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Compton Effect

In this article we will learn about Compton effect, Compton Scattering, Comparison of Compton effect and Photoelectric Effect, Compton's discoveries ramifications and Concepts derived from the Compton Effect.

The Compton effect describes the increase in wavelength of photons (X-rays or gamma rays) as a result of scattering by a charged particle (usually an electron). The effect has become one of the cornerstones of quantum mechanics, which describes both the wave and particle aspects of radiation.

By treating X-rays as discrete heartbeats, or quanta, of electromagnetic energy, American physicist Arthur Holly Compton clarified (in 1922 and communicated in 1923) the frequency increase. The name photon was used subsequently by American scientist Gilbert Lewis to describe light quanta.

Compton Effect

Compton effect is defined as the effect that is observed when x-rays or gamma rays are scattered on a material with an increase in wavelength. Arthur Compton studied this effect in the year 1922. During the study, Compton found that wavelength is not dependent on the intensity of incident radiation. It is dependent on the angle of scattering and on the wavelength of the incident beam. It is given in the following mathematical form:

λs0=h / m0c(1- cosΘ )

The free and loosely connected electrons in the matter’s atoms smash with the solitary photons. When photons collide, a fraction of their energy and force is transferred to electrons. New photons with less energy and force are provided at the time of collision, and they disperse at locations determined by the amount of energy lost to the electrons. The dispersed photons have a longer frequency due to the relationship between energy and frequency, which is also dependent on the size of the spot through which the X-rays were redirected. The wavelength of the incident photon has no bearing on the drop in frequency, or Compton shift.

Compton Scattering

Compton scattering is an inelastic dispersion of light by a free charged molecule with a frequency that is not quite the same as the incident energy. The energy of the X-ray photon (17 keV) was far higher than the coupling energy of the nuclear electron in Compton’s unique test, allowing the electrons to be treated as free after dispersion. The Compton motion is the sum of the variations in the frequency of light. Despite the fact that atomic Compton dissipating exists, Compton dispersing often refers to communication using only a molecule’s electrons. Arthur Holly Compton saw the Compton effect in 1923 at Washington University in St. Louis.

Comparison of Compton effect and Photoelectric Effect

Compton impact occurs in free and loosely bound electrons, while photoelectric effect occurs in bound electrons. The energy of a photon is expended by the electron in the photoelectric effect. A photon is dissipated in the Compton effect. Understanding that the photoelectric impact connects two-electron states (bound and energized) through the recurrent contrast that those states share with the electromagnetic wave is a better way to investigate this. There is also an electromagnetic wave and two-electron states in the Compton effect (in a focal point-of-mass framework we can think of them as approaching and active). The frequency, not the recurrence contrast, relates the electromagnetic wave to the object in this framework.

How does Arthur H. Compton get this effect?

Before the concept of the photon was established or even acknowledged, the nature of light was commonly considered to be that of a wave, as Huygens had decisively demonstrated in the 17th century. However, in 1923, physicist Arthur H. Compton investigated the interaction of light and matter in a way that confirmed a recently established implication of quantum theory: light’s wave-particle duality. In 1927, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for this discovery.

Compton was focusing X-Rays (electromagnetic waves with short wavelengths, on the high energy region of the spectrum) at atoms as part of his experiment. The smallest unit of electromagnetic radiation, the photon, would then collide with a stationary valence electron, forming a quantum of light (an electron located on the outer shell of an atom, at its highest energy level). When studying these collisions, Compton noticed that the EM waves had a slightly shorter wavelength before the collision, and that depending on the magnitude of this shift in wavelength, the electron would be knocked out of its orbit, scattered at a certain angle, and the atom would be ionized in the process.

Compton’s Discoveries have Ramifications

The results of Compton’s experiment further confirmed the photoelectric effect, which was proposed by Einstein in 1905 and firmly established the validity of the quantum theory of light, which states that light is made up of individual units that can carry different amounts of energy depending on the frequency of light oscillation. The photon’s energy increases as the frequency rises.

Concepts Derived from the Compton Effect

The Compton shift and Compton wavelength are two principles derived directly from the Compton effect. The wavelength of the X-Ray changes as it collides with the electron, which is known as the Compton shift. The Compton wavelength, on the other hand, is the final wavelength that the X-Ray achieves as a result of the collision and is directly dependent on the mass of the charged particle, the speed of light, and Planck’s constant, which connects the energy of a photon to its frequency.

The Compton effect is still considered one of physics’ most important experiments.


The Compton effect describes the increase in wavelength of photons (X-rays or gamma rays) as a result of scattering by a charged particle (usually an electron). He studied this effect in the year 1922. During the study, Compton found that wavelength is not dependent on the intensity of incident radiation.


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