The number of electron pairs used to define the shape of the molecules can be used to find the VSEPR predicted shapes of molecules in a systematic fashion. Draw out the Lewis structure of the molecule first to anticipate the shape of the molecule.Find the central atom on the Lewis diagram. Phosphorus is the core atom in this molecule [PF6].
Simply look at which group the central atom phosphorous is in to determine how many electrons are in the outer shell of the central atom. The group number equals the number of electrons on the outer shell of the central atom. The outer shell of phosphorus has 5 electrons since it belongs to group 5.
Each atom connected to the core atom will contribute electrons to it; multiply the number of valence shells by the amount of extra electrons. There are 6 Fluorine atoms in the [PF6] molecule, each of which contributes one electron, for a total of 11 electrons when the 6 electrons are added to the valence shells.
Theory of VSEPR:
The Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion theory is abbreviated as VSEPR. It’s a straightforward explanation of how repulsive electron regions might want to arrange themselves in three-dimensional space. They want to move as far away from one another as possible, which is a surprise.
They’re all negative in charge, thus according to Coulomb’s law (Fq1*q2/r2), a negative and a negative repel each other.
Those sections, however, are connected to the molecule’s nuclei, so they can’t entirely “walk away.” However, they can place themselves as far apart as feasible. This will optimise the r term in Coulomb’s law, resulting in the least amount of repulsion.
Regions of Electrons:
The forms are determined by the number of electron zones surrounding a centre atom. There can be two, three, four, five, or six regions.
To be fair, the 5 and 6 regions are where we go over the octet rule and have 10 and 12 electrons, respectively.
When we developed our electron dot formulas, we kind of left those enlarged octets out since it made things a little more complex.
Nonetheless, bringing out cases with 5 and 6 areas is not a problem for me. You will come up with the following 5 forms for all of those scenarios if we play the repulsion game.
Geometries of Electronics:
The phrase “electronic geometry” refers to the arrangement of electrons around the centre atom. At the end of those lines, there may or may not be an atom.
Geometries at the Molecular Level:
The geometry of the atoms surrounding a core atom is referred to as “molecular geometry.” Recognize that the molecular and electronic geometries may be identical – but only if all of the regions (black lines above) end up with matching atoms.
Because a lone pair of electrons exists, not all electronic areas contain atoms. As a result, we’ll need extra terms to represent all the geometries in which lone pair electrons are present.
Tweaking the Angles:
Those five electronic geometries are “perfect,” and the angles are identical in all spots, as illustrated for any molecule with the same thing. However, it turns out that not all electrical zones have the same repulsions. Bonding pairs repel lone pair electrons more than bonding pairs repel lone pair electrons. Because of the extra “push” on the bonding pairs, the ideal geometry is slightly distorted, and the real bond angle is slightly less than the usual one.
The electronic geometry of ammonia (NH3) is tetrahedral, but one place possesses a lone pair of electrons.
They bring the other three locations closer together. Ammonia has a bond angle of 107°, which is roughly 2.5° less than a complete tetrahedral angle. Because water contains two lone pairs – a double push – it is significantly more distorted. The bond angle of water is 104.5°, which is a 5° difference! When given the option (for example, on an MC exam question), choose the modified angles over the regular ones. A good rule of thumb is to keep the temperature between 1.5° and 2.5° each lone pair.
Molecular shape affecting polarity:
Consider a molecule’s polar bonds as a small arrow pointing from positive to negative. The bond dipole is a vector quantity, according to this.
The direction, like every other vector quantity, is an important part of its description.
As an outcome, the bond dipole vectors point in the direction determined by the molecule’s shape.The polarity of the molecule is calculated by summing all of these individual bond dipoles together.
The three-dimensional arrangement of atoms within a molecule is known as molecular geometry or molecular structure. Because many of a substance’s qualities are predicted by its geometry, being able to predict its molecular structure is an important task.
Polarity, magnetism, phase, colour, and chemical reactivity are examples of these qualities. Molecular geometry can also be used to predict biological activity, create medications, and figure out the role of molecules.