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General properties

Inertia, Mass, Weight, Volume, Density, and Specific Gravity are the fundamental qualities we employ to measure matter. The periodic table is a visual representation of the chemical properties of elements that influence the calculations below. Intrinsic and extrinsic measurements are the two types of measurements. Another extrinsic property has the same weight as the total weight. Extrinsic (also known as extended) qualities, such as volume and weight, are proportional to the amount of material being measured.

The properties of matter can be divided into two groups. It is an extensive property if it is dependent on the amount of matter present. Extensive features include a substance’s mass and volume; for example, a gallon of milk has a bigger mass than a cup of milk. The value of a large property is proportional to the amount of substance it contains. It is an intense property if the property of a sample of matter is independent of the amount of matter present. A good example of an intense property is temperature. When the gallon and cup of milk are both at 20 °C (room temperature), the temperature remains at 20 °C when mixed. Consider the separate but related qualities of heat and temperature as another example. A drop of hot frying oil on your arm provides just slight irritation, whereas a pot of boiling oil causes severe burns. Although the temperature of the drop and the pot of oil is the same (an intense feature), the pot clearly holds considerably more heat (extensive property).

Introduction to waves

  • The ability to transfer energy is described as follows:
  • Movement that is periodic and repetitive in nature is usually incorporated.
  • No net movement of the medium or the particles contained within the medium is seen (mechanical wave).

Waves can be described in a few fundamental ways. 1. An identical component of a wave is separated by a distance called the wavelength. Maximum displacement from the neutral position is measured in amplitude. The energy of the wave is represented by this. More energy is carried by larger amplitudes of sound. As the wave goes through a medium, the displacement of a given point changes its position. It is the wave’s amplitude which determines its maximum displacement.

The frequency f  is the number of repeats per second in hertz (Hz), s-1, and the period (T) is the time it takes for one wavelength to pass through a location in a given period. When T is equal to one, it is said to be in the negative direction.

Specifically, the wave’s velocity (v) is defined as the speed at which a certain section of the wave travels through a particular point. It takes c seconds for a light wave to travel one kilometre per second.

Types of Waves

There are various sorts of waves, which are detailed here.

waves that travel in the opposite direction of the current

  • When the medium moves at a right angle to the wave’s path, this is referred to as a right-angle wave.

Transverse waves can be seen in the following situations

  • The waves of the ocean (ripples of gravity waves, not sound through water)
  • Photons of light
  • The earthquake waves are characterised by an S-wave pattern.
  • Stringed instruments are a type of instrument that has strings attached to it.
  • a tidal wave in which there is a rotation
  • The crest of a transverse wave is the point at which the wave’s height is the highest.

Longitudinal Wave

 In a longitudinal wave, the movement of the particles in the medium occurs in the same dimension as the wave’s direction of travel.

Several examples of long-wave propagation include

  • acoustic earthquake waves of the P-type
  • There is a wave of compression.
  • Longitudinal waves are composed of the following segments:
  • A condition in which particles are compressed is known as a compression condition.
  • A rarefaction is a condition in which the particles are widely apart.

EM Waves

EM Waves are electromagnetic waves that travel through space and time.

Radio waves, light rays, x-rays, and cosmic rays are all examples of electromagnetic radiation.


In order for a wave to propagate, it must pass through a medium. Waves in a Slinky, sound waves, and water waves are all examples of this.

  • Matter Waves (also known as matter waves) are the waves that make up matter.
  • Waves can be used to describe any moving object. A stone placed into a pond causes the water to be disturbed from its equilibrium positions as the wave passes through; the water returns to its equilibrium positions after the wave has passed.
  • Emissions of electromagnetic waves are disturbances that do not require the presence of an object medium in order to propagate and can easily pass across the vacuum environment. Various magnetic and electric fields are responsible for their production. Electromagnetic waves are periodic changes in magnetic and electric fields that occur on a regular basis, and are hence named as such.

Indicator of wave speed

A wave’s entire distance travelled in a given time period is referred to as its propagation length. The following is the mathematical formula for wave speed:

Wave speed is equal to the distance travelled divided by the time it takes.

Ionic Compounds Have Specific Characteristics

  • Because they are extremely strong and require a great deal of energy to break, Ionic Compounds have extremely high boiling and melting points.
  • Ions are formed as a result of the electrostatic forces of attraction that exist between oppositely charged ions.
  • ionic compounds crystallise when exposed to high temperatures
  • As a result, these compounds are brittle and easily fracture into small pieces.
  • Water is the most common solvent for electrovalent substances, while oil, gasoline, kerosene, and other solvents are insoluble.
  • The solid state of ionic compounds does not allow them to conduct electricity, but the molten state does allow them to do so.
  • Ionic compounds have higher enthalpies of fusion and vaporisation than molecular compounds when compared to each other.

Formation of Ionic bond

Because there is just one electron in the outermost shell of the Sodium (Na) atom’s outermost shell, the M shell, if it loses that electron, the L shell takes over as its outermost shell and the atom has a stable eight-electron configuration. The sodium atom has eleven protons in its nucleus, but the number of electrons has decreased to ten, resulting in a positive charge on the atom and the formation of the sodium cation, or sodium ion. While there are seven atoms in the outermost shell of the chlorine (Cl) atom, it requires one more electron to complete its octet in order to be considered complete.

The electron that would have been lost by sodium would be taken by Chlorine in the event of a reaction between the two elements. A negative charge would be left on the chlorine atom as a result of this procedure, due to the fact that it would contain seventeen protons in its nucleus and eighteen electrons in its K, L, and M shells. The chlorine atom receives a negative charge as a result of this reaction. An Ionic bond or Electrovalent compound is thus formed between the negatively charged Chlorine and positively charged Sodium.


While the chemical and physical properties of many elements vary greatly, other elements have properties that are very similar to one another. Many elements, for example, conduct heat and electricity well, whereas others are poor conductors of both heat and electricity. These characteristics can be used to categorise elements into three groups: metals (elements that conduct well), nonmetals (elements that conduct poorly), and metalloids (elements that conduct poorly and conduct poorly) (elements that have intermediate conductivities).


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