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Frame of reference

Dynamics is a discipline of physical science and a subset of mechanics concerned with the motion of material things concerning the physical forces that influence them: force, mass, momentum, and energy. The force acting on a body is equal to the rate of change of the body's momentum, according to this law.


A frame of reference is an abstract coordinate system with an origin, direction, and scale given by a collection of reference geometric points whose position is both mathematically and physically identified in physics and astronomy.

The requirement to differentiate between multiple interpretations of “frame of reference” has resulted in a plethora of words. The type of coordinate system, for example, is occasionally applied as a modifier, as in the Cartesian frame of reference. The condition of motion is sometimes highlighted, such as in a revolving frame of reference. As with the Galilean frame of reference, the way it transitions to related frames is sometimes stressed.

When the emphasis is on the state of motion rather than the coordinate choice or the character of the observations or observational instrument, an observational frame of reference is utilised. In this way, an observational frame of reference allows researchers to investigate the effects of motion on a wide range of coordinate systems that can be attached to it.

A physical notion linked to the state of motion is an observational frame (also known as an inertial frame or a non-inertial frame of reference).

A coordinate system is a mathematical term that entails a language choice for describing observations. A change in the coordinate system used does not affect the observer’s state of motion, and hence does not affect the observer’s observational frame of reference. This point of view can also be found elsewhere. That isn’t to say that some coordinate systems are better suited to certain observations than others.

The observer’s state of motion and choice of coordinate system is unrelated to what to measure and with what observational apparatus.

Types of Frame of Reference

Inertial frame

A frame of reference in which Newton’s law holds true is called an inertial frame of reference. That is to say, if no external force acts on a body, it will remain at rest or in uniform motion. Assume a body is preserved on the surface of the earth; it is at rest for a person on the earth, but in motion for a person on the moon; which is my inertial frame here?

The phrase inertial frame refers to a reference frame that is assumed to represent the inertial frame of reference. Inertial frame is at rest or moves with constant velocity with respect to my imagined inertial reference frame, according to a more generic definition.

An inertial frame of reference is a frame of reference that does not accelerate in classical physics or special relativity. A physical object with zero net force acting on it moves at a constant velocity (which may be zero) in an inertial frame of reference—or, to put it another way, it is a frame of reference in which Newton’s first law of motion holds. In analytical terminology, an inertial frame of reference is a frame of reference that characterises time and space homogeneously, isotropically, and time-independently. In a theoretical sense, the physics of a system in an inertial frame has no external sources.

Non-inertial frame

A non-inertial frame of reference is one that is always accelerating or going in a cyclic path. We may now define a non-inertial frame as one that moves faster than the presumed inertial frame of reference. In these frames, Newton’s law will not apply. So, if I consider the earth to be an inertial reference frame, the moon becomes a non-inertial reference frame since it is moving faster than the earth. However, if we want Newton’s rule to remain true here, we’ll need to use some strange forces known as pseudo forces.

It is frequently feasible to describe the motion of things in non-inertial reference frames in classical mechanics by adding extra fictional forces to Newton’s second law. The Coriolis force and centrifugal force are two instances of this. In general, the acceleration of the non-inertial frame may be used to derive the formula for any fictional force. One may conclude that F = ma ( where ‘F’ is force, ‘m’ is mass and ‘a’ is acceleration) holds in any coordinate system if the word ‘force’ is reinterpreted to include the so-called reversed effective forces or inertia forces.


 A frame of reference (or reference frame) in physics and astronomy is an abstract coordinate system whose origin, orientation, and scale are specified by a set of reference points, geometric points whose position is identified both mathematically (with numerical coordinate values) and physically (with physical coordinate values).

An origin, reference lines, reference planes, and stability are all important characteristics of frames of reference. 


A reference frame must have a reference point of origin that creates the frame’s zero point to help measure linear distances.


A frame of reference is a combination of a reference point and a set of directions. A reference point is analogous to the concept of a frame of reference. A reference point combined with a set of directions is known as a frame of reference. For example, while a train pulls away from a station, a youngster remains motionless inside.

This point of reference is sometimes known as “the origin.”

Coordinate system

Although the term “coordinate system” is frequently used non technically (particularly by physicists), it does have a precise mathematical meaning, which is sometimes what the physicist intends.

Measurement apparatus

The role of the measurement apparatus attached to the frame is another feature of a frame of reference. This subject is not addressed in this article, although it is of special interest in quantum physics, where the observer-measurement relationship is currently being debated.

The laboratory frame, or simply “lab frame,” is the frame of reference in which the laboratory measuring devices are at rest in physics investigations. A frame in which the detectors for a particle accelerator are at rest is an example. In some investigations, the lab frame is an inertial frame, but it is not needed.


A frame of reference is a collection of coordinates that may be used to determine the locations and velocities of objects within it; different frames of reference move in relation to one another. This means we can solve issues in any reference frame and get the same result.


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