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Current Density

In this article we will learn about Current, Types of Current, Current Density, Formula for Current Density, Current Density Dimensional Formula and Importance of Current Density.


Current is defined as the flow of electrically charged particles, which occurs mostly in electron-deficient atoms. The capital I is the conventional symbol for current. Ampere ( A ) is the standard unit of current. A current of one ampere, on the other hand, is one coulomb of charge passing through a specific place each second. According to physicists, conventional current is defined as current that moves from relatively positive to negative places. Electrons are the most prevalent negatively-charged carriers, and they move from a negative to a positive state. 

Types of Current

Current can be classified into two types:

  1. Direct Current: DC stands for direct current, which is an electric charge flow that does not change direction. Batteries, fuel cells, rectifiers, and generators with commutators all produce direct current. Because it was uneconomical to adapt direct current to the high voltages required for long-distance transmission in the late 1880s, it was replaced by alternating current (AC) for common commercial electricity.

Direct current is now transferred over very long distances, despite the fact that it must normally be converted to alternating current for final distribution, thanks to techniques established in the 1960s. Direct current is required for some applications, such as electroplating.

  1. Alternating Current: AC stands for alternating current, which is a flow of electric charge that alternates on a regular basis. It starts at zero, increases to a maximum, declines to zero, reverses, reaches a maximum in the opposite direction, returns to the initial number, and so on. The period is the time interval between the attainment of a specific value on two consecutive cycles, the frequency is the number of cycles or periods per second, and the amplitude of the alternating current is the highest value in either direction.

Low frequencies, such as 50 and 60 cycles per second (Hz), are used for residential and commercial electricity, but television uses alternating currents of roughly 100,000,000 cycles per second (100 megahertz), and radar and microwave communication uses frequencies of several thousand megahertz. Cellular phones use frequencies of roughly 1,000 megahertz (1 gigahertz).

Current Density

In a conductor, current density is defined as the rate of charge flow through any cross-section of the conductor. A flow of electrons is commonly thought of as an electric current. Electrons flow out of one end of a battery, via the wire, and into the other end of the battery when two ends of the battery are connected by metal wire. If the magnitude of the current is constant and the direction remains constant, it is considered steady.

The density of current flow in a conductor is referred to as current density. The letter J stands for it. Current Density and its measurement are critical in the science of electromagnetism. The flow of electric charge in amperes per unit area of cross-section, i.e.  A/m2, is the unit of measurement. This is a vector quantity since the magnitude determines the flow direction. A current of electricity that travels through and has charge units per unit time per unit area. It is also measured in a perpendicular direction to the flow of direction.

Formula for Current Density

The formula for Current Density can be given as,



I= total current flowing in the conductor in Amperes

A= cross sectional area of the conductor in m2

The unit of Current density is A/m2.

Current Density Dimensional Formula

The current density dimensional formula is as follows: 



M = Mass

I = Current

L = Length

T = Time

Importance of Current Density

The design of electrical and electronic systems is influenced by current density.

The specified current level has a big impact on circuit performance, and the current density is governed by the dimensions of the conducting parts. For example, despite the lower current demands of smaller devices, there is a tendency toward increasing current densities to achieve higher device counts on ever smaller chip areas as integrated circuits shrink in size.

The conducting region of a wire becomes confined near its surface at high frequencies, increasing the current density in this region. The skin effect is the term for this.

Current densities that are too high have unfavourable implications. Because most electrical conductors have a limited, positive resistance, power is dissipated as heat. To avoid the conductor from melting or burning, the insulating material from failing, or the desirable electrical qualities from altering, the current density must be kept low. The material making the linkages actually moves at high current densities, a phenomenon known as electromigration. Excessive current density in superconductors can provide a strong enough magnetic field to cause the superconductive property to be lost spontaneously.

Current density analysis and observation are also used to investigate the physics underlying the nature of solids, such as metals, semiconductors, and insulators. Many fundamental findings have been explained using a complex theoretical framework.

Ampère’s circuital law (one of Maxwell’s equations) connects current density to magnetic field and includes current density as a key parameter.


Current density is the amount of charge that passes across a unit area of a specified cross section per unit time in electromagnetism. The current density vector is described as a vector whose magnitude is the electric current per cross-sectional area at a particular place in space, and whose direction is the positive charge motion at that point. Electric current density is measured in amperes per square metre A/m2.


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