my error analysis specifically explains what type of difference the amount of force being applied to a specific mass can affect its position and acceleration. When an object is moving in the same direction, the speed of the object and the force required to maintain the movement are relative. The amount of clocks was equal to the power used on the phone.


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Can the kinetic energy be negative?

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