
In this lecture we are going to learn about magnesium,its properties, uses and magnesium nitride.

Magnesium (Mg) is a chemical element with the atomic number 12 and the symbol Mg. It’s a gleaming grey solid with many of the same physical and chemical properties as the other alkaline earth metals. The successive addition of three helium nuclei to a carbon nucleus produces this element in huge, aged stars. Much of the magnesium is ejected into the interstellar medium when such stars explode as supernovas, where it may be recycled into new star systems. Magnesium is the eighth most prevalent element in the Earth’s crust and the fourth most common element overall (after iron, oxygen, and silicon), accounting for 13% of the planet’s mass and a significant portion of its mantle. After sodium and chlorine, it is the third most prevalent element dissolved in seawater.

Magnesium is only found in nature in the presence of other elements, and it almost invariably possesses a +2 – oxidation state. The free element (metal) may be synthesised chemically and is extremely reactive. The metal is now predominantly produced by electrolysis of magnesium salts extracted from brine and is mostly utilised as a component in aluminum-magnesium alloys, sometimes known as magnalium or magnelium. Magnesium has a lower density than aluminium, and the resulting alloy is appreciated for its lightness and strength.

This element is the tenth most prevalent element in the human body by mass, and it is required for the proper functioning of all cells and 300 enzymes. Magnesium ions are required for the activity of hundreds of enzymes. Magnesium compounds are employed as laxatives, antacids (e.g., milk of magnesia), and to settle aberrant neuron excitation or blood vessel spasm in eclampsia.

Physical Characteristics:

Magnesium is a light and robust metal with a gleaming silver or grey colour.

Magnesium has a density of 1.738 g/mL, which indicates it will sink in water but is still quite light.

Chemical characteristics:

Magnesium is a white metal with a silvery sheen. A thin layer of oxide covers the surface of magnesium metal, which helps protect it from air attack. When magnesium metal is burnt in air, it produces a mixture of white magnesium oxide (MgO) and magnesium nitride (Mg3N2) in the form of a dazzling bright white flame.

Magnesium reacts strongly with halogens like chlorine (Cl2) and bromine (Br2), forming the dihalides magnesium chloride (MgCl2) and magnesium bromide (MgBr2).

Uses :

A scientist uses magnesium in medicine. The common use of magnesium is to treat skin issues, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety, mania, and post-surgery recuperation, etc.

Magnesium is abundant in this green, leafy vegetable. Magnesium can also be found in whole grains, seeds, and nuts (most notably almonds).

Magnesium is also present in the flashbulbs. A bright light is emitted when magnesium burns in air.It helps the photographers to capture worthy clicks due to low light.

Magnesium can be used as a substitute for many, if not all, aluminium applications due to its similar properties. Magnesium, on the other hand, is still constrained by its extraction costs, which make the metal roughly 20% more expensive than aluminium. Magnesium costs in the United States can nearly quadruple those of aluminium due to import duties on Chinese-produced magnesium.

Over half of all magnesium is utilised in aluminium alloys, which are popular in vehicle parts because of their strength, lightness, and resistance to sparking. Cast magnesium-aluminum (Mg-Al) alloys are used to make steering wheels, steering columns, support brackets, instrument panels, pedals, and intake manifold housings, among other parts, by a variety of car manufacturers. Transmission and clutch housings are also made using Mg-Al die castings.

Aerospace alloys, as well as helicopter and race car gearboxes, rely heavily on magnesium alloys for strength and corrosion resistance.

Although the criteria for beer and soda cans are not as stringent as those for aerospace alloys, a tiny quantity of magnesium is utilised in the aluminium alloy that makes these cans. Despite the fact that cans only contain a modest quantity of magnesium, this industry is the largest consumer of the metal.

Magnesium alloys are also utilised in various industries that require lightweight, durable alloys, such as chainsaws and machinery parts, as well as sporting products such as baseball bats and fishing reels.

Magnesium metal can be used as a desulphurizer in iron and steel production, a deoxidizer in titanium, zirconium, and hafnium thermal reduction, and a nodularizer in the production of nodular cast iron on its own.

Magnesium is also used as an anode in chemical storage tanks, pipelines, and ships, as well as in the manufacture of flare bombs, incendiary bombs, and pyrotechnics.

Compounds of Magnesium :

Because of the loss or sharing of its two 3s electrons, magnesium almost invariably has a +2 -oxidation state in compounds. Magnesium carbonate, or MgCO3, is found in nature as the mineral magnesite and is a good source of magnesium. Carbon dioxide reacts with a number of magnesium compounds to create it artificially. The odourless white powder has a variety of industrial applications, including as a heat insulator for boilers and pipes and as a food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, rubber, ink, and glass additive. Magnesium carbonate was the first ingredient used to make table salt free-flowing even in high-humidity circumstances since it is both hygroscopic and insoluble in water.

Magnesium Nitride :

Magnesium nitride is an inorganic magnesium-nitrogen compound with the chemical formula Mg3N2. It’s a greenish yellow powder at normal temperature and pressure.

The catalyst in the first practical synthesis of borazon was magnesium nitride.

Conclusion :

Magnesium is an essential cation that plays a role in a variety of enzymatic activities and is required for a variety of physiological functions. Magnesium deficiency, particularly hypomagnesemia, is frequent in clinical settings and is linked to a variety of negative health effects. Magnesium has shown to be effective in the treatment of medical problems such as bronchial asthma, cardiac arrhythmia, eclampsia, and preeclampsia, and oral magnesium supplements have shown to be good to one’s health. To determine the feasibility and effectiveness of magnesium supplementation on overall morbidity and mortality, more research is needed.


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What is magnesium nitride's chemical formula?

Mg3N...Read full

Why does magnesium almost usually have a +2 -oxidation state?

Because its two 3s electrons have been lost or shared.

Where does magnesium come from?

Magnesium is abundant in this green, leafy vegetable. Magnesium can also be found in whole grains, seeds, and nuts (...Read full

Define the element magnesium.

Magnesium (Mg) is a chemical element with the atomic number 12 and the symbol Mg.

What was the catalyst used in the first practical borazon synthesis?

The catalyst in the first practical synthesis of borazon was magnesium nitride.