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Internal Resistance Formula

This article describes the internal resistance and the terminal potential difference of a cell.

The internal resistance (also called the ohmic resistance) of a Thévenin voltage source (or other electrical-engineering equivalent circuits) is equivalent to a resistor R placed in series with the positive terminal of the voltage source and connected to the ground(0 volt). Internal resistance is crucial in practical electrical power systems. It is often an essential factor in determining whether an electrical circuit will be stable and how much power will be dissipated when it operates.

Internal resistance

Internal resistance is the opposition to the current flow in a circuit presented by the cell or battery. This internal resistance creates heating. Under normal conditions, batteries should not get excessively warm, but if it does, you must take immediate action to avoid permanent damage. All lead-acid batteries have an internal resistance, and it is a simple property of the actual battery cells. Internal resistance causes more heat to be generated in a lead-acid battery with a higher load from either a connected device (such as a car) or when the battery is being discharged by connecting a load across the terminals. Internal resistance also causes more voltage to “drop” when the load is placed on the battery. The internal resistance of a battery can be measured with an IR meter (such as our IR-10 or IR-30).

Internal resistance is a vital factor when determining battery life. The lower the internal resistance of your NiMH battery, the longer your battery will last when discharging at a high current rate. The internal resistance of our new AA NiMH batteries is so low that the energy they lose while under load at a discharge rate of 500mA is less than 1% – ten times lower than that lost by ordinary NiMH batteries.

The internal resistance turns some of the electrical energy to heat energy which causes the temperature rise of the battery after its usage.

A source in series with internal resistance is called an ideal source or Thévenin source. The internal resistance of an ideal source is by definition zero, so the voltage across it is equal to the supply voltage. The impedance of an ideal current source is also zero, but for different reasons: When a no-admittance voltage divider is used to model the current source, the output impedance of the divider equals the admittance of the current source, and so they are combined in series in the same way as a resistor, and a capacitor would be.

Internal resistance formula

Internal resistance is the factor causing batteries or cells to get hot in operation. The formulae given below will help you calculate the internal resistance of a single cell and battery circuit

E =  I(r+R)

E = electromotive force measured in volts, I = current measured in amperes, R = load resistance, and r is the internal resistance of cells measured in ohms.

The letter V is the potential differencebetween two points in a closed electric circuit which is denoted by I is the current flowing through it. 

The equation associated with voltage(V) is 

V = IR 

where R = resistance of the conductor.

Internal resistance (also called IR) is a property of the electrical circuit and is easy to evaluate. It results in heat dissipation or loss of power factor and torque. Good electrical conductivity, the smaller physical size of wire, rods, or plates as well, and the low thermal mass of the materials all contribute to lower internal resistance

The potential difference in the cell

The potential difference in the cell is the measure of the potential difference between two half cells in an electrochemical cell. The potential difference between the half cells of a redox reaction is known as the cell potential. The cell potential is caused by the ability of electrons to flow from one-half cell to the other. The former half cell becomes oxidized and is also said to be in deficit, while the latter half cell becomes reduced and is also said to be in excess. The cell potential can be used to determine whether a redox reaction will take place or not.

A terminal potential difference in the cell

The terminal voltage of an ideal galvanic cell is zero because there is no net transfer of charge across its terminals. The terminal potential difference of a cell is the potential difference between the cathode and the anode of a closed circuit when the current is drawn from that cell. In a complete circuit made up of one galvanic cell, with both electrodes immersed in an electrolyte, the emf at the cathode electrode and the emf at the anode electrode will have the same magnitude but opposite signs.


The Internal Resistance formula can be applied to different engines and electrical devices. First, we must understand the Internal Resistance formula in its simplest form. Then, we can apply it to more complex applications. The most basic applications focus on the relationship between voltage, current, power input, and Internal Resistance.

The internal resistance of a cell is one of the most important characteristics determining how much energy it will deliver. It is also one of the characteristics that cause the most confusion when explaining battery behavior.


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