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How is Microwave used in Day-to-Day Life

Microwaves regulate our lifestyle in several ways. The technology is used in communication systems, cooking and medical purposes.

Whenever we hear the term microwave, we generally think about the microwave oven in our kitchen. However, the term microwave has a much broader meaning than just being a kitchen appliance. 

Microwaves are electromagnetic waves distinguished by a wavelength ranging between 0.04 and 12 inches and a frequency of about 300 GHz. Microwaves are most favourable for signal transmission, which requires a large bandwidth. Microwaves lie between radio waves and infrared rays in the electromagnetic spectrum and have many practical applications, such as  in radar, cooking and communication. 

Applications of Microwave 

Microwave Ovens

Ovens are the most commonly used microwave application and can be easily found in kitchens. Microwaves are discharged by the magnetron device, which is present in the circuits of the microwave oven. These discharged waves get reflected by the metallic surface and absorbed by the food particles. This is a process of cooking food.

Global Positioning System (GPS)

The functioning and working of a GPS (Global Positioning System) are founded on microwaves. A GPS includes a network of satellites that transfuses with the earth’s receiver by constantly discharging microwaves. The receivers then track down an unknown location by using the ranging method.

The velocity of the microwaves is familiar because it travels at the same velocity as light. With the help of timing devices, we can easily record the time taken by microwaves to reach from the transmitting device to the receiver. That is why GPS gives pinpoint and errorless positions.


Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) network uses frequencies 2.4GHz and 5GHz. Both these frequencies lie under the range of the microwaves. For example, a laptop wifi emits the signal of 2.4GHz frequency, which lies in the band of microwave frequency which is 300MHz and 300GHz. So, Wi-Fi uses microwaves for the transmission and reception of signals.


Bluetooth connects two devices using short-range microwave signals, So we do not have to use wires and cables. This technique is known as Spread Spectrum Frequency Hopping. In this technique, the signal changes very quickly with many different frequency channels. Bluetooth works at the frequency of 2.4GHz. The frequencies under the range of 300MHz to 300GHz are microwaves.

This is usually done in a random sequence but it is known to the transmitter and receiver. By this, any possibility of interference with other devices is terminated. 


Radio Detection and Ranging, also known as Radar, uses microwaves to locate a hurdle. Microwaves can be easily propagated in space and in the atmosphere. With the help of microwaves, we can easily locate the exact position of the hurdle and determine its shape. 

The antenna from which microwaves are emitted is pointed in the target’s direction. When these waves strike the target, they bounce back and provide the information of the hurdle.

Radio Detection and Ranging devices are also used in radio speed guns. It can also ship in the sea, aircraft, spacecraft, etc. This device was developed during the Second World War.

Communication Systems

Microwaves are used in communication techniques like cellular communication, wireless communication, satellite communication, spacecraft communication, optical communication, point-to-point communication, etc.

It is because microwaves can propagate with the speed of light and have a high frequency so that the signals can be transmitted over long distances with less loss.

By using microwaves, satellites can emit signals directly to earth. Distinct from other waves, microwaves through the ionosphere can easily bypass the atmosphere to broadcast information.

In cellular communication, signals are sent as small continuous bursts of information in a very short period. This process does not require any wire and cable between the devices for communication. 

Medical Equipment

Microwaves are used in many medical applications. For instance, we can use microwaves to dry human tissues; this process is known as microwave ablation. For surface-based treatment, high-frequency microwaves can be used. Microwaves can also be used in vein therapy and vision correction. It also plays a vital role in treating cancer.

Commercial and Industrial Applications

The food industry, medical industry, communication industry etc., use microwaves. Microwaves are used to melt or heat an object because they are high-energy waves. This is the main reason microwaves are used in industrial heating. Rotational spectroscopy also uses microwaves.

Effects of Microwaves on Health

Microwaves are non-ionizing radiation, which means photons present in microwaves do not have enough energy to break chemical bonds or cause DNA damage, as x-rays or ultraviolet rays can. Microwaves do not have unfavourable biological effects at low levels. 

Only a few studies have shown that exposure to microwaves for a long-time may start the formation of cancer cells in the body. When injuries from microwaves occur, it only happens when dielectric heating is induced in the body. Microwaves can cause cataracts because the heating ability of microwaves can break the structure of a protein in the lens of the eyes.


Microwaves were first used to develop radar systems in the Second World War. At that time, no one could imagine that microwaves would have so many great applications in the future. Now microwaves are used in nearly everything around us, from giving us the technology to communicate with distant peoples to quick solutions for heating and cooking our food.

Indeed, It is hard to imagine our lives without microwaves. We will not be able to communicate with our beloved friends and also not be able to heat our vegetables.


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