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A simple note on Applications of Capacitor Energy

This article reviews the application of capacitor energy. The audio equipment, uninterruptible power supplies and benefits offer new technological possibilities that can be achieved. Supercapacitors are capable of storing a large amount of energy by making the capacitor’s connection in different orders.

Capacitance is an electrical property of the conductor which gives the amount of electric charge stored per unit change in potential difference between the terminals of the plate of the capacitor. A device that is used for storing electrical charge is known as Capacitor. This device helps to store electrical charge and delivers the electrical energy for the applications. The process of charging a capacitor is done by passing electric charge through the two different potential ends of the uncharged capacitor until both terminals get equally charged resulting in the establishment of potential difference between them. For the numerical analysis, Capacitance is found to be the ratio of the charge collected on one of the plates of the capacitor to the potential difference that exists between them. 



C= Capacitance

Q= Charge

V= Potential difference

This capacitor can release the accumulated charge for inventing various applications in the field of technology. For example, Supercapacitors are capable of storing a large amount of charge by keeping the connections of the number of capacitors in different orders for delivering a large amount of charge. The capacitor energy is the amount of electrical charge which is stored by the plates of the capacitor.

Applications of capacitor energy

The application of capacitor energy holds various benefits and is used in finding numerous applications in the field of electrical and electronic utilities. This form of energy which is used as capacitor energy offers new technological possibilities. Such possibilities invent unique varieties of new electrical devices with different forms of sources of energy. They are used in audio equipment, hybrid energy systems, pulse loads such as magnetic coils, uninterruptible power supplies, etc. There are various applications of capacitor energy which are mentioned below:

Hybrid Energy System (HES)

Hybrid energy systems are systems that equipped the capacitors incorporated with the batteries for delivering the energy in the form of electrical energy more efficiently and quickly. In the expectation of a high amount of energy in the technological field, the various companies follow a standardised way of generating various applications at minimum cost. Such systems are expected to evolve in the future as per the requirement of the future generation. HES are manufactured so that it contains a combination of non-renewable, conventional generation of energy with a battery energy storage system on a single system for improving its functioning. With the help of HES, batteries can attain higher energy densities and enhance the working life of the HES. The maximum application of HES is found particularly in transportation applications. 


Supercapacitors are those devices that have energy storage capacity consisting of double-layered capacitors for enhancing their capacitance.  In supercapacitors, a higher voltage or capacitance value results in a higher value of energy storage. Supercapacitors can store a large amount of energy by keeping the number of the capacitor connected in different orders, such as series or parallel connections. The connection of capacitors will be in series or similar order. When the capacitors are connected in series, the effect of total capacitance gets reduced with the increase in voltage. In parallel, its total capacitance increases by keeping the voltage the same. Applications of Supercapacitors are used as long–term compact energy storage in transport vehicles (like buses, cars, trains, etc.)


A Defibrillator is an electronic device portably used for generating a high amount of charge for a shorter interval of time, like a short burst or shock to the heart of the person, for getting the heart’s normal rhythm. This portable electronic device is an automated external defibrillator (AED). It is used for those people suffering from a disease such as a heart attack. This device automatically identifies the rhythm of a person’s heart cycle and then generates a required shock to the person’s heart.


This article concluded the applications of capacitor energy with some insight into the capacitor and its formulation analysis. One of the major applications of capacitor energy is a Supercapacitor. Super Capacitors can store a large amount of energy to deliver it rapidly efficiently. Some applications are used as audio equipment, uninterruptible power supplies, pulse loads and defibrillators, which offer new technological possibilities. One more major invention of this application is a hybrid energy system used with batteries to enhance its charge densities for delivering a high charge at a minimal cost.  Such applications give new sights to advancements in the electrical and electronics field.


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