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What is replication

In this article we will learn about what is Replication, Replication examples, what is replication factor.

The biological process of copying or making an exact copy, such as a polynucleotide strand, is known as replication (DNA). One of the most important biological processes in all living organisms is DNA replication. It is a molecular process that occurs in dividing cells and involves the replication of DNA. In biology the term “replication” also refers to performing the same technique. A good example of this is the repetition of a laboratory procedure. In scientific studies and statistics, replicates are required to draw a more precise conclusion from the experimental results.


The term replication refers to the process of making a duplicate or copy of something. Replication is frequently connected with DNA (DNA replication) in biology, where DNA is copied prior to cell division. In addition, replication refers to the duplication of a laboratory or experimental technique, which is necessary for research statistics. But first, let’s define biological replication, particularly as it pertains to DNA replication.

DNA is the parent molecule that is responsible for coding all of a species vital information. It is also important for this parent molecule to divide as the cells divide. In order for the cellular DNA to be divided evenly between two daughter cells, the DNA must first make a copy of itself. Replication’s primary goal is to ensure that each daughter cell is functionally independent.

Various steps of replication

Step 1: Replication Fork Formation. Before DNA can be replicated, the double stranded molecule must be unzipped into two single strands. 

Step 2: Primer Binding. 

Step 3: Elongation.

Step 4: Termination

In prokaryotes, DNA replication takes place in the cytoplasm, while in Eukaryotes it takes place in the nucleus. The underlying process of DNA replication is the same regardless of where it happened. The structure of DNA makes it simple to replicate it. The double helix has two sides that run in opposite (anti-parallel) directions.

Example of replication 

The act of replicating or copying something, or being a copy of something, is known as replication. A replication of the original study occurs when an experiment is repeated and the results from the original study are replicated. A replica is, for example, a copy of a Monet artwork.

What is replication factors

The number of nodes where data (rows and partitions) is replicated is equal to the Replication Factor RF.Data is replicated to multiple(RF=N) node. There is only one copy of a row in a cluster with an RF of one, and there is no way to retrieve the data if the node is compromised or fails.

To initiate and propagate DNA synthesis, four fundamental components are required. Substrate, template, primer, and enzyme are the four components.

Two identical chromatids, also known as sister chromatids, make up a replicated chromosome (or, equivalently, a duplicated chromosome). A chromosome has two chromatids that are connected at a structure called a Centromere, which is the only distinction between a duplicated chromosome and a chromatid technically Speaking.

In prokaryotes, DNA replication takes place in the cytoplasm, while in eukaryotes it takes place in the nucleus. The underlying  process of DNA replication is the same regardless of where it happens. The structure of DNA makes it simple to replicate it. The double helix has two sides that run in opposite (anti-parallel) directions.

RFC functions as a clamp loader in eukaryotic replication, comparable to the Complex in E. coli. Its function as a clamp loader entails promoting PCNA loading onto DNA. It binds to the 3 end of DNA and uses ATP to open PCNA’s ring, allowing it to encircle the DNA.


Replication is the biological process of copying or making an identical copy of anything, such as a polynucleotide strand (DNA). DNA replication is one of the most critical biological processes in all living creatures. It is a molecular process that involves the replication of DNA in dividing cells. In biology, the phrase “replication” also refers to using the same approach over and over again. The repetition of a laboratory technique is a good example of this. Replicas are essential in scientific investigations and statistics to derive a more exact conclusion from the experimental data.

DNA is the parent molecule that codes for all of a species’ essential information. The ability of this parent molecule to split as the cells divide is equally critical. The cellular DNA must first make a copy of itself in order to be distributed evenly between two daughter cells. The basic purpose of replication is to make each daughter cell functionally autonomous.

DNA replication occurs in the cytoplasm of prokaryotes, while it occurs in the nucleus of eukaryotes. Regardless of where DNA replication occurs, the underlying process is the same. The structure of DNA makes replication a breeze. The two sides of the double helix run in opposite (anti-parallel) directions.

DNA replication occurs in the cytoplasm of prokaryotes, while it occurs in the nucleus of eukaryotes. Regardless of where DNA replication occurs, the underlying process is the same. The structure of DNA makes replication a breeze. The two sides of the double helix run in opposite (anti-parallel) directions.


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What is Replication?

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