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Chemical Effects of Electric Current

In this article we will learn about the concept of chemical effects of electric current, chemical effects of electric current 8 notes, electroplating and more.

The electric current’s chemical effect: When an electric current passes through a conducting solution, it generates a chemical reaction. This may result in the production of gas bubbles on the electrodes, metal deposits on the electrodes, and changes in the colour of the solutions, among other things. Taking an example: When current is delivered through water, it ionises into H+or OH-, with H+ ions moving towards the cathode to receive electrons and form H2 molecules, and OH- ions moving towards the anode to lose electrons and generate O2 molecules.

Chemical Effects of Electric Current

The majority of electrically conducting liquids are acid, base, and salt solutions. Some liquids are good conductors of electricity, while others are not. Chemical reactions are generally induced by the passage of an electric current through a conducting liquid, and the results of this reaction are known as chemical effects of currents. Electroplating is the technique of placing a layer of any metal part on another material using electricity. Electroplating is a technique for coating metal items with a thin layer of a different metal that is extensively used in industry.

It always has an effect when it runs through a conducting solution. When an electric current travels through a conducting fluid, chemical reactions occur. Gas bubbles may occur on the electrodes, metal deposits may be observed on electrodes, and the colour of the solution may alter as a result. The reaction and its effects are determined by the type of solution and electrodes employed.


When an electric current is passed over copper sulphate, it dissociates into copper and sulphate. The free copper is drawn to the electrode connected to the negative terminal of the battery and deposits on it. In the solution from the other electrode, an equivalent amount of copper is dissolved.

As a result, the copper in the solution is lost. As the loss of copper from the solution is replaced, the process is still ongoing. Copper is transmitted from one electrode to the other in this way.

The electroplating method is really useful. Coating metal objects with a thin layer of a different metal is typical in industry. The metal layer that was deposited has a desirable quality that the object’s metal lacks. Chromium plating is used on a variety of items, including vehicle parts, bath taps, kitchen gas burners, bicycle handlebars, and wheel rims, among others. It has a lustrous finish, does not corrode, and is scratch-resistant.

Applications of electroplating

Zinc is applied to the iron to prevent corrosion and rust.

jewellery plating in silver and gold.

Tin is used to coat tin onto iron for cans because it is less reactive than iron.

Chemical Effects of Electric Current:

Chemical reactions occur in a conducting solution when an electric current flows through it. The chemical effect of electric current can be used to describe this process. When an electric current is run through a solution of a metal salt, such as copper sulphate, copper metal is deposited at the negative electrode because copper is positively charged. Using this approach, we may readily remove metal from its salt.

Good Conductors

The materials that make good conductors are those that allow electric current to flow freely through them. The majority of metals, such as copper, aluminium, and iron, are excellent conductors of electric current.

Good insulators

Materials that are good insulators are those that do not easily allow electric current to travel through them. Insulating materials include rubber, plastic, and wood.

It’s vital to remember that most materials conduct under specific circumstances. That is why, rather than just conductors and insulators, we prefer to classify materials as good conductors and good insulators.

Effects of Electric Current

Heating effect

When a current flow is ‘resisted,’ heat is usually created. This is due to the fact that electrons encounter resistance as they move through the wire or resistor. To overcome the resistance, which is transformed into heat energy, work must be done. Because the process was extensively investigated by the scientist Joule, the conversion of electrical energy to heating energy is known as ‘Joule heating.’ All electric heating appliances, such as an iron, a water heater, and a toaster, work on this premise.

Chemical effect

The process of electric current conduction through solutions is known as ‘electrolysis.’ The ‘electrolyte’ is the solution through which electricity travels. The positive terminal placed into the solution is referred to as a ‘anode,’ while the negative terminal is referred to as a ‘cathode.’

Magnetic effect of Electricity

A current-carrying wire or conductor produces a magnetic field that is perpendicular to the passage of current.  That is called the magnetic effect of current.


When an electric current passes through a conducting solution, it generates a chemical reaction. When an electric current is conducted through a conducting solution, the solution undergoes a chemical reaction. This is referred to as the electric current’s chemical action. The majority of electrically conducting liquids are acid, base, and salt solutions. The process of electric current conduction through solutions is known as ‘electrolysis. When an electric current is passed over copper sulphate, it dissociates into copper and sulphate.


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