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Phosphorus Properties

Phosphorus is a chemical element with the symbol P and the atomic number 15. It is found in nature in small amounts.

White phosphorus is one of the three allotropes of the element phosphorus that can be found in nature. The last two colors are red, which is an amorphous polymer, and black, which is a graphite like polymer. The substance known as yellow phosphorus is actually white phosphorus that has been contaminated with impurities (for example, red phosphorus) or that has darkened as a result of exposure to light. When heated to greater than 550 degrees Celsius, red phosphorus turns violet or purple.

White phosphorus

White phosphorus  is composed of four phosphorus atoms arranged in a tetrahedral configuration. It has a strong, garlic-like odor and is exceedingly poisonous, making it a bad choice for gardening. As soon as it comes into contact with air, it begins to emit white vapors before exploding into flames. Because it glows green in the dark and is pyrophoric, white phosphorus has been dubbed “the devil’s element.”

Because of its instability, white phosphorus is often stored beneath water, where it is only marginally soluble in the solution. A variety of nonpolar solvents, including hydrocarbons, carbon disulfide, sulfur chloride (S2Cl2), and acetone, are compatible with the allotrope.

Although molecular phosphorus does not exist in nature, it can be found in a variety of minerals, the most common of which being hydroxyapatite, fluorapatite, and chlorapatite. Joseph Wright’s painting The Alchemist Discovering Phosphorus depicts the discovery of white phosphorus in 1669 by Hennig Brandt (in some accounts, Brand), a pharmacist and alchemist from Hamburg, Germany. Hennig Brandt (in some accounts, Brandt) is the subject of the painting The Alchemist Discovering Phosphorus. 

The crude procedure developed by Brandt serves as the foundation for contemporary white phosphorus production. In the presence of silica (sand) and a carbon source such as coke, apatites are converted into P2 vapor, which is then condensed in water. It is possible to create fluorine gas from fluorapatite by using the calcium fluoride byproduct produced as a result of the use of fluorapatite.

The usage of white phosphorus as a chemical element is restricted to metallurgy additives and rodent poisons alone. Up until around the start of the twentieth century, it was employed as a component of friction matches, but it was eventually supplanted by the safer phosphorus sesquisulfide compound (P4S3).

In terms of allotropes, white phosphorus is the least stable and most reactive, while also being the most volatile, least dense, and most poisonous of the bunch. With time, it transforms into red phosphorus, a transition that is accelerated by light and heat. A little amount of red phosphorus is always present in samples of white phosphorus, which causes them to appear yellow. As a result, it is also referred to as yellow phosphorus. Upon contact with air, it emits a faint green and blue glow in the dark (when exposed to oxygen). It is highly flammable and pyrophoric (self-igniting), and it is highly toxic. It is very toxic, and when consumed, it can cause serious liver damage, which can be fatal. A component of napalm, white phosphorus is employed as an addition because of its pyrophoricity. 

White Phosphorus  structure

The elemental form of phosphorus that is most essential is white phosphorus, P4, which exhibits the bonding illustrated.

When it comes to applications, white phosphorus is the most important elemental form of phosphorus available. Tetrahedral P4 molecules, in which each atom is connected to the other three atoms by a single link, are used to construct the structure of the molecule. In addition, this P4 tetrahedron can be found in liquid and gaseous phosphorus up to a temperature of 800 °C, beyond which it begins to decompose into individual P2 molecules. Specifically, solid white phosphorus exists in two forms: the form is stable at low temperatures while the form is dominant at high temperatures; both forms are stable at low temperatures. In terms of the relative orientations of the constituent P4 tetrahedra, these shapes are distinct from one another.

Physical properties of white phosphorus

Listed below are a few of the physical characteristics of White Phosphorus:

•Because it is translucent, white phosphorus has the appearance of a waxy solid.

•White phosphorus has a garlic-like odor, which implies it has a garlic-like odor when it is crushed.

•White phosphorus is referred to as a polar chemical because it is not soluble in water, but is soluble in carbon dioxide when exposed to high temperatures.

•The molecular weight of white phosphorus is 30.97 g/mole.

•White phosphorus occurs naturally and is highly poisonous and caustic.

Chemical characteristics of White Phosphorus

In the following list, you can find some of the chemical properties of White Phosphorus:

When white phosphorus reacts with a metal, the outcome is metal phosphide, which is a toxic gas.

White phosphorus reacts with the oxygen in the air and causes a fire to erupt as a result of the reaction. In order to avoid this, white phosphorus is stored beneath the surface of the water. It is possible to produce red phosphorus by heating white phosphorus at 573 degrees Celsius in an inert atmosphere for several days at a time.


White phosphorus  is composed of four phosphorus atoms arranged in a tetrahedral configuration. It has a strong, garlic-like odor and is exceedingly poisonous.Because of its instability, white phosphorus is often stored beneath water, where it is only marginally soluble in the solution.The usage of white phosphorus as a chemical element is restricted to metallurgy additives and rodent poisons alone. White phosphorus reacts with the oxygen in the air and causes a fire to erupt as a result of the reaction. In order to avoid this, white phosphorus is stored beneath the surface of the water. It is possible to produce red phosphorus by heating white phosphorus at 573 degrees Celsius in an inert atmosphere for several days at a time.


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