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Anomalous Expansion of Water

This planet relies heavily on water. Nearly 71 per cent of the Earth is covered by saline water, making it unfit for human consumption. Just 2% of the freshwater is drinkable and fresh.

There are two hydrogens and one oxygen atom in every water molecule because of the solid covalent connection that holds them all together: H2O. Water is the lightest in its gaseous form; it is significantly heavier in liquid form. Different qualities make it a valuable conductor of electricity.

Water is colourless, tasteless, & tasteless; it does not have any aroma or flavour. Furthermore, several additional characteristics make water exceptional. We can find water in a variety of forms throughout the world. It is seen as ice near the poles and as a liquid in other parts of the world.

What Makes Water So Special?

Water has even more strange qualities, such as its abnormal behaviour, particularly when ice is involved. W. J. M. Rankine discovered the unnatural extension of water (AEW) in 1859, referred to as AEW. He found that it takes up more space when water freezes than when it’s a liquid. At 0 degrees Celsius, this expansion may be up to 9%, compared to barely 1% for most other compounds.

More ice crystals may form, or water particles from a better-organised structure grow more prominent when they freeze. As a result, none of these hypotheses has been confirmed correct.

In the subject of architecture, AEW may have a tremendous influence on our daily life. A lack of consideration for AEW may lead to structurally unsafe buildings and may even collapse in extreme circumstances in cold regions. AEW also has the potential to influence the natural world. As ice forms on rivers and lakes, the increased volume of water may cause the banks to buckle, resulting in flooding. In addition, AEW might have a negative influence on the natural world.

When the anomalous expansion of water freezes, it expands, putting pressure on the sides of lakes and rivers, leading to floods. Our life would not be possible without the presence of water, despite its numerous idiosyncrasies. As an essential resource, we should use water in the most effective manner possible.

Why Does This Happen?

One oxygen molecule and two hydrogen atoms make up the anomalous expansion of the water molecule. At room temperature, the intermolecular attraction force between the water molecules keeps the molecules tightly bound to one another. There is a continual movement of water molecules in liquid form, zigzagging within the container and reorganising themselves.

The zigzag motion of the water reduces as the atoms lose energy as the water is cooled. Water molecules begin to squeeze together during a freeze, resulting in Water’s maximum density. The hydrogen between the positively charged oxygens and the positively charged hydrogen atoms that form two separate water molecules is blamed for this phenomenon. Because of the H-O bond attraction, the ice will become water as the temperature rises.

Ice’s lattice structure prevents water molecules from moving around it. In contrast, since the H-O link is weaker than the O-O binding, expansion of water will expand, taking up more space. Here’s an illustration to help: If five persons sat on a seat without their hands folded, one might fall out of the corner if they started expanding their hands. In the same way, when the H-O bond takes control, water needs more excellent room.


We may use water’s anomalous expansion in a variety of ways.

  • Life Under the Water

Water’s special characteristic aids aquatic life in its struggle for survival. Further cooling results in ice formation on the surface, making it a poor conductor of heat. This helps marine life thrive by preventing heat from exiting the water. As a result, aquatic life may live even at extremes of temperature.

What Happens When a Bottle Bursts?

Putting a water bottle full of water in the refrigerator will cause it to expand because of the abnormal behaviour of water at temperatures below 4 degrees Celsius. As a result of the lack of room in the bottle for water molecules to expand, water will put pressure on the bottle’s walls, causing it to rupture.

  • Bottles For Soft Drinks

Cold storage facilities house soft drink bottles. Drinks in bottles begin to expand as soon as the temperature falls below 4 degrees Celsius. As a result, a tiny amount of room remains within the bottle to prevent these molecules from it just on the wall and exploding.

  • Burst Of A Pipe

Because of water’s abnormal behaviour in cold nations, water pipes grow and burst because the water puts a tremendous amount of pressure on the pipe wall.

  • The Fracturing Of The Rock

The anomalous expansion of water within the rocks expands because the temperature drops. This results in the stones shattering due to this expansion.

What Is The Cause Of This?

  • One oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms unite to form a water molecule. The water molecules’ intermolecular interaction keeps them together in such a liquid form at room temperature. When water is in a liquid form, the molecules are continually whirling and rearranging themselves in the container.

  • Hydrogen also has a role in the attraction between molecules. There is also an attraction between the hydrogen in one water molecule and the oxygen atoms in another water molecule.

  • There is a more significant attraction between both the H-O bond and the O-O pull-in water. As the temperature of the water drops, the speed at which the particles are zipping about falls.

  • The water molecules begin to press together as the temperature drops even lower, increasing density. The water particles can no longer fit in at temperatures higher than 4 degrees Celsius because of the increased density.

  • As a result, instead of the O-O The H-O attraction keeps the Water from becoming ice as it freezes. Ice’s lattice structure prevents molecules of water from moving. However, since the H-O bond is not as strong as the O-O link, it expands somewhat whenever the H-O bond takes over.

More people can get on the train by keeping their hands in their pockets rather than holding hands and standing, so more people can get on a crowded subway car. Even though this setup is more powerful, it also takes up more room. The same thing happens to the water.


Humans, plants, and animals all need water for survival. The fact that 75% of the human mind is an anomalous expansion of water gives us an idea of its significance. Besides recreational and daily activities, water is very significant in the industrial, agricultural, and commercial sectors.


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