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Packing Efficiency

Read about the packing efficiency of the unit cell, including atomic packing factor for simple cubic, calculation of packing efficiency of the simple cubic unit cell, and packing factor of simple cubic

A crystal lattice comprises a vast number of unit cells, with one component particle occupying each lattice point. A three-dimensional ability to manifest one or more atoms is referred to as a unit cell. Regardless of packing, there are always some blank areas in the unit cell. The packing fraction of the unit cell is the proportion of spaces filled by the particles in the unit cell. We’ll learn about Packing efficiency in this part.

The proportion of the unit cell that is rather occupied by the atoms is referred to as the packing efficiency of the unit cell. Since it is impractical to pack spheres without empty space between them, the percentage should be less than 100%.

Therefore, Packing efficiency = packing factor x 100.

Packing Factor Of Simple Cubic

A unit cell is a three-dimensional structure composed of one or more atoms. Regardless of the packing method in the cell, there is always some vacant space. The packing fraction is the percentage of total space filled with the intrinsic component particles of a cell or structure. It is calculated by dividing the total volume of component particles by the total volume of the cell.

When expressed as a percentage, the proportion of total space occupied by component particles is referred to as the Packing efficiency of a unit cell.

Packing Efficiency Formula = (Number of atoms * volume occupied by one atom) / (total volume of the unit cell) * 100

Factors that determine the Packing efficiency

The factors that determine the Packing efficiency of the unit cell are:

  • A lattice structure’s number of atoms.
  • A unit cell’s volume
  • The number of atoms in a given volume.

Importance of the Packing efficiency

The packing efficiency is significant because: 

  • The packing efficiency indicates the object’s solid structure.
  • It depicts several solid qualities such as isotropy, consistency, and density.
  • Different properties of solid structures may be obtained using the Packing efficiency.

Structures of the Packing efficiency

Hexagonal Close Packing (HCP) and Cubic Close Packing (CCP) Structures:

HCP (hexagonal close packing) and CCP (cubic close packing) are equally effective packing methods. They both pack as efficiently as each other. The alternating layers of Hexagonal Close Packing (HCP) fill each other’s gaps. One layer’s spheres match up with the preceding layer’s gap. In Cubic Close Packing (CCP), on the other hand, the layers are symmetrically stacked over each other. It’s called a cube because of the shape it takes when the layers are all stacked up together.

Body-Centred Cubic Structures:

Body-Centred Cubic Structures have three atoms aligned diagonally. Because there are two atoms in the Body-Centred Cubic (BCC) Structures, the volume of component spheres will be:

 2 × (4/3) π r3

Metals like chromium and iron fall under Body-Centred Cubic Structures.

Simple Lattice Structures:

The atoms are only found on the cube’s corners in a basic cubic lattice. The particles rub up against each other along the edge. While a simple cubic unit is contained in just one atom, the volume of the unit cell inhabited by one atom is:

4 / 3 π r3

Metals like lithium and calcium, for example, belong to this group.

Atomic Packing Factor 

Atomic packing factor for simple cubic (APF), packing effectiveness or packing fraction in crystallography is the volume fraction in a crystal structure occupied by constituent atoms. It’s dimensionless and less than unity at all times. The APF is determined in nuclear structures by convention, assuming electrons are stiff fields. The sphere’s radius is taken as the maximum value so that the atoms are not overlapping. The packing fraction is depicted mathematically for single-component crystals (those containing only one sort of particle).

For example, in an fcc arrangement, a unit cell contains (8 corner atoms × ⅛) + (6 face atoms × ½) = 4 atoms. This structure, along with its hexagonal relative (hcp), has the most efficient packing (74%).

Calculate Packing Efficiency of Simple Cubic Unit Cell

Atoms are found at the cube’s corners in a basic cubic unit cell. Take a unit cell with the edge length “a.” An atom’s radius can be expressed as-

r = a/2 => a = 2r

In simple cubic structures, each unit cell has only one atom.

Packing efficiency = (volume occupied by one atom) / ( total volume of unit cell )*100

Which is equal to 52.4%.


Here we explored a detailed explanation of the packing efficiency of the unit cell. The article also covers important aspects of the topic, including factors that affect packing efficiency, its importance in the field, and its structure. 


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