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A Brief Note on Types of Binding Energy

What is binding energy-ionisation energy? What happens in atomic binding energy? What is the origin of the binding energy?

The energy required to separate a particle from a bunch of particles or disperse all the bunch’s particles by applying force is called binding energy. In simple words, it is dismantling all the system particles into separate units. 

F.W. Aston discovered binding energy in 1920. The term binding energy comes in physics under the branch of atomic physics and nuclear physics and it also comes in chemistry. 

In Atomic physics, the binding energy is defined as the smallest energy needed to either remove the protons and neutrons, collectively known as nucleons, from an atom or remove the electrons from an atom. 

In Nuclear physics, the binding energy is labelled as Separation Energy. Mass Energy is the concept associated with binding energy, discussed below. The binding energy mainly applies to subatomic particles bound to nuclei and ions bound together in crystals.

Types of Binding Energy 

There are different types of binding energy that are functioned over different distances and different energy scales. The binding energy associated is higher when the size of the bound is smaller. The types are discussed below.

Electron Binding Energy – Ionisation Energy 

  • Ionisation energy is the minimum energy that an electron in a gaseous atom or ion must absorb to escape the influence of the nucleus.
  • The electron binding energy usually derives from the electron’s electromagnetic interaction with the nucleus and other electrons of the atom or molecule, which photons arbitrated.
  • The electron binding energy is commonly known as ionisation energy.

Atomic Binding Energy

  • The binding energy is the energy that must be applied to break down the atom into its constituent free nucleus and electrons.

Nuclear Binding Energy

  • Nuclear binding energy is the minimum energy needed to dismantle the nucleus into free protons and neutrons, collectively known as nucleons.
  • The mass defect is the difference between the total mass of the nucleus and the mass of its protons and nucleons.
  • Nuclear binding energy is energy equivalent to the mass defect.
  • Nuclear binding energy derives energy from the nuclear force or residual solid force arbitrated by three kinds of mesons.

Mass-Energy Relation

The unbonded constituents typically have higher energy, but this energy becomes lower when they bond together in a system. As a result, the mass of the bonded system will be less than the sum total of the individual unbonded constituents.

The low binding energies indicate change in mass that may be disoriented or lost in binding. It is given by the Einstein Equation E=mc2. This lost mass is the ‘mass deficit’ or ‘lost mass’.

Mass Deficit or Mass Change

The mass change in the bond system is termed the mass deficit or mass loss. This mass defect is the difference between the calculated mass of the unbonded system and the measured mass of the system, which is the measured mass of the nucleus. The unbonded system means the sum mass of neutrons and protons. Thus, the formulae are given by: 

Mass deficit = calculated mass of unbonded system – mass of the system measured

Nuclear Fusion and Nuclear Fission 

In nuclear fission, an unsteady or unstable nucleus is converted into stable nuclei with a mass smaller than the unstable nucleus. The change in the mass is the binding energy released, which is termed the mass deficit or the mass change. 

In the process of nuclear fusion, the mass of the stable nuclei formed is slightly less than the unstable nucleus.

Bond Dissociation Energy or Bond Energy

  • The bond dissociation energy is the energy required to dismantle a molecule into integral atoms.
  • The bond dissociation energy emerges as chemical energy and is normally in the few electron Volts per bond.

Gravitational Binding Energy

The gravitational binding energy is the energy required for enlarging a material to infinity. The level of gravitational binding energy is of the astrophysical level.

Binding energy curve indications

The binding energy is especially applicable to atoms and ions bound together in a crystal. This is because all the electrons are bound to nuclei in an atom and subatomic particles in an atom. 

It is also applicable in finding nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. Nuclear fission will occur for the elements in the periodic table greater than iron-56 and energy will be released.For elements lighter than iron-56, the process of nuclear fusion takes place and the energy is released. Therefore, they have higher binding energy values.


In this article, you came to know about what binding energy is. Different definitions for binding energy in chemistry, atomic physics and nuclear physics. The different types of binding energy like electron binding energy-ionisation energy, nuclear binding energy, atomic binding energy and bond energy are separately seen. 

You also learnt what the gravitational energy is and the applications of all these. You also learnt the process of nuclear fission and fusion. The primary matter on which the binding energy stands is the mass-energy relation which is clearly explained. You also learnt the concept of mass defect, which is associated with the concept. Finally, the applications are debated.


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