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Why hydroponics

this article deals with a few questions on hydroponics like, why hydroponics is used, do hydroponics grow faster, and also about the pump which is used in hydroponics.


Hydroponics, also known as aquaculture, nutriculture, soilless culture, or tank farming, is the cultivation of plants in nutrient-enriched water, with or without the mechanical support of an inert medium like that of sand, gravel, or perlite. Plants have long been grown with their roots immersed in solutions of water and fertilizer for scientific studies or research on their nutrition. Previous commercial hydroponics has adopted this method of culture. Due to the difficulty in supporting the plants in a normal upright growing position and aerating the solutions, although, this method was replaced by gravel culture, in which gravel helps in supporting the plants in a type of watertight bed or bench. Different types of substrates are used successfully, including rock wool (molten rock that is whirled into fibres), fused shale, clay pellets, coconut coir, rice husks, granite chips, sand, pumice, perlite, and vermiculite. Fertilizer solution, which is mainly derived from fish or duck excrement or synthetic fertilizers, is pumped back periodically, the frequency and concentration based on the plant and the ambient conditions like light and temperature. The solution was drained into a tank, and the pump was generally automatic.

Why Hydroponics

There are various advantages to a hydroponic vegetable garden. These help in solving problems without the excessive use of space or water are mainly known to produce vegetables possessing high nutrient content and produce vegetables usually faster than the traditional growing methods. This method of agriculture would become a primary source of fruits and vegetables in near the future. 

Maximizes Space

The hydroponic method mainly requires less space than plants that are grown in soil. Based on the system, as and when hydroponics is combined with vertical farming techniques, then they use up to 99% of fewer lands than the usual farming methods. 

Another important reason for the smaller area of hydroponic plants is mainly that their roots do not require to spread out in search of nutrients and moisture. Water and nutrients are transported to the roots directly, either periodically or constantly, totally based on the hydroponic technique that is being employed. This means that each plant’s root system could take up far less space, which results in the ability to grow more plants in a smaller space. When we add in vertical stacking methods, it becomes easy to see how a much smaller area is needed to produce a hydroponic garden than a traditional one.

Conserves Water

Growing plants in water mainly use less water than growing the same plants in the soil. Though, hydroponic plants can grow with up to 98% less water than the original growing methods. Conservation of water is more likely to become more and more important as time passes by, thereby making irrigation for agriculture more difficult and less profitable. Only about 0.1% of the water is taken in by the plant’s root and is mainly used by the plant itself. Excess water is then released into the air via evapotranspiration. Hydroponics systems use recirculated water, thereby allowing plants to absorb what they need, and then return the rest to the system. Thus, if we are serious about conserving water, then hydroponics plays an important part in the process.

Facilitates a Micro-Climate

Hydroponic gardens are easily contained within a hydroponic greenhouse or other structure. This means that they can possess micro-climates that are insulated from many of the difficulties that traditional farmers should work to address. They are neither affected by pests and so they are not needed to be treated with a wide range of insecticides. In temperature-controlled areas, plants are grown year-round, regardless of the climate or weather conditions of the environment. And with artificially grown lights, even the amount of sun available is not a big problem. 

Produces Higher Yields

Creating ideal conditions for growth helps the plants in receiving the exact amount of nutrients that come in direct contact with roots. Furthermore, microclimates allow for year-round growth and also induce faster crop cycles. All of this sums up to bring even higher yields than traditional farming methods. It is observed that the hydroponic greenhouses could produce about 240 times the yield of other farming practices.

Require Less Labour

Without the requirements of tilling, weeding, herbicide and insecticide application, and other labour-intensive farm jobs, hydroponics would require a lighter load for labourers and can easily be managed with less man-labour. This both functions to cut back on the cost of producing crops, and helps in freeing up the time for other pursuits. Although a small hydroponic greenhouse can be entirely managed via a single part-time worker.

Which Pump is used in Hydroponics

Water pumps play an important role in hydroponic techniques since they allow water to move efficiently in the entire system. In the absence of an efficient flow of nutrients and water, plants would not be able to receive any nutrition, hydration, and aeration that is needed for the plants to stay healthy. There are generally several different types of pumps and a variety of different sizes to consider.  

PonicsPump Submersible Pump

These are generally recognized as inexpensive and dependable brands of water pumps. They offer about eight different  forms of submersible pumps with somewhat 19 different models, each model is equipped with some waterproof cords,  adjustable input flow-rate screen, and three outlet adapters for tubing  

One can be very much assured that PonicsPumps are composed of durable and high-quality materials. The polished aluminium oxide and ceramic impeller shaft are non-corrodible and the motor’s epoxy resin encasement prevents unwanted corrosion and conductivity issues. Neodymium Iron Boron (NdFeB) magnets are incorporated in the form of an electric motor for power and increased energy efficiency. The pump’s electric cord is mainly waterproof and is composed of 18 gauge copper wire. PonicsPumps are very easy to clean and safest to use in a hydroponic system.  


Plants that are grown in well-managed hydroponic systems are living the good life. As roots are bathed in all the nutrients they need, plants spend more time growing upward and require less time and energy in growing extensive root systems in search of food. Growth rates vary depending upon the type of system and quality of care. Here we come to an end of this topic, hope you were able to clear all your concepts regarding hydroponics.


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