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CGS units system of Length, Mass, and Time

Learn about the CGS systems of units. In this article, you will understand the difference between the metric system of measurement and the CGS unit system.

As the study of science and technology evolved every day, the scholars of metrics and measurements in the 1790s decided to provide a universal measuring system. The scientists adopted a universal metric system of measurements to understand the quantity of any given object. 

The metric system is the currently globally recognised measurement system, succeeding the decimal system. The international system of units (SI) is universal, followed by a few other metric systems like the MKS system of units (metre kilogram second), CGS or Gaussian system of units (centimetre gram second), and the MTS system of units (metre tonne second).

Metric System of Measurements

A metric system is a standard way of measuring the length, mass, and time of different objects. We use these measurements to acknowledge the quantitative value of an object. Take a glass of water, for example. We find the volume of water in measures of litres; the height of the glass is measured in metres or centimetres. This quantitative understanding of measuring length, mass, and time units was globally recognised by SI units (metre, kilogram and second).

What is the CGS or Gaussian System?

The metric system is used in various parts of our lives. Implementation of the metric system is vital in different fields like science, medicine, finance, sports, defence, etc. The part of science which predominantly involves electronic and mechanical forces usually uses the CGS or Gaussian systems to measure units. 

The (centimetre-gram-second) CGS or Gaussian system of units is a metric unit that uses centimetre to measure length, gram to measure mass, and second to measure time. These base units are derived from the mechanical study and its unit measures involving CGS or Gaussian measurement systems. The system is also used in electrostatic and electromagnetic fields.

SI or CGS units can be used in measurement systems where purely mechanical units are required, like mass, energy, pressure, force, etc. The units are correspondingly calculated by converting units from one system to another. For example, the dyne unit of force in CGS or Gaussian systems is 1 g⋅cm/s2; you can also convert dyne into SI units. We all know that 100cm = 1m, 1000g = 1kg, and Newton is the SI unit of force defined as 1 kg⋅m/s2. So 1 newton can be converted into a CGS unit as 100000 dynes.

The same consideration can be made when we use electromagnetic science. The base units of electromagnetism, like charges, electric field, magnetic field, voltage etc., can be converted from CGS unit to SI unit and vice versa. All formulas used in these electromagnetic fields base themselves on the system of units that they are based on. 

As we study the electromagnetic field and its metric units, the CGS or Gaussian system further variates itself into Gaussian units, CGS electrostatic units, and CGS electromagnetic units. Although, the Gaussian units constitute the primary CGS units that we follow today.

What are the Prefixes for Units?

We use metric prefixes to maintain the metric units and their values. Prefixes for units are meant to differentiate the different sizes of each metric unit. Converting units in the metric system is direct and clear as it is based on different powers of ten. 

For example, the length of the metric unit is conveyed in metres, centimetres, and millimetres. These are easily converted from 1 unit to another in powers of ten. As millimetre is the smallest unit, 10 millimetres is equal to 1 centimetre, and 100 centimetres is equal to 1 metre. 

As most scientific names are derived from Greek or Latin, even these prefixes are derived from the same origins. For example, ‘mega’ is derived from the Greek word great. These prefixes also have certain norms to follow when you use them. The abbreviations of the units are supposed to be denoted in lower case only. The centimetre is denoted as c and not C. Metre is denoted as m and not M. However, they change in some cases, like in litre where the symbol is L and not l. Hence, 5 litres of water is denoted as 5L of water.

Here is a list of prefixes usually used in the metric system of measurements:

  • 1010 – tera – T 

  • 109 – Giga – G

  • 106 – mega – M

  • 103 – kilo – k

  • 10-1 – deci – d

  • 10-2 – centi – c

  • 10-3– milli – m

It is advisable to represent units in their smallest value to have relatable and manageable sizes. Instead of higher values, opt for lower units to denote the measurement. An object of 8.5 kg is more relatable than 8500 g of the object, even though both are right. These prefixes of units make the understanding of the measurement easy and effective.


The evolution and innovation in science are possible because of these metric units. The metric units allow scientists to study subjects. They compare the values and results to progress their research. These units are universal, thus making it globally easy and efficient to relate to a universal audience. We use these units in our daily life, from a glass of water to rocket science. 

The CGS or Gaussian system has assisted in studying electronic and mechanical fields and  upgrading scientific evolution daily. Understanding these metric systems guides us to relate to and understand the quantitative value of objects.


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