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Crystal Field Theory

Crystal field theory (CFT) describes the breaking of degeneracies of electron orbital states, usually d or f orbitals, due to a static electric field produced by a surrounding charge distribution

Crystal theory describes the net modification in crystal energy ensuing from the orientation of d orbitals of a transition metal ion within a coordinating cluster of anions conjointly referred to as ligands. A major feature of transition metals is their tendency to make complexes. A complex is made consisting of a central metal atom or particle encircled by a variety of ligands. The interaction between these ligands with the central metal atom or particle is subject to crystal theory. Crystal theory was established in 1929 treats the interaction of metal particle and substance as a strict electricity development wherever the ligands are thought of as purpose charges within the neighborhood of the atomic orbitals of the central atom. Crystal theory is usually termed substance theory.

Overview of Crystal Theory

To grasp the crystal field interactions in transition metal complexes, it’s necessary to possess information on the geometrical or spatial disposition of d orbitals. 

The factors affecting the crystal theory are:-

  1. The d-orbitals are multiple degenerates during a free volatilized metal particle. 
  2. If a spherically radial field of negative substance field charge is obligatory on a central metal particle, the d-orbitals can stay degenerate however, followed by some changes within the energy of the free particle.
  3. Crystal theory was planned to delineate the metal-ligand bond as an electrovalent bond arising strictly from the electricity interactions between the metal ions and ligands. Crystal theory considers anions as purpose charges and neutral molecules as dipoles.

High Spin and Low Spin: The advanced ion with the bigger variety of mismatched electrons is understood because the high spin complex, the low spin advanced contains the lesser variety of mismatched electrons. High spin is the maximum variety of mismatched electrons.

Low spin is the minimum variety of mismatched electrons.

Example: [Co(CN)6]3- & [CoF6]3-

Crystal Field splitting in Octahedral advanced

  • In the case of an octahedral chemical compound having six ligands close to the metal atom/ion, we tend to observe repulsion between the electrons in d orbitals and substance electrons
  • This repulsion is knowledgeable about a lot within the case of dx2-y2 and dz2 orbitals as they purpose towards the axes on the direction of the substance
  • Hence, they need higher energy than average energy within the spherical crystal field
  • On the opposite hand, dxy, dyz, and dxz orbitals experience lower repulsions as they’re directed between the axes
  • Hence, these 3 orbitals have less energy than the common energy within the spherical crystal field
  • Thus, the repulsions in octahedral chemical compound yield 2 energy levels
  • t2g– set of 3 orbitals (dxy, dyz, and dxz) with lower energy
  • eg – set of 2 orbitals (dx2-y2 and dz2) with higher energy
  • This splitting of degenerate levels within the presence of the substance is understood as crystal field splitting. The distinction between the energy of t2g and eg level is denoted by “Δo” (subscript o stands for octahedral). Some ligands tend to provide robust fields thereby inflicting giant crystal field splitting whereas some ligands tend to provide weak fields thereby inflicting tiny crystal field splitting.

Crystal Field splitting in Tetrahedral advanced

The splitting of multiple degenerate d orbitals of the metal particle into 2 levels during a tetrahedral crystal field is the illustration of 2 sets of orbitals as Td. The electrons in dx2-y2 and dz2 orbitals are less repelled by the ligands than the electrons in dxy, dyz, and dxz orbitals. As a result, the energy of the dxy, dyz, and dxz orbital set is raised whereas that of the dx2-y2 and dz2 orbitals is lowered.

There are solely four substances in Td complexes and so the full electric charge of 4 ligands and the ligand field is a smaller amount than that of six ligands.

The direction of the orbitals doesn’t coincide with the directions of the ligands’ approach to the metal particle.

Thus, the repulsions in tetrahedral chemical compound yield 2 energy levels:

t2– set of 3 orbitals (dxy, dyz, and dxz) with higher energy

e – set of 2 orbitals (dx2-y2 and dz2) with lower energy

The crystal field splitting in a tetrahedral advanced is as such smaller in an octahedral filed as a result of there are solely 2 thirds as several ligands and that they have a less direct result of the d orbitals. The relative helpful result of the set is going to be -6Dq and therefore the destabilizing result of the t2 set is going to be +4Dq. 

Crystal Field Stabilization Energy

In chemical surroundings, the energy levels typically split as directed by the symmetry of the native field close to the metal particle. The energy distinction between the eg and t2g levels is given as or 10Dq. It states that every negatron that goes into the lower t2g level stabilizes the system by a quantity of -4Dq and therefore the negatron that goes into the eg level destabilizes the system by +6Dq. that’s the t2g is lowered by 4Dq and therefore the eg level is raised by +6Dq”.


Crystal-field and transition-intensity models have been crucial to the understanding and application of optical properties of rare-earth ions. The applications are numerous and we have only been able to hint at the usefulness of the models in optical engineering. When transition metals are not secure to any substance, their d orbitals are degenerate, that is, they need identical energy. After they begin bonding with alternative ligands, because of different symmetries of the d orbitals and therefore the inductive result of the ligands on the electrons, the d orbitals split apart and become non-degenerate.