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Excitement of Physics

Physics is the branch of physics that provides knowledge about the interaction between matter and energy. It employs a large number of people around the world.

Physics, technology, and society have always been intertwined. Physics and society accelerated further as new technologies were invented or facts were discovered. For example, Alexander Graham Bell, a Scottish engineer, and scientist invented the first telephone with practical function. His invention gave physics a new dimension and improved communication in human society. Similarly, when Newton gave his three laws, not only did it introduce a new branch of Physics- Newtonian kinematics, but it also improved societal thinking and perception. Therefore, with practical advancements over the years, society has improved a lot more than in the past. 

The scope of Physics

The scope of Physics is an important concept that helps in dealing with qualitative and quantitative studies. The scope of physics has three phenomena – mesoscopic phenomena, macroscopic phenomena, and microscopic phenomena.  

  • Microscopic phenomena

We know that all things are made up of atoms. Those atoms are combined to form the molecules. We cannot see the atoms with our naked eye as the atoms are tiny and micro in size. Each atom consists of one nucleus, which helps us understand the microscopic phenomena of electrons, protons, and neutrons. The microscopic phenomena can be studied at three levels – nuclear, atomic, and molecular. 

Microscopic phenomena are the foundation of modern physics, which covers the concept of relativity theory and quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics discusses the universe at the atomic level and covers the concept of the uncertainty principle and charge quantisation, and wave-particle duality. The theory of relativity elaborates the inertial and noninertial concepts of subatomic particles. 

  • Macroscopic phenomena

The macroscopic concept deals with the big things. It covers both terrestrial and astronomical entities. For example, all the things we can see with our naked eyes, like trees, humans, animals, and birds, come under the terrestrial level. All the celestial bodies like the moon, stars, and planets come under the astronomical level. 

It also helps in studying the law of nature and natural phenomena, including thermal expansions, particle interaction, and gravitational force. The macroscopic phenomena deal with classical physics, which covers the concepts of mechanics and thermodynamics, optics, and electrodynamics.

In mechanics, we can study the concepts of motion, position, and energy of particles or objects. In thermodynamics, we can study the relationship between heat and energy and its conversion. Electrodynamics deals with the charge interactions in electric and magnetic fields. Optics deals with light concepts like refraction and reflection, image formation, and analysis.

  • Mesoscopic phenomena

The mesoscopic phenomena are the phenomena that come in between the microscopic and macroscopic phenomena. It deals with the things which are neither small nor big. It is mainly used for research purposes. 

The Excitement Of Physics

Physics is an exciting subject that shows us the interesting facts or reasons for the day-to-day happenings in our life. It is interesting to learn new concepts or things every day with the help of physics. We can find many laws in physics like the law of nature, electromagnetic induction, Faraday’s law, etc. These types of laws are helpful for practical purposes. Modern devices use these principles and laws of physics. 

Physics helps us discover secrets. For example, in our childhood days, we enjoyed the view of the rainbow without the science behind it. We were unaware of the formation of rainbows in those days. And when we grew bigger, we came to know the scientific reason behind it, which seemed to be very interesting. This is the beauty of physics. 

Besides, we also learned many natural topics like how the television displays the movies; how the satellites work; how the seasons or climate change, the different types of forces, etc. These are just a few examples, but we can find so many exciting facts using the concepts of physics. 


Physics is imperative for the development of new tools. Almost every modern gadget used in our homes is made using principles of physics. The concepts and principles of physics improve the quality of life with comfort and the utilisation of all available resources. The scope of physics is an important concept that helps in dealing with qualitative and quantitative studies. The scope of physics has three phenomena – mesoscopic phenomena, macroscopic phenomena, and microscopic phenomena.  


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What are the types of Physics?

Ans. Classical physics and modern physics are two branches of physics. In classical physics, we study macroscopic phenomena, but in modern physics,...Read full

Explain the microscopic phenomena.

Ans. All things on our earth are made up of atoms. These atoms are grouped to form the molecules. We cannot see these atoms with our naked eyes as ...Read full

What are the three levels or phenomena of the scope of Physics? Write its examples.

Ans. The scope of physics covers three phenomena: Microscopic phenomena Examples: Cells, hair, dust, micro-organisms lik...Read full

What are macroscopic phenomena in physics?

Ans. The macroscopic concept deals with the big things. It covers both terrestrial and astronomical entities. For ex...Read full