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Horizontal projectile motion

Find the multiple choice questions on "Horizontal projectile motion", frequently asked for all competitive examinations.

Projectiles in the horizontal direction include a ball thrown horizontally and a bullet shot from a rifle held horizontally, which are both instances of projectiles. There is just one initial velocity u for this form of projection, and it is only in the horizontal or x-direction. Although there is no start velocity in the vertical or y-direction, there is an initial velocity in the horizontal.

  1. A stone has just been thrown out of a train’s window as it travels along a horizontal straight track. Following which path, the stone will fall to the ground.

  1. Hyperbolic path

  2. Straight path

  3. Circular path

  4. Parabolic path

Answer: Correct option will be: (d) Parabolic path

  1. A person standing on a 60-meter tower throws an object upwards at a speed of 40 m/s and at a 30° angle to the horizontal. Calculate the total time it took the object to reach its maximum height and then fall to the ground (using g=10m/s2).

  1. 3s

  2. 20s

  3. 10s

  4. 6s

Answer: Correct option will be (d)6s.

  1. A particle is projected at a horizontal angle of and reaches a maximum height of H. The projectile’s time to reach the highest point along its path is:

  1. Hg

  2. 2Hg

  3. 2Hsin g

  4. 2Hsin θ

Answer: Correct option will be: (b)2Hg.

  1. When a bullet is fired horizontally, another bullet is dropped from the same height. They will hit the ground

  1. at the same time

  2. at different times depending on the observer

  3. One after the other

  4. None of the preceding

Answer: Correct option will be: (a) at the same time.

  1. An aero plane dropping a bomb while moving horizontally at a constant speed. When air resistance is taken into account, the bomb

  1. flies alongside the plane

  2. falls to earth behind the plane

  3. falls to earth ahead of the plane

  4. falls to earth exactly below the plane.

Answer: Correct option will be: (b) falls to earth behind the plane.

  1. A particle A is dropped from a height and a particle B is thrown at a speed of 5m/sec in a horizontal direction from the same height.

  1. Particle B will arrive at the ground first

  2. Both particles will arrive at the ground with the same speed.

  3. Particle A will arrive at the ground first

  4. Both particles will arrive at the ground at the same time.

Answer: Correct option will be: (d) Both particles will arrive at the ground at the same time.

  1. The minimum horizontal range of a particle is achieved at an angle of =

  1. 450

  2. 60o

  3. 50o

  4. 90o

Answer: Correct option will be: (d)90o.

  1. For a projectile’s range to equal its maximum height, the projection angle is

  1. θ=2

  2. θ=3

  3. θ=4

  4. None of the mentioned

Answer: Correct option will be: θ=(4) .

  1. A body is projected with kinetic energy E to achieve the greatest horizontal range possible. At its highest point, its potential energy is

  1. E

  2. E2

  3. 2E

  4. 2E

Answer: Correct option will be: (D)2E

  1. A bullet is fired from a gun with a max speed of 500 m/s at a destination 50 meters away. The gun must be aimed ___at the target in order to hit it.

  1. straight at the target along the line connecting the gun and the target

  2. 10 cm above the target

  3. 5 cm above the target

  4. none of these

Answer: Correct option will be: 5 cm above the target

  1. A soccer ball is thrown at a 60-degree angle from the ground. It grows to its maximum height in 10 s. Using g=10 m/s2 as the acceleration due to gravity. What is the projected velocity of the object?

  1. 115.5 m/s

  2. 117 m/s

  3. 120 m/s

  4. 11.55 m/s

Answer: correct option will be (a)115.5 m/s.

  1. A plane flying horizontally at 720 km/h drops a food pocket while flying horizontally at 5 m/sec from the same height. The correct response for the packet to reach the ground and distance from drop point to landing point of the packet is:

  1. 9sec,  1800m

  2. 5 sec,  500m

  3. 8sec,  1500m

  4. 3sec,  2000m

Answer: Correct option will be: (a)9sec,  1800m

  1. An Airplane moving at 150 m/s at a height of 80 m. It is used to drop a bomb on a specific target. What distance should the bomb be dropped from the target?

  1. 600m

  2. 605.3 m

  3. 80m

  4. 230m

Answer: Correct option will be: (a) 600 m

  1. When the point of projection and the point of landing are on the same level of the horizontal plane, which of the following formulae is used to determine the time of flight for projectile motion?

  1. 2usin sin α/  g

  2. u2sin sin α /2g

  3. 2usin sin α /g cos cos θ

  4. 2ugsin sin α

Answer: Correct option will be: (a) 2usin sin α/ g.

  1. Assume the same ball is thrown at two different angles from the ground, 50° and 80°, with an initial velocity of 12 m/s.

  • At what angle does the ball cover the greatest distance?

  • What is the ball’s maximum range of travel?

  1. 50º,  14.45m

  2. 50º,  11.24m

  3. 80º,  50.33m

  4. 80º,  16.26m

Answer: Correct option will be: (a) 50º,  14.45m.

  1. Which of the mentioned factors affecting the actual path of motion is ignored in projectile motion?

  1. Earth’s curvature

  2. Earth’s rotation

  3. Wind resistance

  4. All the mentioned

Answer: Correct option will be: (d) All the mentioned.

  1. A ball is launched at a 30o angle from the horizontal surface with a velocity of 10 m/sec. The projectile’s range is:

  1. 10m

  2. 10√3m

  3. 20√3m

  4. 40√3m

Answer: Correct option will be: (c)20√3m

  1. A stone is launched horizontally at a velocity of 9.8m/s from a 100m tall tower. It has a speed of 1 second after projection.

  1. 9.8 m/s

  2. 4.9 m/s

  3. 9.8√2 m/s

  4. 4.9√2m/s

Answer: Correct option will be: 9.82 m/s.

  1. A ball projected at an angle of θ reaches a maximum height of H1, while a ball projected at an angle of (90-) reaches a maximum height of H2. The projectile’s range will then be:

  1. R=√H1H2

  2. R=√H1H2/2

  3. R=3√H1H2

  4. None of the mentioned.

Answer: Correct optioned will be: R=3√H1H2

  1. If a body is thrown horizontally from the top of a tower:

  1. The time of flight relies on both h and v.

  2. The horizontal Range depends only on v but not on h

  3. the horizontal Range depends on both v and h

  4. None of these are true.

Answer: Correct option will be: (c) the horizontal Range depends on both v and h