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let’s learn about a very common eye defect known as hypermetropia. In this article, you will get a thorough knowledge about this eye defect.

The eye may develop visual problems for a variety of causes, including injury, excessive TV viewing, using a mobile device to view a computer screen from a close distance, lens degeneration, or even aging. The malfunctioning of the lens has resulted in a few flaws. One is myopia (short-sightedness) and the other one is hypermetropia (long-sightedness). Myopia is a condition in which a person can see nearer items well but the objects farther away appear blurry. It is caused by the eyeball being larger than normal. Hypermetropia (long-sightedness) is defined as a condition in which the eye is shorter than usual or the cornea is excessively flat, causing light rays to focus beyond the retina. The retina cannot concentrate light rays from close objects, such as book pages, clearly. When gazing at objects close to them, someone with hypermetropic eyes may notice that their vision is blurred, but that their eyesight is crisper when looking at faraway objects. 


Long-sightedness, also known as hypermetropia, is a vision problem caused by a smaller than normal eyeball. As a result, the eye lens can only generate a picture of a nearby object at a distance that ends behind the retina after the rays converge. As a result, the image generated on the retina is blurred, and the person is unable to clearly perceive close objects. The person, on the other hand, has no issues with objects that are kept at a safe distance. Hypermetropia can be corrected with a convex or converging lens, which is made up of rays that require extra converges to meet at a lens distance.

Hypermetropia diagram 

Hypermetropia is a visual problem in which a person can’t see clearly close up but can see clearly far away. It happens because the eye lens’s converging strength is low, and the picture of close objects is produced behind the retina. As a result, the person is unable to clearly notice these objects. Hypermetropia can also be induced by an eyeball that is abnormally short in some situations. Because the distance between the eye lens and the retina is reduced, pictures from behind the retina. The hypermetropic eye’s near point is more than 25 cm away from the eye. The hypermetropic eye is depicted in the following ray diagram, along with how the problem is remedied using a convex lens. A convex lens is a convergent lens that turns light rays into a virtual image of a close object at the eye’s near point.  The light rays from the near point are therefore easily focused on the eye lens, forming distinct images of the objects on the retina.

a) What is hypermetropia?(b) What are the two causes of this defect of vision?(c) How can this defect of the eye be corrected? Illustrate your answer by drawing ray diagram to show

Cause of hypermetropia 

A farsighted eye does not correctly refract (bend) light. The light is under-focused, resulting in an incomplete image on the retina. In far-sightedness, you won’t be able to see things properly.

It’s helpful to think about how regular vision works to grasp this.

The light enters the eye lens through the pupil, which is a jelly-like translucent material made of proteins. The function of the eye lenses is to focus light traveling through them onto the retina, which is a light-sensitive screen. The ciliary muscles are a pair of muscles that hold the eye lens in place. The ciliary muscle adjusts the focal length of the lens by stretching and making it bulge to increase the focal length and contracting in and making it bulge to reduce the focal length. When light strikes the retina, it causes a huge number of light-sensitive cells to form an electric signal. These electric signals are transmitted through the optic nerve to the brain, where they are interpreted so that the item can be viewed.

Symptoms of longsightedness

  • It’s possible that nearby things will appear hazy.

  • To see clearly, you must squint.

  • You’re experiencing eye strain, which includes burning and aching in or around the eyes.

  • After doing close chores like reading, writing, computer work, or sketching for a period of time, you have general eye discomfort or a headache.

How to cure hypermetropia 

The purpose of correcting farsightedness with corrective lenses or refractive surgery is to help focus light on the retina.

Lenses – Treatment isn’t often essential in young people since their crystalline lenses are flexible enough to compensate for the issue. Prescription lenses may be required to improve your near vision, depending on the degree of farsightedness. This is especially true as you become older and your eye lenses grow less flexible.

Prescription lenses come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Eyeglasses. This is a simple and safe technique to improve farsightedness-related vision. Single vision, bifocals, trifocals, and progressive multifocal are among the many types of eyeglass lenses available.

Contact lenses are a type of contact lens that is used These contact lenses are placed directly on your eyes. They come in a range of materials and styles, including soft and rigid, gas permeable, and spherical, toric, multifocal, and monovision designs.

Refractive surgery- Refractive eye surgery is an elective procedure that improves the refractive state of the eye and reduces or eliminates the need for glasses or contact lenses. This can include a variety of corneal surgical procedures, lens implantation, or lens replacement.


The human eye is a natural optical instrument that uses an eye lens to generate an image of an object on the retina. The eye has a number of characteristics, including the ability to accommodate and vision persistence. However, myopia, hypermetropia, and cataract are all conditions that can affect the eye. Hypermetropia farsightedness is a visual condition in which a person can see far away items clearly but not nearby objects. Spectacles or contact lenses with ‘plus’ or convex lenses are used to correct hypermetropia.


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What is the cause of hypermetropia?

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