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Banking of roads

in this article, we will learn about what is banking of roads, equation of banking of roads, purpose of banking of roads and more.

The technique of raising the outer border of curving roadways to create an inclination in the road so that cars have the required centrifugal force to turn safely is known as ‘banking.’ Banking of the road is given when the edges of a curved road are extended above the inner edge, the appropriate centripetal force is applied, allowing the cars to make a safe turn. This is commonly done to keep a car from slipping off the road.  By raising the road outside the edge, the edges are angled in a horizontal direction. The angle at which banking takes place is known as the angle of banking.

Banking of road

Banking of the road is defined as the road’s outer edge is elevated over the inner edge. The road’s surface resembles an inclined plane. When a vehicle travels along a curved road, the horizontal component force applied on the vehicle, providing the centripetal force that prevents the vehicle from skidding. On an inclined or banked turn, the maximum allowable speed is determined by the vehicle’s mass, as well as the banking angle, coefficient of friction, and radius of curvature.

Centripetal force

In an angular or circular motion, centripetal force presses or draws an object in the direction of the circle’s centre. Along the radius of a circular path, rotating bodies are drawn to the centre of rotation. In classical mechanics, it’s known as centripetal force. When a body of mass m moves in a circle of radius r, it creates the following centripetal force: 


The formula for Banking of Road (Without Friction)

If there is no friction, the vertical component of the road’s normal force balances the weight of a vehicle. The horizontal component is in charge of producing centripetal force toward the road’s centre of curvature.

The normal force N (normal to the road) splits into two components on a curved roadway with a banking angle.

This is the formula for an object’s maximum velocity in order to stay on a curved path.

 v= grtan

here r =centre of curvature

g = acceleration due to gravity

= angle of inclination

The formula for the Banking of Roads (with Friction)

On an inclined plane the friction force “f” is applied.The friction force works in two directions: vertically downward and horizontally along the centre. The friction force is connected to the normal force as follows if the coefficient of friction is is given as:

 F=  μ N

Velocity is given by: 

Vmax= grtan +1-tan

Zero Banking Angle

If the banking angle is zero, a vehicle must turn on a horizontal surface. The normal force cannot connect to the centripetal force because of its vertical orientation. When we consider a frictionless surface, turning is impossible. Only rough surfaces will cause a body to experience a centripetal force in such instances. Hence, if a surface having coefficient of friction and force in the vertical direction are balanced, the net force will be given as:


And velocity is:


Banking and its Importance 

  • Banking is a method of providing a vehicle with the appropriate centrifugal force to safely travel a curved route.
  • Preventing skidding is easier with a banked turn.
  • Overturns and tumbles are minimized on a banked road.
  • Railway tracks feature banking as well. Airplanes turn by slanting their wings upwards from their horizontal posture.

Purpose of banking road

The centripetal force required for circular motion of a vehicle raises as the vehicle’s speed raises. Furthermore, the power of friction is not always consistent since it varies when roadways are greasy or moist from rain or other factors. When the edges of a curved road are extended above the inner edge, the appropriate centripetal force is applied, allowing the cars to make a safe turn. This is frequently done to prevent a vehicle from skidding off the road.

Application of banking of Roads

At all times, frictional force is insufficient and unpredictable but during the rainy season, it varies .

The force of friction between the vehicle’s wheels and the road surface provides sufficient centripetal force while it goes along a horizontal curving road.

The road should be made rough to enhance the centripetal force. However, it will wear out the tires on the wheel.

The horizontal component of the reasonable response provides the required centripetal force for vehicle circular motion when the road is banked. As a result, road banking is required to produce the required centripetal force on the curving road.


The technique of raising the outer border of curving roadways to create an inclination in the road so that cars have the required centrifugal force to turn safely is known as ‘banking.’ The angle in which banking takes place is known as banking angle. In an angular or circular motion, centripetal force presses or draws an object in the direction of the circle’s centre. Banking of road is defined as the road’s outer edge is elevated over the inner edge. If the banking angle is zero, a vehicle must turn on a horizontal surface. Banking is a method of providing a vehicle with the appropriate centrifugal force to safely travel a curved route.


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