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Electric Field due to a point charge

Read on for a comprehensive study on Electric field, electric charges and field, a slew of electric charges. Additionally, find answers to frequently asked questions about these topics.

The electric field can be considered as an electric property related to each point in the space where a charge is available in any structure. An electric field is also portrayed as the electric force per unit charge.

The equation of electric field is given as;

E = FQ


E is the Electric field.

F is power.

Q is the charge.

Electric field strength is estimated in the SI unit volt per metre (V/m).

The electric field is radially outwards from the positive charge and radially in towards the negative point charge. Coulomb’s law helps us analyse and work upon electric fields mathematically.

Coulomb’s Law 

Coulomb’s Law describes Force acting between two charges. We can reformulate the issue by breaking it into two particular advances, utilising the idea of an electric field.

  • Consider one charge creating an electric field wherever in space.
  • The force on one more charge brought into the electric field of the first is brought about by the electric field in the region of the charge brought.

If all charges are static, you find the same solutions with the electric field as you utilise Coulomb’s Law. Anyway, is this going to be the only activity in shrewd documentation? No. The electric field idea makes its mark when charges are permitted to move comparatively with one another. Tests show that simply by considering the electric field as a property of room that engenders at a limited speed, would we be able to represent the noticed force on charges in relative movement. The electric field idea is likewise fundamental for understanding a self-proliferating electromagnetic wave-like light. The electric field idea gives us a method for portraying how starlight goes through tremendous distances of void space to arrive at our eyes.

If power “acting a good way off” in Coulomb’s Law appears to be inconvenient, maybe power brought about by an electric field facilitates your distress fairly. Then again, you may likewise address assuming an electric field is any more “genuine”. The truth of an electric field is a point for thinkers. Regardless, genuine or not, the idea of an electric field ends up being valuable for foreseeing what ends up charging.

We present the electric field at first effortlessly into the idea and get practice with the technique for investigation.


The electric field is characterised numerically as a vector field that can be related to each point in space, the power per unit charge applied on a positive test charge is very still by then.

The electric field is created by the electric charge or time-differing attractive fields. On account of nuclear scale, the electric field is answerable for the appealing powers between the nuclear core and electrons which hold them together.

As per coulomb’s law, a molecule with electric charge q1 at position x1 applies power on a molecule with charge q0 at position x0 of,

F= 140q1q0(x1-x0)2r1,0


r1,0 is the unit vector toward the path from point x1 to point x0

0 is the electric permittivity of free space 

At the point when the charges q0 and q1 have a similar sign, then the power is positive, the heading is away from different charges, which implies they repulse one another. When the charges have dissimilar signs, the power is negative, and the particles draw in one another.

The electric field is the power per unit charge,

E(x0)= Fq0=140q1(x1-x0)2r1,0

The electric field can be found effectively by utilising Gauss law which expresses that the all-out electric transition out of a shut surface is equivalent to the charge encased separated by the permittivity.

Or then again, all-out motion connected with a surface is 1/0 times the charge encased by the close surface.

E.ds= q0

Law of electric charges can likewise be determined by Coulomb’s law yet the Gauss law strategy is simpler. In addition, Gauss law is only a copy of the coulomb’s law. Assuming we apply the Gauss hypothesis to a point charge encased by a circle, we will get to Coulomb’s law.


The electric charge is that property that is related to the matter because it delivers and encounters electrical and attractive impacts.


There exist two sorts of charges in nature. They are:

  1. Positive charge
  2. Negative charge

Accuses of a similar electrical sign repulse one another while accusations of inverse electrical signs draw in one another.

 Unit and dimensional formula

S.I. unit of charge is coulomb (C),

(1mC = 10−3C, 1μC = 10−6C,1nC = 10−9C)


The Dimensional formula is given by [Q] = [AT].


Point charge

Whose spatial size is insignificant when contrasted with different distances.

Properties of charge

(I) Charge is a scalar quantity: charges can be added or deducted mathematically

(ii) Charge is adaptable: When a charged body is placed in touch with an uncharged body, the uncharged body becomes charged because of the move of electrons from the charged body to the uncharged body

(iii) Charge is constantly connected with mass: Charge can’t exist without mass however, mass can exist without charge

(iv) Charge is saved: Charge can neither be made nor be obliterated

(v) Invariance of charge: The mathematical worth of a rudimentary charge is autonomous of speed

(vi) Charge creates an electric field and attractive field: When a charged molecule is very still, it delivers an electric field in the space encompassing it. Nonetheless, assuming the charged molecule is in unaccelerated movement, it produces both electric and attractive fields. What’s more, assuming the movement of the charged molecule is sped up, it produces electric and attractive fields and emanates energy in the space encompassing the charge as electromagnetic waves.

(vii) Charge dwells on the outer layer of the guide: Charge lives on the external surface of a guide since charges repulse and attempt to move as distant as conceivable from each other and remain at the farthest separation from one another, which is the external surface of the guide. Consequently, a strong and empty leading circle of a similar external span will hold a most extreme equivalent charge, and a cleanser bubble develops charging.

(viii) Quantization of charge: When an actual amount can have just discrete qualities as opposed to any esteeming, the amount is supposed to be quantized. The littlest charge that can exist in nature is the charge of an electron. If the charge of an electron (−1.6×10−19C) is taken as a rudimentary unit for example quanta of charge the charge on anyone will be some basic difference of e i.e., Q = ±ne with n=0, 1,2,3… …



Properties of electric field Lines

  1. Electric field lines begin from a positive charge and end on a negative charge.
  2. The quantity of field lines starting/ending on a charge is relative to the extent of the charge.
  3. The number of Field Lines going through the opposite unit region will be corresponding to the extent of the electric field there.
  4. Digression to a Field line anytime provides the guidance of the electric field by then. This will be the immediate way the charge will take whenever kept there.
  5. At least two field lines can never converge with one another.

(they can’t have various bearings)

  1. Uniform field lines are straight, equal, and consistently positioned.
  2. Field lines can’t frame a circle.
  3. Electric field lines begin and end opposite the outer layer of the channel. Electric field lines don’t exist inside a conduit.
  4. Field lines consistently stream from higher potential to bring down potential.

10. In the event that a local Electric field is missing, there will be no field lines.