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All you need to know about polytropic heat capacity

The word “polytropic” was first used to designate any reversible reaction including heat and energy transmission on any closed and open stream of gas or vapour, as long as a certain mixture of attributes was kept constant throughout the operation. The phrase linking the attributes of the system throughout the process is known as the polytropic direction in such a mechanism.

Among the two given variables, there exists an unlimited amount of reversible polytropic routes. Polytropic heat capacity is an important topic in physics and attains a special place in practical experiments. In this article, we will explain the notion of polytropic heat capacity, equations, and other topics with illustrative examples. 

An overview of polytropic heat capacity

Any reversible treatment on a gas or steam circuit is referred to as “polytropic.” It transports both heat and energy and maintains a certain set of characteristics throughout the process. Polytropic processes are generally classified by the constant variable in the process or the shape of the graph that corresponds to it (e.g., linear)

When the number n is a little less than 0: Negative n values indicate that the quantity of heat delivered to the unit is significantly more than the workload performed by the system.

Polytropic Index:




Associated with

Thermometer (Isothermic)

ONE (unless saturated)

PV1= C

Non-insulated systems

Efforts (Isobaric)

ZERO (unless saturated)

PV0= C


Quantity (Isochoric)

PV∞= C

Containers with a rigid body



PV-1= C

In/outflow of work and heat

Thermodynamics (Isentropic)


PVγ= C

Valves for Expansion

Any thermodynamic procedure which can be represented by the below equation has been referred to as a polytropic specific heat formula.

ƿVᶰ = C, here, p stands for pressure, V for volume, n for the polytropic parameter, and C for constant. The polyprotic process equation describes a variety of expansion and contraction processes, including heat transmission.

The polytropic process may be used to describe gas expansions, compressions, and heat transmission. The polytropic factor (n) can take any positive value (between 0 to infinity) based on the activity.

The polytropic process has four thermodynamic procedures – isobaric, isochoric, adiabatic and isothermal.


  • Isobaric procedure:

A thermal process wherein the temperature remains unchanged is known as an isobaric process. This is commonly accomplished by letting the volume open and close to the point where any pressure variations induced by heat transmission remain neutralised.

Internal energy shifts are common in an isobaric process. Because the system does work and transfers heat, none of the values in the very first rule of thermodynamics can easily be reduced to zero. On the other hand, the energy at a continuous volume may be estimated using the equation:

    W = p * Δ V

Since W would be the work, p would be the pressure (which is always positive), and V would be the volume change, we can see that an isobaric activity can have two alternative outcomes:

When a system expands (V is positive), it performs useful work (also vice versa).

When a system collapses (V is negative), it performs specific problems (and vice versa).


  • Isochoric procedure:

Isochoric process, also known as constant-volume process, iso volumetric operation, or isometric operation in thermodynamics, is a heat transfer process in which the quantity of the isolated system experiencing the process stays constant. The movement of air in the interior of a confined, inelastic vessel is an example of an isochoric process: The thermal process would be the addition or elimination of heat; the enclosed system is established by the segregation of the container’s components; the container’s incapacity to expand enforces the constant-volume constraint. The isochoric process in this case must be quasi-static.

Constant volume, i.e., V = 0, characterises an isochoric thermal quasi-static process. Since pressure-volume work is specified by pressure, the mechanism does not perform such work.

where P stands for pressure. The sign system will be that the system does vital work on the atmosphere.

The work might be accomplished in a dimension consistent thermodynamic cycle if the activity is not quasi-static.


  • Adiabatic process:

An adiabatic process would be a form of thermodynamic procedure that moves without the passage of heat or energy between the thermal components of a system in thermodynamics. An adiabatic process, besides an isentropic process, only sends heat to the environment as work. The adiabatic process is an important notion in thermodynamics that supports the hypothesis that describes the first rule of thermodynamics.

Since some physical or chemical steps operate too quickly for heat to enter or exit the system, an “adiabatic approximation” can be used. The adiabatic saturation temperature assumption, for example, employs this assumption to compute the upper bound of heat release by maintaining combustion does not lose any heat to its environment.


  • Isothermal process:

During an isothermal activity, the temperature stays unchanged, but during adiabatic activities, there is zero heat exchange between the component and its surroundings. This polytropic factor (n) for adiabatic as well as isothermal processes equals “Y” and one, respectively. Any temperature change produces a change inside a process’s inner energy (U). That inner energy shift inside an isothermal activity equals zero (dU = 0), as well as the shift throughout heat (dQ), leads to an equivalent amount of shift throughout work of expansions (dW).


Thermodynamic procedures that follow Pvn=constant are identified as polytropic. Once the energy n = k, the gas heat transfer ratio k=Cp/Cv, the process is isentropic. As a result, an isentropic technique would be a reversible polytropic system that does not create entropy. Any values we compute for a polytropic event will be a generic formula for that quantity in all the other thermodynamic processes since polytropic operations are general approximations of thermodynamic processes.


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