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Greenhouse Effect: Definition and Causes

The greenhouse effect plays a vital role in the survival of life on Earth. It maintains the temperature of Earth and makes it warmer than other planets, balancing life on Earth.

The greenhouse effect is the process to keep the surface of Earth warm by the greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide and methane, as well as nitrous oxide and water vapour that traps the sun’s heat energy back to Earth’s surface. Sun’s radiations pass through the atmosphere, and some radiations are trapped by the greenhouse gas and make the surface of Earth warm. The greenhouse effect plays a vital role in the survival of life on Earth. The greenhouse gas carbon dioxide balances Earth’s atmosphere, otherwise Earth would become a cold planet like Mars. 

Greenhouse Effect: Definition and Causes

The greenhouse effect maintains the temperature of Earth and makes it warmer than other planets. The greenhouse effect arises naturally, making Earth neither too hot nor too cold. Greenhouse gas helps Earth not to freeze. The surface of Earth becomes hot in the daytime and at night it becomes cool. The heat is absorbed by the greenhouse gases from the atmosphere that keeps Earth warmer, resulting in the greenhouse effect stabilising life on Earth. 

Some important greenhouse gases

The major greenhouse gases whose concentration is increasing with human activities include methane as well as carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide. 

An overview of such greenhouse gases is mentioned below:

  1. Carbon dioxide: It is a prominent greenhouse gas that is produced in the atmosphere through natural sources and by the activities of humans on Earth. The natural sources that help to produce carbon dioxide have a positive effect on Earth. The natural way of decaying organic substances and gases from volcanoes produce this gas. Aerobic animals also exhale carbon dioxide, which is used by plants during photosynthesis. Chemical and physical reactions, which may include the burning of trees, oil and natural gases and coal and many other biological as well as industrial wastes in the form of chemicals and solid wastes, may increase the level of this gas in the atmosphere.
  2. Methane: It is one of the strongest and most powerful greenhouse gases. The increased radiative force of this gas produced per molecule is greater than other gases. Methane enters the atmosphere from the soil when oxidised bacteria decompose organic materials. Methane is also emitted during coal production and in agricultural and livestock practices.
  3. Nitrous Oxide: It is produced by industrial and agricultural activities. This gas is also produced during wastewater treatment and when burning solid waste.

Causes of Greenhouse Effect

The greenhouse effect is caused by various human activities:

  1. The greenhouse effect is caused by the burning of natural gases as well as oil and coal that is burned daily by humans for their survival. The burning of such fuels to produce electricity and for transportation increases the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The rapid increase in population is also responsible for increasing the level of carbon dioxide in air.
  2. Cutting down of trees may cause greenhouse effects on the surface of Earth. Plants play an important role in balancing life on Earth. Plants give out oxygen and take in carbon dioxide during the photosynthesis process. Burning and cutting down trees may increase the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which is harmful for everyone.
  3. Farmers using a high amount of nitrous oxide in their agricultural practices lead to an increase in the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere and an imbalance in the temperature of Earth.
  4. The greenhouse effect is also caused by the dangerous gases produced by many industries and factories. The chemical waste from industries and the dumping of solid waste materials may cause the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere.

Impact of the Greenhouse Effect

The greenhouse gases in the environment change the temperature of Earth and make the conditions of living creatures worse on Earth. 

The consequences of the greenhouse effect are mentioned below:

  1. The growth of greenhouse gases may change Earth’s temperature as well as the climate, which results in global warming. Global warming melts the glacier in cold places and worsens climatic conditions.
  2. Global warming and the greenhouse effect increases the seawater level, resulting in floods in many coastal areas and affecting marine lives.
  3. The high intensity of greenhouse gases changes climatic conditions and may cause violent storms as well as tropical cyclones.
  4. The effects of the greenhouse gases also include soil degradation. The high amount of greenhouse gases change weather conditions, which may result in heavy rainfall. This affects the fertility of the soil and converts them into infertile and barren lands.
  5. Crops get destroyed by the changing temperature and climate. Global warming also affects livestock, causes diseases and creates problems in reproduction.


The greenhouse effect has both positive and negative impacts on the planet. The greenhouse gases make Earth warm for the survival of life. On the other hand, the greenhouse effect is responsible for changing the climate and weather of Earth, resulting in global warming. 

Trapping energy can increase the temperature of the surface of Earth. The greenhouse gas protects the surface of Earth from harmful solar radiation. At night, the concentration of the greenhouse gas becomes low, and it becomes high during daytime. The increased and forced radiation is responsible for the high concentration of greenhouse gases that affect agricultural practices and melt the ice in cold places. Global warming is also a danger for human as well as economic life.


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