
A conductor is a material or object that facilitates the movement of charge (electric current) in one or more directions in physics and electrical engineering. Electrical conductors are commonly found in metal-based materials. Negatively charged electrons, positively charged holes, and positive or negative ions all can generate electric currents.

A single charged particle doesn’t have to go from the source of the current (the current source) to the consumers of the current. To power your device, all the particle has to do is nudge its neighbour a finite amount, who will then nudge their neighbour, and so on, until a particle gets nudged into the consumer, powering it with electricity. What happens is a long chain of momentum transfer between mobile charge carriers, which the Drude model of conduction better describes. An ideal conductor would be made of metal because it has a delocalized sea of electrons that offers the electrons enough mobility to collide and impact a momentum transfer; this makes metal a perfect candidate. A battery’s cationic electrolyte or the fuel cell’s proton conductor’s mobile protons, for example, rely on positive charge carriers rather than electrons, as was previously mentioned. Insulators are non-conducting materials with meagre mobile charges that only support minimal electric currents.


Conductor Materials

Graphite and conductive polymers are examples of nonmetallic conductors that can be used in metals to conduct electricity. Copper is a good conductor of electricity. Electrolytic-tough pitch (ETP) copper is the primary grade of copper used in electrical applications, including building wire, motor windings, cables, and busbars. 

Oxygen-free high conductivity copper can be utilised if high conductivity copper must be welded or brazed or used in a reducing atmosphere. Light-gauge wires typically employ copper because of their simplicity of connecting via soldering or clamping. In most circumstances, silver is more conductive than copper, but it is not practicable because of its high cost. 

Satellites and other specialised equipment use it to reduce skin effect losses at high frequencies. Due to a lack of copper during WWII, the calutron magnets were made with the help of 14,700 short tons of silver borrowed from the US Treasury. Transmission and distribution of electric power are most commonly done with aluminium wire. Although it has just 61 per cent of the conductivity of copper by cross-sectional area, its lower density makes it twice as conductive by mass. Aluminium is a more cost-effective option than copper when prominent conductors are needed because it weighs only a third as much. 

Aluminium wiring’s mechanical and chemical qualities make it unsuitable for electrical applications. An insulating oxide forms easily, causing connections to heat up. As a result, the connections loosen due to its more significant thermal expansion coefficient than brass. 

Under heavy loads, aluminium can “creep,” progressively bending and loosening connections. Aluminium building wiring has been less common since the service reduction because of these impacts, which can be avoided with appropriate connectors and careful installation. Electricity cannot flow through organic molecules such as octane, with eight carbon and 18 hydrogen atoms. 

Due to carbon’s ability to establish covalent bonds with other elements like hydrogen, hydrocarbons are considered hydrocarbons since they do not lose or gain electrons and do not form ions. Covalent bonds are formed by electrons being shared. When electricity is conducted through it, there is no separation of ions. So the liquid is not conductive of electricity, as is the case with water. The presence of ionic contaminants, such as salt can quickly turn water into an electrical conductor.

Conductor ampacity

A lower-resistance conductor can handle higher current values because of the relationship between conductor ampacity and electrical resistance. When it comes to the conductor’s resistance, the material it is constructed of and the conductor’s size play a role. There is less resistance in bigger cross-sectional areas of conductors compared to smaller cross-sectional areas of conductors. The melting point of bare conductors is the ultimate limit for power loss due to resistance. However, most conductors in the actual world function considerably below this limit. PVC insulation is only rated to work at roughly 60 °C hence the current in such wires must be restricted to prevent copper conductors from overheating and posing a fire hazard, as is the case with domestic wiring. It is possible to operate at greater temperatures using Teflon or fibreglass insulation.

Band theory

  • Band structure in solid-state physics explains those ranges of energy, called energy bands, that an electron within the material may have (“allowed bands”) and ranges of energy, termed band gaps (“forbidden bands”), that it may not have by assuming the existence of energy bands, band theory models electron’s behaviour in materials.
  •  Using the band structure of material may explain many of the physical characteristics of solids. Molecular orbital theory can alternatively be considered as a large-scale limit to bands. Atomic orbitals, which contain an isolated atom’s electrons, comprise a distinct set of energy levels.
  •  It is possible to create molecules with many atoms with various energies when they are brought together in the same molecular orbital. The quantity of valence electrons determines the number of molecular orbitals created. 
  • There are a significant number of orbitals when a large number of atoms are brought together to form a solid (1020 or more). As a result, the energy disparity between them is minimal. As a result, in solids, the energy levels form continuous bands of energy rather than the discrete levels of energy of the atoms alone.
  •  In some cases, there are no orbitals in a given energy region, causing band gaps. Semiconductors and insulators are two examples where this principle comes into play.

What is the charge of a conductor carrying electricity?

The charge on a current-carrying conductor is always 0 volts. In this conductor, the number of electrons is equal to the number of protons at any given time. As a result, there will be no additional fees. It is possible to connect a conductor to the positive and negative terminals. Electrons are now flowing from the negative end of the battery to the positive end through the conductor. For this battery to be able to produce EMFs, it must have a chemical process.

Effect of temperature on conductor

The conductor molecules vibrate more when exposed to a greater temperature variation. Flowing electrons are impeded by this, meaning that the electrons cannot flow freely through the conductor. As a result, as the temperature rises, conductivity drops. Again, the increase in temperature breaks some connections in the conductor molecules, allowing electrons to be released. There are fewer of these electrons. Increasing the temperature opposition to a wandering electron increases the conductor, it can be concluded.


For example, electrons can easily flow from atom to atom by applying a voltage in an electrical conductor. Generally speaking, conductivity can be defined as the ability to transfer anything, such as electricity or heat, from one place to another. When it comes to conducting electricity, pure elemental silver is the most common material. In addition to steel and aluminium, good conductors include copper, gold, and brass. Solid metals moulded into wires or etched into circuit boards make up all electrical and electronic systems conductors. Some liquids are excellent conductors of electricity. Mercury is an excellent example of how this works. A saturated salt-water solution is a good conductor of electricity. Because the atoms in a gas are so widely away, electrons cannot freely flow between them. As long as there are enough ions in the gas, it can serve as a good conductor.


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What is a conductor?

A conductor is an instrument in physics and electrical engineering that enables a charge to circulate in one or even...Read full

What is an electrical conductor?

In its most basic sense, electrical conductors are components that allow electric charges to flow rapidly through t...Read full

Why is metal a good conductor of electricity?

Metals have free retained loose electrons despite forming an ionic bond with one another, resulting in an electron s...Read full

Write some applications of conductors.

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