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Conservation of Angular Momentum

Angular momentum in different dimensions, conservation of linear momentum and conservation of angular momentum, application of conserved angular momentum.This topic is very important as far as rotational mechanics is concerned.


A composite system’s total angular momentum is equal to the sum of its individual elements’ angular momenta. 

Torque, like force, is defined as the rate of change of angular momentum. The sum of all inner torques in any mechanism is always 0. In other words, the net external torque on any mechanism is always equal to the total torque on the mechanism. The velocity of spinning when doing something around on an axis is acknowledged as angular momentum, also recognised as a spin. The conservation of angular momentum explains why a toy pinwheel spinning top stays upright as it rotates rather than succumbing to gravity and falling over.

When the wheels on a motorcycle spin up to speed, they behave like gyroscopes, making it much easier for the motorcycle to stay upright and making it much harder for anything to disrupt its motion. The capacity of a figure skater to enhance their spin by pushing the arms closer to the body, and the rise in the spin of an orbiting planet as it comes near the sun, are examples of conservation of angular momentum at work.

Angular momentum in Different Dimensions

The resultant of a body’s rotational inertia and rotational velocity (in radians/sec) about a certain axis is known as angular momentum. If a particle’s motion is in a single plane, the angular momentum’s vector character can be ignored and interpreted as a scalar, or more precisely, as a pseudoscalar. Angular momentum is a rotating equivalent of linear momentum. As a result, where linear momentum p equals mass m and linear speed v,

p = mv,

Angular momentum is denoted by L, and it relies on the amount of matter; it’s shown as a product of inertia and angular velocity, L = I x w (For dispersed body)

When we interrelate equations of angular momentum, we finally get the expression for point mass:

L = r x mv, ( cross product of r and mv ) where r is the reposition vector, m is mass, and v is velocity. 

In most cases, r is perpendicular to mv, so we can write L = rmv (magnitude)

The orbital angular momentum can be characterised into three components, which are the rate at which the position vector rolls out the angle, the orientation perpendicular to the immediate plane of maximum displacement and the mass involved, as well as how this mass is dispersed in space. The universal nature of the equations is preserved by keeping the vector nature of the angular momentum, which can describe any type of three-dimensional motion around the centre of rotation – circular, linear or otherwise. The orbital angular momentum of a point particle in motion around the origin can be written in vector notation as:

L = r x p, 

Here, x denotes the cross product between r and p, that is, radius and linear momentum. 

In terms of the spherical coordinate system, the value of L is given by, 

L = m r x v, where x  is a cross product. 

Conservation of Angular Momentum

Conservation law, often referred to as the law of conservation, is a physics principle that asserts that within an enclosed physical system, a specific physical attribute, that is a measurable quantity, does not change over time. This sort of law governs energy, linear momentum, angular momentum, mass and electrostatic attraction in classical mechanics. Additional conservation principles apply to features of quantum particles that are unchanging during collisions in particle physics. The ability to forecast the macroscopic behaviour of a system without having to analyse the microscopic intricacies of the course of a physical phenomenon is one of the most significant functions of conservation laws.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it could be transformed from one form, such as mechanical, kinetic or chemical, to another. As a result, the totality of all types of energy in an enclosed system remains unchanged. A falling body, for instance, has a fixed amount of energy, but its form transforms from potential to kinetic. Energy and mass, as per the theory of relativity, are the same thing. As a result, a body’s idle mass can be thought of as a sort of potential energy; a portion of this can be transformed into some other type of energy. Unless some force is applied, an object or system of moving objects conserves its total momentum, which is the mixture of mass and vector velocity. Since there are no external factors in an isolated system, such as the universe, momentum is always conserved. While angular momentum is conserved, its components will be retained in any direction. To solve collision situations, the law of conservation of linear momentum must be applied. Rockets demonstrate momentum conservation: the rocket’s increasing forward momentum is equivalent to, but contrary in direction to, the momentum of the ejected exhaust gases.

The conservation of angular momentum is similar to that of linear momentum but is for rotating things. Angular momentum is a vector quantity wherein conserved law states that unless a twisting force, dubbed a torque, is given to a spinning given body, it will continue to revolve at the same pace. The product of a portion of matter’s mass, its location from the axis of rotation, and the aspect of its velocity facing up to the line from the axis make up the angular momentum of that bit of matter.


The principles of angular momentum are now often used in quantum and modern mechanics to deal with things at microscopic levels too. Spectroscopy is now used extensively in the chemical and optical characterisation of objects. It is commonly understood that electrons in atoms, molecules and solids possess specific stationary states. While electrons are affected by an external field, they are frequently stimulated to various high energy states. They do not, nevertheless, go to enthusiastic states on the spur of the moment; instead, they follow a set of principles when selecting excited states, which are alluded to as selection rules. For a transition to be allowed, the difference in angular momenta in between two states must be zero or +1, -1. States that do not follow the following standards are prohibited from transitioning. The commutativity connection exists between the relevant angular momenta and the system. Hamiltonian is commonly used to calculate the allowable transitions. Likewise, dipole approximation can be used to derive selection rules for microstructure levels. For Raman spectra, however, certain selection rules are accessible. Diode lasers, which are extensively utilised in many optical device applications, are among the practical uses. The permissible transition rules are used to tune the laser frequency in this scenario. There are various other applications of angular momentum in our daily life.