NEET UG » NEET UG Study Material » Physics » EMISSION SPECTRUM


The spectrum of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation released by an electron transitioning from a high energy level to a lower energy state is known as the energy spectrum of a chemical compound. The energy difference of the two states is equal to the photon energy of the emitted photon.

The continuous spectrum as well as pattern comprising bright lines or bands seen when electromagnetic radiation generated by a substance is transmitted into a spectrometer is known as the emission spectrum. The spectrum reflects the emitting substance’s characteristics as well as the sort of excitation to which it is subjected. The light emitted when a gaseous element is heated is called an emission spectrum. When electrons in excited atoms fall to lower energy states, they emit energy in the form of light of specific colours. Each element has its own spectrum of emission.


When electromagnetic radiation interacts with atoms and molecules, the electrons in any of these atoms absorb energy and move to a higher energy state, causing them to lose their stability. They must go from the higher energy level to the prior lower energy state in order to reestablish their stability. These atoms and molecules use radiation from various parts of the electromagnetic spectrum to accomplish their goals. The emission spectrum is the range of radiation released by electrons in excited atoms or molecules. as follows:

The spectrum of electromagnetic spectrum is the range released by an atom or molecule transitioning from a high energy state to a lower energy state is known as the spectral lines of a chemical element and chemical compound.


Emission is the process by which a particle’s higher energy quantum mechanical state is transformed to a lower one by emitting a photon, culminating in the production of light in physics. The transition’s energy determines the frequency of light emitted.

Since energy must be conserved, the energy difference between the two states equals the energy carried off by the photon. The energy states of the transitions can lead to emissions over a very large range of frequencies. For example, visible light is emitted by the coupling of electronic states in atoms and molecules (then the phenomenon is called fluorescence or phosphorescence). On the other hand, nuclear shell transitions can emit high energy gamma rays, while nuclear spin transitions emit low energy radio waves. Nuclear spin transitions, on the other hand, produce low-energy radio waves.

The emittance is a measurement of how much light it emits. The Stefan–Boltzmann law can be used to link this to other attributes of the object. The amount of emission from most substances changes with temperature and spectroscopic composition of the object, resulting in colour temperature and emission lines. Emission spectroscopy allows for precise measurements at a variety of wavelengths, allowing for the identification of a chemical.

Semi-classical quantum mechanics is commonly used to describe radiation emission: quantum mechanics is used to determine the particle’s energy levels and spacings, and light is used to identify the particle’s energy levels and spacings. If it is in resonance with both the system’s natural frequency, it is viewed as an alternating electric field that can cause a transition. The quantum mechanics problem is solved using time-dependent perturbation theory, which leads to Fermi’s golden rule as a general result. Although quantum electrodynamics has supplanted the semi-classical form in most practical computations, the semi-classical version remains more useful.

Spectroscopy of emission

Light is made up of several wavelengths of electromagnetic energy. As a result, when the elements or related compounds are heated, either by a flame or by an electric arc, light is produced. The use of a spectroscope to analyse this light yields a discontinuous spectrum. A spectroscope, often known as a spectrometer, is a device that separates light components with distinct wavelengths. The line spectrum depicts the spectrum as a series of lines. When a line spectrum originates from an atom in elemental form, it is referred to as an atomic spectrum. The atomic spectra of each element is unique. The creation of line spectra by an element’s atoms indicates that the element is stable.

Only a finite amount of energy may be radiated by one atom. This leads to the conclusion that bound electrons can only have a limited amount of energy.

Because the emission spectrum differs for each element of the chemical elements, it can be used to establish the composition of a material. Astronomical spectroscopy is one example: analysing the received light to determine the composition of stars. When certain elements are heated, their emission spectrum features are clearly visible to the naked eye.

Emission spectroscopy is a type of spectroscopy that studies the wavelengths of photons emitted by atoms or molecules when they shift from an excited state to a lower energy state. According to its electronic structure, each element emits a distinct set of discrete wavelengths, and the elemental makeup of a sample may be determined by detecting these wavelengths. Emission spectroscopy emerged in the late 1800s, and efforts to explain atomic emission spectra theoretically eventually led to quantum mechanics.

Spectrum of Hydrogen Emissions

We all know that electrons in an atom or molecule absorb energy and become excited, jumping from a lower to a higher energy level and emitting radiation when they return to their original states. This phenomenon also accounts for the hydrogen emission spectrum, sometimes known as the hydrogen emission spectrum.

  1. When a gas is excited with an electric discharge and the light released is examined through a diffraction grating, the spectrum observed does not consist of a constant band of light, but of distinct lines with well-defined wavelengths, as was recognised in the late 1800s. The wavelengths of the lines were found to be indicative of the chemical element that was generating the light in experiments.
  1. The hydrogen spectrum is a crucial piece of evidence demonstrating that the atom’s electrical structure is quantized. The hydrogen atoms in a gaseous hydrogen molecule dissociate when an electric discharge is conducted through it. The energetically excited hydrogens emit electromagnetic radiation as a result of this. The hydrogen emission spectrum is made up of discrete frequency radiations. The scientists who detected these radiations were given their names.

When an energy is absorbed by a hydrogens, the photon’s energy causes the electron to shift to a higher energy level (for example, from n = 1 to n = 2). When a photon is emitted from a hydrogen atom, the electron moves from a higher to a lower energy level (n = 3 n = 2, for example). There is a transmission of light throughout this transition from a higher to a lower level. Because the atom’s energy levels are quantized, its spectrum will be made up of wavelengths that represent the disparities between them. The line at 656 nm, for example, corresponds to the transitions n = 3 n = 2.

How is an Emission Spectrum Created?

Electrons are knocked into higher energy levels when an atomic nucleus absorbs energy. When an electron falls to a lower energy level, a photon equal to the energy difference between the two states is released. Because an electron can exist in different energy states, there are countless potential transitions, resulting in the many wavelengths that make up the emission spectrum. Because each element has its own emission spectrum, any hot or energetic body’s spectrum can be utilised to determine its composition.

What are some of the applications of emission spectroscopy

Metal compounds in organometallic chemistry, characterisation of catalysis, and materials science applications are all analysed using spectroscopic techniques based on spectral lines and nonlinear x-ray spectroscopy.


The spectrum of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation released by an electron transitioning from a high energy level to a lower energy state is known as the energy spectrum of a chemical compound. The energy difference of the two states is equal to the photon energy of the emitted photon. The spectrum reflects the emitting substance’s characteristics as well as the sort of excitation to which it is subjected. The light emitted when a gaseous element is heated is called an emission spectrum.


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