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AC Generator And Transformer

This article contains relevant theory explaining the definition of displacement current, its cause, its derivation and formula, as well as its need. Concise detail is also presented regarding the uses of displacement current density and its applications.


Maxwell discovered a discrepancy in Ampere’s law and proposed the need for displacement current to correct it. This displacement current is caused by a changing electric field and is generated by and acts as a magnetic field source in the same manner that conduction current does.

Displacement Current

The displacement current is the rate of change of electric displacement field. When electric charge flows through the parallel plates, a capacitor is present to balance the current between plates. The current present in the capacitor is the displacement current. It is present in between to manage the continuation of the magnetic effect over the device. The charging and discharging of the capacitor entirely depend upon this current. The displacement current formula for measurement is:


When the electric field changes take place, many other changes are noticeable in the quality and form of the electric current. The magnetic field results from such variations happening in the electric field. Scientist Maxwell learned that even in the absence of conduction current, there is an association between the magnetic and electric fields. Some current in this situation gave proof and was named as displacement current.

Characteristics of displacement current

There are specific characteristics of conduction current and displacement current that affect the current flow. The magnetic field generated may affect current value variation. Here are some characteristics:

  • The presence of displacement current is noticeable when the conduction current is absent. In the absence of conduction current, there is a current flow through insulation plates to the capacitor. In this state, the magnetic field’s continuity takes place and hence the name displacement current was given by Maxwell.
  • The calculation process of this type of current takes place as the value of current in chargeable and discharge situations of the capacitor. This value is always equal to the size of the conduction current flowing through the capacitor.
  • The propagation of electromagnetic radiation entirely depends upon this type of currency. Many radio waves and light waves pass through hollow spaces using displacement current.
  • The measurement and calculations of electromagnetic waves become easy with this type of electric current.

Conduction current:

The electric current flow and its variation define the type of current flow in the circuit. The conduction current and displacement current are the most fundamental current which flows through electric and magnetic fields. Conduction current is present in the conductor where the subatomic particles flow at a uniform rate at a particular time interval. There is an argument for the uniform run of time at a particular interval.

 The modified Ampere’s circuital law states that if there is fluctuation in time, the current flow varies in its way. This is why the current rate in this type of circuit is always constant with a given unit of time. This means that if time remains uniform, there will be no change in the current flow.

 Ampere’s circuital law:

When the electric field generates, the flow remains uniform, but when there is a change in time, the fluctuation occurs—this type of fluctuation creates a magnetic field and displacement current around the electric circuit. Maxwell concluded that there is some change in the capacitor regarding the current flow and time. 

The magnetic field generates and the modified Ampere’s circuital law applies to the circuit. This law states that current flow in the fluctuating electric circuit is the sum of the rate of change of charge flow as displacement current and conduction current. The previous theories were in doubt about the presence of conduction current in the electric circuit, but the derivation and formula given by Maxwell prove the strong presence of conduction current.

Displacement Current flowing in a Capacitor

The rate of change in electric current density causes the displacement current. In capacitors, this behaviour is more prominent. A capacitor is a device that consists of two conducting plates separated by a dielectric material. Paper, mica or other insulating materials can be used as dielectric media.

The energy held in electric fields is stored when a capacitor is charged. The capacitance value is then calculated depending on the dielectric medium. Capacitance is inversely related to the distance between the two conducting plates and proportionate to the dielectric medium.

When a capacitor is charged with a valuable voltage source, it generates energy around it. The capacitor is also receiving current at the same time. The movement of charges causes this current, known as the conventional current. When the source is removed, the conduction drops to zero and the energy held across the capacitor dissipates.

This current is added to the conduction current in this scenario and the overall current through the capacitor leads to the voltage. Due to this leading factor and the need for displacement current, the capacitor now can improve power factors and offer reactive power to load.


The world of electricity has two main objectives: electric current and magnetic current. Both the factors have an impact in certain situations on each other. The electromagnetic circuits are present, which collectively manage a smooth flow of current in the circuits. The parallel working of electric and magnetic current results from the fluctuation in the current flow in a uniform interval of time. Hence, the conduction current and displacement current are an integral part of the electromagnetic circuits. This study often helps propagate electromagnetic waves in modern research regarding light and radio waves.


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