The inner transition elements are located between lanthanum (Z=57) and hafnium (Z=72), as well as actinium (Z=89) and rutherfordium (Z=104). Lanthanides are elements 58-71 that follow lanthanum, whereas actinides are elements 90-103 that follow actinium.

The f-block elements are those that gradually fill the 4f and 5f orbitals. These elements are officially part of group 3, however they are represented in the periodic table as the f-block. F-block elements are also known as inner transition elements. Lanthanoids and actinoids are the names given to the two sets of inner transition elements, 4f and 5f, respectively.

The two sets of inner transition elements, 4f and 5f, are known as lanthanoids and actinoids, respectively. Inner transition elements such as U, Th, and Pa are good nuclear energy sources.

Inner Transition Elements’ Primary Characteristics

  • The third last shell in the inner transition elements is filled with electrons.
  • Colored ions are formed by the inner transition elements.
  • The inner transition elements’ valencies differ.
  • Actinides are naturally radioactive.
  • The inner transition elements from atomic number 92 to atomic number 103 are both synthetic and radioactive. They are not found in the earth’s crust in nature.

Inner Transition Elements’ General Electronic Configuration

The electronic configurations of the inner transition elements for lanthanons beginning with cerium and ending with lutetium (Z = 71) are 4f1-145d0-16s2 and 5f1-146d0-17s2 for actions beginning with thorium (Z = 90) and ending with lawrencium (Z = 103).

Elements of Inner Transition

Because of the same outer shell configurations and energies of the f orbital electrons, the lanthanons and actions are all expressed to yield state III. Because of the identical size and outer shell design, all the elements in a series would have comparable properties, making separation difficult.

Lanthanides and actinides are expected to yield oxidation state +3 without exception due to identical outer shell electrical structure and energies of f-orbital electrons. Because all the components in a series have comparable properties due to their identical size and outer shell electrical arrangement, they are difficult to distinguish from one another.

Inner Transition Elements in the Periodic Table

The configuration’s final electron is added to (n-2)f orbitals. Lanthanides and actinides are examples of f-block elements. Metals are present in all elements. The actinide series contains all radioactive elements. Elements after U(92) are synthetic. However, in order to maintain the table’s scientific symmetry, the elements are positioned at the bottom of the table.

When the elements are grouped according to Modern Periodic Law, a new table is formed, which is known as Modern Periodic Table or Long Form of Periodic Table. It differs from Mendeleev’s periodic table in various ways. It can be summarised as follows


There are eighteen vertical columns referred to as groupings. They are numbered IA to VIIA and IB to VIIB, for a total of 14 columns; number VIII is made up of three columns, and the eighteenth column is numbered 0. These categories are simply numbered 1 to 18 in the most recent IUPAC system.

Inner transition elements equation

Inner transition elements have the general formula   (n-2)f¹⁻¹⁴(n-1)d⁰⁻¹ns².

General formula of inner transition elements 

Inner transition elements have the general formula (n-2)f114(n-1)d011ns2.

Transition elements are used in the following ways:

  • They are utilised to create weapons with atomic powers.
  • They are utilised in the manufacture of bullets and grenades.
  • They are used to create strong magnets.
  • They are employed in the production of explosives.

Actinoids and Lanthanoids

The element is said to belong to the first series of inner transition elements when differentiating electrons enter one of the 4f orbitals. This series has fourteen elements after lanthanum (La). Lanthanides or lanthanides are the elements that follow lanthanum in the periodic table. Lanthanum does not have any 4f electrons, although it is commonly included in lanthanide because it is chemically similar to lanthanoids.

The electron created by successively filling 5f orbitals is referred to as actinides or actinides. They are so-called because they follow actinium (Ac) in the periodic table. The actinide series, which consists of fourteen elements ranging from Th(90) to Lw(103), is also known as the second inner transition series. Despite the fact that actinium (Z=89) does not have any 5f electrons, it is common to analyse actinium with actinoids.

Difference between Lanthanoids and Actinoids





The final electron enters a 4f orbital.

The final electron enters a 5f orbital.


Electronic configuration in general 4f0-145d0-16s2 

Electronic configuration in general 5f1-146d0-17s2


The decrease in atomic size is not as regular as the fall in atomic size of tripositive ions (Ln3+).

The atomic and ionic (tripositive ion) sizes gradually decrease.


The most common oxidation state is +3. Some elements have +2 and +4 oxidation states as well..

Although +3 is the most common oxidation state, it is not always the most stable. The elements in the early half of the series usually have higher oxidation states; for example, the maximum oxidation state in The climbs from +4 to +5, +6, and +7 in Pa, U, and Np.


They do not readily form complexes.

They have a considerably higher proclivity to build complexes.


Their compounds are less basic.

Their compounds are more basic.


These elements are non-radioactive except promethium.

They are all radioactive.


From the following article we can conclude that The inner transition elements lie between lanthanum (Z=57) and hafnium (Z=72), as well as between actinium (Z=89) and rutherfordium (Z=104). The lanthanides are elements 58–71 that come after lanthanum, and the actinides are elements 90–103 that come after actinium. There is some debate over whether lanthanum and actinium should be considered members of transition metal group 3B, with the elements following them designated as lanthanides and actinides, respectively, or whether they should be considered the first elements of the lanthanides and actinides, with lutetium and lawrencium classified as transition metals.


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What additional names are there for inner transition metals?

Ans: Lanthanides and actinides are element groupings on the periodic table. They are the elements that are sometimes...Read full

What is the difference between a transition metal and a F element?

Ans : The transition elements are in the d-block, and the val...Read full

What distinguishes transition metals?

Ans : Transition elements are unique in that they may have an...Read full

Is it possible for inner transition metals to be reactive?

Ans: The inner transition metals, which are normally found at the bottom of the Periodic Table, are found in the f-...Read full

What exactly do you mean by "transition element"?

Ans:  In order to be considered a transition metal, it must have at least a partially full d or f subshell at any i...Read full