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Missing Elements

There were three elements missing from the periodic table prior to Moseley's discovery (atomic numbers 43, 61, and 75).

Henry Moseley, a young English physicist, revolutionised the periodic table of the elements and helped solve a number of chemistry and physics mysteries just over a century ago. Moseley volunteered for service in World War I just a year after he released this book and was killed in action by a sniper’s bullet. Despite his short life, Moseley’s contributions to chemistry have endured. As a result of his efforts, the periodic table will now include new elements like 115 and 118, which have yet to be named.

Moseley discovered a way to identify the atomic charge of elements using x-rays in a vacuum (a critical measurement of their chemical properties, now known to correspond to the number of electrons in each element). As a result of his work, scientists have been able to definitively identify substances and have discovered elements that were previously unknown to the periodic table. This has led to new discoveries about the world’s composition. His approaches also revealed the rationality of the existing arrangement of the periodic table. In addition to Ernest Rutherford, Moseley collaborated with some of physics’ most notable figures, including Albert Einstein.

He began his experiment in the early 1900s, at the height of the atomic revolution, when physicists were making major discoveries. Nuclei’s electrical charge and atomic weight were beginning to be linked by several lines of investigation. He found that the nuclear charge of any element was roughly equal to half the weight of the atomic nucleus by conducting x-ray scattering experiments. When bombarding elements with extremely energetic, radioactive alpha particles (now understood to be the nucleus of a helium atom, consisting of two protons and two neutrons), Rutherford and his colleagues came to the same conclusion. These particles scatter in patterns that are dependent on the element.

Moseley and other researchers were greatly influenced by a piece of this puzzle that came from an unlikely source. Dmitri Mendeleev’s classic periodic table of the chemical elements had long been a source of fascination for Anton van den Broek, a Dutch economist and amateur scientist. To improve upon what had gone before, Van den Broek looked to the work of Barkla and Rutherford. There could be an alphon, a new fundamental particle with an alpha charge and a mass of two units, or twice as much as the hydrogen atom, according to his theory. As of this time, the atomic nucleus had not been discovered, so van den Broek used the alpha particle to represent the protons and neutrons.

Transuranium elements

In chemistry, radioactive elements with atomic numbers larger than uranium (at. no. 92). These are the transuranium elements discovered as radioactive isotopes: neptunium, plutonium, americium, curium, einsteinium, fermium, mendelevium, lawrencium, berkelium, californium. Only neptunium and plutonium are naturally occurring; they are created by uranium’s radioactive decay.

Workers at both places share credit for independently discovering the first three transactinide elements, rutherfordium, dubnium, and seaborgium (at nos. 104-106). These elements were found by a German team at the Darmstadt Institute for Heavy Ion Research (at. no. 107 through 112). Nihonium was discovered by RIKEN Linear Accelerator Facility researchers in Wako, Japan (at. no. 113). The Dubna laboratory produced flerovium, moscovium, livermorium, and oganesson (at nos. 114 through 116 and 118); and tennessine (at nos (at. no. 117). The Berkeley team claimed to have generated livermorium and oganesson, but other labs failed to replicate their results, and a reanalysis of their data showed no creation.

Moseley’s death

The scientific community mourned Henry Moseley’s death in August 1915. Moseley’s death “may well have been the most costly single death of the War to mankind,” said Isaac Asimov. After graduating from Oxford, he became a physics lecturer at the University of Manchester, where he worked with Professor Ernest Rutherford. He quickly proved his great work capacity, combining practical competence and philosophical insight required for finding and problem solving new and complex challenges. Given his youth and short career, many wondered what Moseley could have done if he hadn’t been slain. In a few years, he had described the contemporary periodic table, anticipated the elements that would fill in the gaps, and demonstrated the analytical power of x-rays.

After his death, the British government banned the country’s most famous scientists from active combat action.

In memory of him, a memorial tablet was erected in the University of Manchester’s physical laboratory.

Hydrogen to Uranium 

In the reaction between uranium metal and gaseous hydrogen, uranium hydride (UH3) is formed as a direct result. This corrosion reaction is considered detrimental in the context of uranium storage, not only because the structure of the metal may be significantly degraded, but also because the resulting hydride is pyrophoric and therefore potentially flammable in the presence of air if present in significant quantities. The current analysis draws on information accumulated over a 70-year period in the literature around the uranium-hydrogen system to provide a complete assessment of what is now known regarding hydride production, breakdown, and oxidation in the context of uranium storage applications.


Henry Moseley, a young English physicist, revolutionised the periodic table of the elements and helped solve a number of chemistry and physics mysteries just over a century ago.In chemistry, radioactive elements with atomic numbers larger than uranium (at. no. 92). These are the transuranium elements discovered as radioactive isotopes: neptunium, plutonium, americium, curium, einsteinium, fermium, mendelevium, lawrencium, berkelium, californium.The scientific community mourned Henry Moseley’s death in August 1915. Moseley’s death “may well have been the most costly single death of the War to mankind,” said Isaac Asimov.


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