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An idea on the gravitational field

Gravitational field can be defined as space around the mass where the gravitational force is effective.

A gravitational field applies the gravitational force on any object which has mass. The mass of the matter causes the gravitational force. If there is a mass, it will apply pressure on another object containing mass. These two masses don’t come in contact but are at a certain distance. Even after that, the second mass is experiencing force towards the first mass regardless of the communication. Any mass around its space creates a field effect, just like a web made by spiders. The area around the mass where its gravitational force is effective is called its gravitational field.  

The intensity of the gravitational field

The space around a body in which other bodies may feel its gravitational pull is the gravitational field. The intensity of gravitational field (E): The force experienced by a body of unit mass put at a spot is called the intensity of a gravitational field.

This is the force experienced by 1kg mass, and it is considered a field. The gravitational field can be defined as an example.

The formula for the gravitational field 

The acceleration due to gravity near-earth depends upon the object’s distance from the Earth’s center. The formula of the gravitational field is beneficial because it helps find the area of strength, which is the acceleration due to gravity at any position around the Earth.  

The radius of the Earth is R_E= 6.38 ×106m, so values of r in the formula are more significant than this radius. The strength of the gravitational field is measured in Newtons per kilogram.

N kg, or in the same units as acceleration, is m/s².

gr= Gm/r²

gr= Earth’s gravitational field of strength, N kg or ms²

G= Gravitational constant 

r = distance from the center of the Earth (m) 

The gravitational pull between two objects only affects their motion when at least one of the objects is very massive. Earth has a mass of about 6*1024 kg. 

Characteristics of Inertial Mass 

  • A body’s inertia is determined by its inertial mass. Inertial mass is proportional to the amount of substance in the body.
  • The body’s inertia is determined by its size, shape, and state.
  • The temperature of the body has no bearing on inertial mass.
  • The presence or absence of any other bodies around it does not affect the inertial mass.
  • When split or withdrawn, inertial mass follows the simple algebraic law of combining addition and the simple algebraic rule of subtraction.
  • In a chemical process, a substance’s inertial mass is conserved.
  • Only when the body’s speed equals that of light will the body’s inertia be influenced.


A gravitational field is a physics term for the impact that a large body has on the space around it, causing a force to be exerted on another enormous body. The gravitational field, which is measured in newtons per kilogram and aids in understanding gravitational processes, is a useful tool. Even when the Earth and moon are not in direct touch, they exert a force on each other, in simple words the gravitational field of two bodies interact for example interaction between Earth and a satellite in orbit. 

At the earth’s surface, the gravitational field changes slightly. Over subsurface lead deposits, for example, the field is slightly stronger than average. The gravitational field in large caves that may be filled with natural gas is slightly weaker. To estimate what might be beneath the surface, geologists and oil and mineral prospectors take detailed measurements of the earth’s gravitational field. 

The greatest scientist of all time, Sir Isaac Newton, discovered gravity and its forces after an apple landed on his head. At the Earth’s surface, the gravitational field changes slightly.


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