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The Trends in the Variation of the Property for Atomic Radii and Ionic Radii

Atomic radius, ionic radius, covalent radius and van der Waals radius are only a few of the different techniques to quantify the atom’s size.

A neutral atom’s atomic radius is equal to one-half of its diameter. A half-distance atom across the outer stable electrons is called a half-atom.

The ionic radius is equal to half the distance between two gas atoms that are almost touching. If the atomic radius is the same or bigger for anions, this value will be the same or less for cations.

The periodic table shows a similar pattern for the radii of atoms and ions. Radius often decreases across a row and increases along a group (column).

Chemical Reactivity in The Periodic Table Has Been Trending Upwards In Recent Years

The systematic arrangement of elements in a periodic table reveals periodic tendencies in the properties of elements that are revealed by the periodic table. For example, the atomic and ionic radii of elements decrease from left to right as they move through a period. The ability to recognise periodicities in the fundamental properties of elements (atomic and ionic radius, ionisation enthalpy, and electron gain enthalpy) will allow you to conclude that an element’s electronic configuration is primarily responsible for the periodicity in its fundamental properties. Following a thorough examination of the concepts, we can establish a link between chemical properties and the fundamental properties of elements.

Atomic Radii and Ionic Radii Are Both Defined As Follows

During the course of a period, the atomic and ionic radii of elements decrease as they progress from left to right. Moving from the top to the bottom of a group causes them to increase in size because the number of shells increases in proportion to the increase in atomic number.

The Enthalpy of Ionisation Is Measured As

The atomic radius decreases as one moves from left to right in a period of time. Consequently, when the size of an atom shrinks, the attractive attraction between the nucleus and the electrons on the outermost shell of the atom grows. As a result, ionisation energy normally increases from one period of the periodic table to the next across the table. When we look at the trend of ionisation enthalpy in the groups, we can observe that it drops from the top to the bottom of each group. This is owing to the fact that the number of shells grows as one moves down the group, resulting in the outermost electrons being further away from the nucleus and, as a result, the effective nuclear charge being less. Second, the shielding effect increases along the group as the number of shells increases, which leads in a decrease in the ionisation energy as the number of shells increases in the group.

The Enthalpy of Electron Gain

Increasingly negative electron gain enthalpy is observed as we move from left to right in a periodic table.

When energy is released while absorbing an electron, this is referred to as a negative event.

When energy is supplied to an atom while an electron is added, this is considered positive.

The trends in properties shown above can be summarised as follows: the elements at both ends of the periodic table are highly reactive (note that noble gases have completely filled shells, so they are the least reactive), and elements in the middle of periodic table are the least reactive (note: noble gases have completely filled shells, so they are the least reactive). The alkalis, which are at the extreme left of the periodic table, readily lose electrons and create cations. The halogens, on the other hand, are the elements on the extreme right of the periodic table that quickly obtain electrons and combine to create an anion. It can be compared to the metallic and non-metallic properties of elements in terms of their properties. During the course of a period, as one moves from left to right, metallic properties diminish while nonmetallic features rise. Metallic traits rise as a group progresses, while non-metallic features decrease as a group progresses.

Chemical Reactivity (Also Known As Reactivity)

It is possible to gain a comprehensive understanding of an element’s chemical reactivity by observing the reaction of the element with oxygen and halogens. Oxides are formed when elements interact with oxygen. The elements on the far left of the periodic table react with oxygen to generate basic oxides (Na2O), whereas the elements on the far right of the periodic table react with oxygen to form acidic oxides (H2O) (Cl2O7). The amphoteric (Al2O3) oxides of the elements in the middle of the periodic table are the most common. Amphoteric oxides are those that have the ability to act as both acids and bases.

Periodic Table Trends

The periodic table shows a trend or periodicity, regardless of the method used to characterise atomic size. Periodicity is a term used to describe periodic patterns in the properties of elements. When Demitri Mendeleev ordered the elements in order of increasing mass, these patterns were obvious to him. Mendeleev was able to make predictions about the properties of the unknown elements based on the properties of the known elements.

It is quite similar to Mendeleev’s table, except that elements are now arranged according to their atomic number, which is the number of protons in an atom. Although new elements can be formed with even more protons, there are no unknown elements.

As you descend the periodic table’s columns (groups), the atoms’ and ions’ radii grow as electron shells are added. As you advance along a row—or period—of the table, the atomic size drops due to the higher pull on electrons caused by the increased number of protons. The exception to the rule is that of the noble gases.. Noble gas atoms get bigger as you go down the column, yet they’re still bigger than the atoms before them.


From the following article we can conclude that Nuclear and ionic radius are distances distant from the nucleus or centre atom that show different periodic trends depending on which atom is being talked about. Atomic distance refers to the distance between the nucleus and the rest of the atom. Atomic radius grows from the top to the bottom of the periodic table and decreases as one moves across the table. The distance between the core atom and the outermost atom is called the ionic radius. Ionic radius grows from the top of the periodic table to the bottom, and it decreases across the periodic table.


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