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How does the Maxwell and Ampere Laws Connect with Displacement Current

The concept of displacement current may be traced back to a well-known scientist named James Clerk Maxwell. Maxwell is well recognised for what is known as Maxwell’s equations. The four equations, when combined, create an elegant method of explaining the basics of electricity and magnetism. We shall be particularly interested in one of these equations, known as the Maxwell-Ampere law, for displacement current.

Displacement Current Equation

Maxwell’s equation depicts displacement current as having the same unit and impact on the magnetic field as conduction current.

▽ × H = J + JD


H is connected to the magnetic field B in the same way that

B = μH

μ is the degree of permeability of the medium between the plates.

The conducting current density is denoted by J.

The displacement current density is denoted by JD.

Let us now look at the link between displacement and Maxwell Ampere law.

  1. Andre-Marie Ampere invented Ampere’s law. It states that:

∫B. dl = μ0 I

A magnetic field (B) is created around a closed loop when conduction current (I) flows through it.

Maxwell’s modification to Ampere’s law resulted in the Maxwell-Ampere Law.

  1. Mr. James Clerk Maxwell, a well-known scientist acknowledged for his work on Maxwell’s equations, added to Ampère’s law, which stated that:

Magnetic fields may be produced in two ways: by electric current (as indicated by Ampere Law) and by altering electric fields (Maxwell’s addition, dubbed displacement current).

Maxwell-Ampere Law Equation

Hans Christian Oersted made the initial finding that prompted researchers to explore the relationship between the magnetic field and current in 1820 when he found that electric currents deflected magnetic needles. This prompted numerous physicists in Europe to do similar research on the phenomena. While Jean-Baptiste Biot and Félix Savart were experimenting with a setup similar to Oersted’s, André-Marie Ampère’s experiment concentrated on measuring the forces that two electric wires exert on each other.

In order to fulfil the continuity equation of electric charge, James Clerk Maxwell modified Ampere’s law in 1861 by introducing the displacement current into the electric current component. Maxwell proposed the theory of electromagnetic field in 1864, predicating the wave propagation of electromagnetic fields and the equivalence of light propagation and electromagnetic wave propagation on the concept of displacement current.

Heinrich Hertz empirically verified the existence of electromagnetic waves, as predicted by Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory, and demonstrated the equivalence of electromagnetic waves and light in the late 1880s.

These works laid strong groundwork for the advancement of modern electromagnetism.

The Ampere-Maxwell equation describes the relationship between electric currents and magnetic flux. In electromagnetic surveys, it characterises the magnetic fields produced by a transmitter wire or loop. It is critical for characterising the magnetometric resistivity experiment for stable currents.

Ampere identified the first term on the right side of the equation. It depicts the link between a current and the circulation of the magnetic field, with any closed contour line referring to all currents, regardless of their physical origin.

Although all currents are basically the same from a microscopic perspective, the total current involved in the Ampere-Maxwell equation comprises free current and bound current. In different settings, treating free current and bound current differently provides physical insights into the Ampere-Maxwell equation.

Moving charges that are not attached to atoms create free current, which is also known as conduction current. In contrast, magnetisation or polarisation induces the bound current in the bulk material. When a magnetic material is put in an external magnetic field, the migration of electrons in atoms induces a magnetisation current.

The second part of the equation is Maxwell’s contribution, which reveals that a magnetic field circulation is also generated by the rate of change in time of electric flux. This shows how current flows in a basic circuit using a battery and a capacitor. The word is crucial in demonstrating how electromagnetic energy propagates as waves.


Ampere’s law, as originally formulated, holds true anytime there is a continuous conduction current, although there are several circumstances where the law fails. A circuit with a capacitor is a typical example of this. Positive charge (+Q) and negative charge (-Q) accumulate on the capacitor’s opposing plates.

When the capacitor is charging or discharging, current passes via the wires, generating a magnetic field, but no current flows between the capacitor’s plates. According to Ampere’s rule, no magnetic field can be formed by the current here, yet we know that a magnetic field exists. Maxwell saw the contradiction in Ampere’s law and added an additional term to Ampere’s law to address the problem.

The Maxwell-Ampere law refers to the final version of the equation.


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