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All About Electric Dipole

Electric dipoles are a pair of electric charges, -q and q, that are equal and opposite point charges separated by a distance d of 2a. The dipole's orientation is defined as the direction from q to -q.

A system in which a pair of electric charges opposing charges separated by a distance d is known as an electric dipole. The electric dipole moment p is the product of any two charges multiplied by their distance. It moves from a negative to a positive charge. The axis of a dipole is the line that connects the two charges. Assume that the charges of an electric dipole are –q and +q, respectively, and that a fair distance of 2a separates them. p = q x 2a = 2qa gives the dipole moment of such a dipole.

The Dipole Moment

The dipole moment is the sum of the charge magnitude and the displacement vector going from the negative to the positive charge. An electric dipole is made up of two opposite-signed charges of equal magnitude. P is the abbreviation for it. The coulomb-meter or debye is the SI unit for dipole moment.

  • When the consequences of microscopic charge separation are visible, but the actual difference between the charges is too low to measure, the dipole moment is a helpful notion. Molecules can have constant dipole moments, and atoms and molecules that don’t have one can get one by being exposed to an electric field.
  • An electric dipole’s potential is computed by adding the potentials of the two-point charges that generate it.
  • It provides a measurement of the polarisation of a net neutral system. The charges or spacing are modest if the dipole moment is small. Because of the polarisation, the electric field will be modest. The electric field will be non-monopole if the polarisation is large.
  • A dipole’s tendency to align with an external electric field is also measured by the dipole moment.

Types of Electric Dipole

In electromagnetism, there are two main dipoles An electric dipole is required to separate the opposite charges in any electromagnetic system. A simple example of this system is a pair of electric charges of equal magnitude yet opposite sign separated by a generally modest distance.

The Formula of Electric Dipole

The formula for the electric dipole moment for a pair of equal and opposing charges is

p = qd, 

where qd = the magnitude of the charges multiplied by the distance separating them.

The electric dipole moment, also known as the electric dipole unit, is a measurement of the overall polarity of a system or the distance of positive and negative electrical charges inside. Although the coulomb-meter (Cm) is the SI unit for electric dipole moment, the debye is a standard unit in atomic physics and chemistry.

Electric Dipole Visualisation

Assume you have a pair of electric charges of equal magnitude, ‘q,’ separated by a distance, d. This structure is known as an electric dipole. As a result, we can say that an electric dipole is generated when equal and a specified distance separates opposite charges.

The symbol p represents an electric dipole. An electric dipole is calculated as the measure of the magnitude of the charges multiplied by the distance between them, and it may be expressed mathematically as the following

The magnitude of an electric dipole is p = qd.

Significance of Electric Dipole and Dipole Moment

The physical importance of the electric dipole and dipole moment are as follows

  • In their ground state, all atoms are electrically neutral. Atoms have an equivalent amount of opposite charges, as we know. Molecules, like atoms, are neutral, although they have an equal number of positive and negative charges.
  • Atoms and molecules make up electrically neutral matter. When the positive charge centre of mass coincides with the negative charge centre of mass, the molecules behave as non-polar molecules. The molecule acts as a polar molecule when the centre of mass of positive charges somehow doesn’t overlap with that of negative charges.

Permanent dipole moments exist in these polar compounds. In the absence of an external electric field, these dipole moments are arbitrarily directed. When polar molecules are exposed to an external electric field, the molecules align them in the field’s direction. A net dipole moment develops as a result of this. It’s said that this particular piece of material is polarised.

  • The study of dipoles yields a polarisation measurement for a net neutral system. Dipole moments measure a dipole’s inclination to align with an external electric field.
  • Just because the total of all the charges in a system is zero does not entail that the system’s electric field is zero everywhere. As a result, the research of electric dipoles is critical for understanding electrical phenomena in matter.
  • When there is a charge separation, an electric dipole moment occurs. Electrically neutral molecules with ionic compounds or molecules with covalent bonds can both have it. The electric polarity of a system of charges is measured by dipole moments.


An electric dipole is a charge distribution of a pair of electric charges of equal magnitude and opposite sign. A dipole is a vector determined by the charge distribution’s properties. Two-point orders are considered q1 at position r1 and q2 at position r2, with opposite signs and equal magnitude. An electric dipole moment is a vector going from a negative electric point charge to a positive electric point charge when both charges are of equal magnitude. The distance between the point charges multiplied by the magnitude of the charges determines the dipole’s size.


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