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Forces between multiple charges

Read on to enlighten yourself about forces between multiple charges, Expression for Coulomb's Law, Coulomb's Law in Vector Form, Coulomb's Law Formula. Additionally, find answers to frequently asked questions about the same.


A charge is an intrinsic property of each molecule; an iota is supposed to be charged assuming it has a sporadic number of electrons and protons, a particle is supposed to be decidedly charged if it has less number of electrons than protons and contrarily charged if it has more number of electrons than protons.

The bodies get charged unexpectedly; the most well-known method of charging a body is to rub. Assuming that you rub a plastic brush with your hair, the brush achieves electrons from hair; presently, if we get small bits of paper near the brush, it draws in pieces like a magnet drawing in iron fillings, this is because the electrons draw in the positive charge on the paper. This is the power of charges in real life.


We can track down the power between any two charges by Coulomb’s law expresses that two charged bodies will draw in or repulse each other with a power that corresponds to the consequence of their masses and oppositely comparative with the square of the distance between them,

Could we get a condition out of this,

What is Coulomb’s Law

As per Coulomb’s law, the power of fascination or aversion between two charged bodies is straightforwardly corresponding to the result of their charges and contrarily relative to the square of the distance between them. It acts along the line joining the two charges seen as point charges.

Coulomb’s Law Formula

History of Coulomb’s Law

A French physicist Charles Augustin de Coulomb, in 1785, authored a substantial relationship in numerical structure between two bodies that have been electrically charged. He distributed a condition for the power making the bodies draw in or repulse each other, known as Coulomb’s law or Coulomb’s inverse square law.

Limitations of Coulomb’s Law

  • The law is pertinent just for the point charges very still.
  • Coulomb’s Law can be just applied in those situations where the inverse square law complies.
  • It is hard to execute Coulomb’s law where charges are in subjective shape because in such cases, we can’t decide the distance between the charges.
  • The law can’t be utilized straightforwardly to compute the charge on the giant planets.

Application Of Coulomb’s Law,

  • To ascertain the distance and power between the two charges.
  • The electric field can be determined utilizing Coulomb’s law

Force Between Multiple Charges Superposition Principle

The superposition principle of electric charges is very similar to the superposition of waves. Force on a specific charge due to another charge under an electric field’s influence cannot be calculated as the scalar sum. On the other hand, It would be the excess of these forces. 

The most famous example of the superposition principle is drawing a triangle and placing three different charges at the triangle’s vertices. The force produced at the midpoint of the triangle would be the vector sum of all the three different charges. The direction of the resultant force will be opposite or towards the heaviest charge in the triangle.

The principle of superposition in conductors has specific characteristics and rules that need to be followed for getting an accurate result. We have mentioned some of them down here –

  • The resultant force will always be the vector sum addition. A charge is a vector property, and if you want to get the resultant force, all you need is the proper orientation and the addition of charges in a specific way. 
  • On the other hand, the direction of the charge on the resultant force becomes a significant factor in the superposition principle. If the charge that contains the highest value is donating its force to the right side, then the resultant force will also act on the right side according to the superposition principle.
  • The superposition principle is also applied when the masses are in motion. The relative velocity could be taken in if the masses are in motion. Hence, it has to apply in the charge function, but you need to remember that there won’t be any addition of the velocity factor in the force unit. 

The forces between several charges using the principle of superposition are calculated as follows:

FT= F1 + F2 + F3 + … Fn

Fn is the net total electrostatic force on a particle in a system of n particles and F1, F2, F3… are the electrostatic forces on the particles in the system. Fn denotes the forces exerted by particles 1, 2, 3, n.

The principle of superposition is a powerful and helpful technique.


Coulomb’s Law – Conditions for Stability

If q is marginally uprooted towards A, FA expands while FB diminishes in size. Presently the net power on q is toward A so that it won’t get back to its unique position. So for pivotal removal, the balance is unsound.

If q is dislodged opposite to AB, the power FA and FB carry the charge to its unique position. So for the opposite removal, the balance is steady.


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