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Application of Poisson’s Effect to Analysis

What is Poisson's ratio? Poisson's ratio is defined as the ratio of the change in the width per unit width of a material, to the change in its length per unit length, as a result of strain.

The property of elasticity of any substance in nature can be observed, which in its general character, this property can be calculated from Poisson’s Ratio. Suppose lateral or axial stress is kept for the transverse stress of a material or materials. In that case, it is its damaging property which the Poisson effect can also see due to a substance by the Ratio of Poisson.

Mechanics of any material in nature is the process in which information is obtained about the expansion of the material in directions perpendicular to the direction of compression. The credit for discovering this Poisson ratio goes to the French mathematician and physicist Simeon Poisson, who made his invaluable contribution to the field of physics.

What is Poisson’s ratio? 

The Poisson ratio is a property in the direction of the stretching force acting on a material that describes the percentage of that material to the transverse contraction stress in that material, representing the Ratio of the longitudinal expansion stress. Here the compressive stress on the material is considered harmful, and the tensile stress on the corresponding material is regarded as positive.

Poisson’s  Ratio Symbol

The value of Poisson’s Ratio is significant in materials science and solid mechanics; it is different for different materials. The Poisson effect is a measurement that provides information about the contraction and relaxation of matter; the Poisson’s Ratio is expressed by ‘nu’, which is a Greek word.

Unit of Poisson’s Ratio

In most materials, the Poisson’s Ratio is between 0.0 and 0.5. The bulk modulus of soft materials like rubber is substantially more significant than the shear modulus of gels, where Poisson’s Ratio is near 0.5. Because the cells collapse in compression, the Poisson’s Ratio for open-cell polymeric foams is zero. In many common solids, the Poisson’s Ratio is between 0.2 and 0.3. The Poisson’s limit for any substance ranges from -1.0 to 0.5; it is a scalar quantity, with the Unit of Poisson’s Ratio expressed as a unitless quantity.


When we imagine a soft material such as rubber, we also find length and width in it. Besides, it also has the properties of contraction and relaxation, which are seen in a particular situation. Suppose the original height and width of the soft material taken are L and B, respectively, and it is stretched longitudinally. In that case, the material is laterally compressed, increasing the length by an amount of dL, And the width increases by an amount of dB.

t= dB/B

l= dL/L

Poisson’s ratio formula =Transverse strain/ Longitudinal strain

𝝂 =- tl

𝝂 = -Strain in direction of loadStrain at right angle to load

𝝂 =- lateralaxial


t = Lateral or Transverse Strain

l = Longitudinal or Axial Strain

𝝂 = Poisson’s ratio

The strain is the difference in dimension (length, breadth, area, etc.) divided by the original dimension.

Poisson’s Ratio Example

Poisson’s Ratio represents the Ratio between the transverse contraction stress and the longitudinal expansion stress, which can be due to the direction of the stretching force. In the case of Poisson’s ratio stress, there are positive and negative signs, depending on the fundamental property of the substance. Here is an example of Poisson’s Ratio, which is as follows,




0.27 – 0.30


0.18 – 0.3




0.1 – 0.2



Stainless steel

0.30 – 0.31


0.10 – 0.50


0.30 – 0.45

Poisson ratio describes a small number of units of a substance, as this ratio is obtained by dividing one strain by another; after looking at this table, it can be concluded that Poisson’s Ratio is 0.5, then It will be flexible, low-modulus in nature, as we find with rubber’s Poisson ratio, similarly, if a material has a Poisson ratio close to zero it is a rigid, high-modulus material as we would with Poisson Let’s find with the balance of concrete.

Similarly, suppose a substance has a Poisson’s Ratio as low as -1. In that case, we find that these substances are stretched in length, increasing the width or diameter of the material. Substances are harmful, as we see in materials such as anti-rubber, dispersion material, auxetic material, or auxetics. The material becomes thicker in cross-section when the material is stretched according to the negative Poisson’s Ratio. Still, on the other hand, the rubber becomes thinner due to the positive Poisson’s Ratio.


In general, we can observe Poisson’s phenomenon in any material with tensile properties. For example, if we pull a rubber or soft cloth in a direction perpendicular to the direction of force, it gets compressed similarly; if we pull it in the same direction, it becomes slack; Poisson’s effect can be seen at all places where the forces of contraction and relaxation of matter are present.

The Poisson’s Ratio affects the speed of reflection and propagation of stress waves of material. The value of Poisson’s balance can be used to determine how well a solid sample is subjected to compressive loads and demonstrate the material’s ability to be stressed.


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