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How Do Orbitals Work

An electron's wave function in an atom or molecule, indicating where the electron is most likely to be found. noun. A partial description of an electron's (or other particle's) quantum state as it orbits the nucleus of an atom.

So, how do these mathematically defined orbitals tie in with the electron shells we observed in the Bohr model? We can split each electron shell down into one or more subshells, which are just sets of one or more orbitals. Subshells are identified by the letters s, p, d, and f, and each letter implies a distinct form. For instance, s subshells feature a single, spherical orbital, but p subshells include three dumbbell-shaped orbitals at right angles to each other. Most of organic chemistry—the chemistry of carbon-containing compounds, which are crucial to biology—involves interactions between electrons in s and p subshells, therefore these are the most important subshell types to be familiar with. However, atoms with numerous electrons may deposit some of their electrons in d and f subshells. Subshells d and f have more complicated geometries and contain five and seven orbitals, respectively.

Periodic table

By convention, elements are grouped in the periodic table, a structure that captures significant trends in their behavior. Devised by Russian scientist Dmitri Mendeleev (1834–1907) in 1869, the table puts elements into columns—groups—and rows—periods—that share specific qualities. These characteristics influence an element’s physical state at ambient temperature—gas, solid, or liquid—as well as its chemical reactivity, the capacity to form chemical bonds with other atoms.

In addition to providing the atomic number for each element, the periodic table also provides the element’s relative atomic mass, the weighted average for its naturally occurring isotopes on earth. Looking at hydrogen, for example, its symbol, \text{H,}H,start text, H, comma, end text and name appear, as well as its atomic number of one—in the top left-hand corner—and its relative atomic mass of 1.01.

Differences in chemical reactivity of elements are dependent on the quantity and spatial distribution of their electrons. If two atoms have complimentary electron patterns, they can react and create a chemical bond, generating a molecule or compound. As we shall see below, the periodic table organises elements in a way that reflects their quantity and distribution of electrons, which makes it useful for forecasting the reactivity of an element: how likely it is to form bonds, and with which other elements.

Orbital forms

Atomic orbitals are often identified by a combination of numerals and letters that signify specific features of the electrons associated with the orbitals, such as 1s, 2p, 3d, and 4f. The numbers, referred to as main quantum numbers, represent energy levels as well as distance from the nucleus. The energy level closest to the nucleus is occupied by a 1s electron. Because a 2s electron is less firmly bonded, it spends the majority of its time away from the nucleus. The letters s, p, d, and f represent the orbital shape. (The form is determined by the magnitude of the electron’s angular momentum, which is the outcome of its angular motion.) The nucleus is at the center of a s orbital, which is spherical.

As a result, a 1s electron is almost fully limited to a spherical region near the nucleus, while a 2s electron is confined to a somewhat larger sphere. The geometry of a p orbital is similar to that of a pair of lobes on opposing sides of the nucleus, or a dumbbell shape. In a p orbital, an electron has an equal chance of being in either half. The other orbitals have more intricate forms. Before the relationship between spectra and atomic electron configuration was established, the letters s, p, d, and f were used to describe spectra descriptively into series called sharp, primary, diffuse, and fundamental.

Working of orbitals

None of the theories thus far can explain why certain compounds are coloured while others are not, or why some unpaired electron compounds are stable while others are effective semiconductors. These techniques also fail to describe resonance. A new concept of bonding has emerged, in which electrons are not seen as being concentrated between bound atoms’ nuclei, but rather delocalized throughout the molecule. Like valence bond theory, this technique is based on a quantum mechanical model.

Previously, we represented electron distributions in solitary atoms as orbitals, each with its own orbital energy. Just as atomic orbitals (AOs) describe electron locations and energies in atoms, molecular orbitals describe electron positions and energies in molecules (MOs) A spatial distribution of electrons in a molecule connected with an orbital energy. Molecular orbitals are not restricted to a single atom, but cover the entire molecule. As a result, molecular orbital theory is a delocalized approach to bonding.


An orbital is a three-dimensional representation of an electron’s most likely location around an atom. The likelihood of locating an electron around the nucleus of a hydrogen atom is depicted in the diagram below. The probability of the 1s orbital is the highest. This is why the electron configuration of the hydrogen atom is 1s1.


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What are the four different types of orbitals?

Ans. Orbitals are classified into four types: s, p, d, and f. An s orbital is ...Read full

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Can you tell me the four quantum numbers?

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