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The scientific name of tiger

The scientific name of the tiger is Panthera tigris. Tigers (Panthera tigris) are the most dominant and largest of all cats. Despite their size, they are highly agile.

The scientific name of the tiger is Panthera tigris. Tigers (Panthera tigris) are the most dominant and largest of all cats. Despite their size, they are highly agile. Tigers can leap between 26 and 32 feet in a single bound. Their distinctive orange coat, black stripes, and white markings make them one of the most identifiable cats. Tigers are found in South and Southeast Asia, China, and the Russian Far East, but their habitat and populations are quickly diminishing. The shade, size, and markings of tigers differ depending on the subfamily. Bengal tigers, which live in India’s woods, have a dark orange coat with black stripes and a white underbelly, giving them the classic tiger look. The largest of all tiger breeds, Siberian tigers are lighter in colour and have a thicker coat, allowing them to withstand the harsh, frigid conditions of the Russian taiga.

Important details about tiger 

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Mammalia
  • Order: Carnivora
  • Suborder: Feliformia
  • Family: Felidae
  • Subfamily: Pantherinae
  • Genus: Panthera
  • Species: P. Tigris

Distribution and Habitat

Tigers once roamed a territory that extended from eastern Turkey to the Tibetan plateau, Manchuria, and the Sea of Okhotsk. Tigers now cover only around 7% of their former territory. India’s woods are responsible for over half of the world’s remaining wild tigers. China, Russia, and portions of Southeast Asia have smaller populations.

Tigers live in lowland evergreen forests, taiga, grasslands, tropical forests, and mangrove swamps, among other places. They need a habitat with shelter, which includes forests or grasslands, as well as water resources and sufficient territory to maintain their prey.

1. Diet

Tigers are carnivores, meaning they eat meat. They are nocturnal predators who pursue huge prey like deer, cattle, wild pigs, rhinoceroses, and elephants at night. Tigers also feed on small prey including birds, monkeys, fish, and reptiles to complement their diet. They eat carrion as well.


2. Behaviour

Tigers are territorial, solitary cats. It has a home range of approximately 200 to 1000 square kilometres. Females’ home ranges are shorter than males’. Within their territory, tigers frequently build many dens. They are not water-phobic cats; in fact, they are skilled swimmers who can cross rivers of intermediate size. As a consequence, they are rarely hampered by water.

Only four kinds of large cats can roar, and tigers are one of them.

3. Conservation

A tiger has long been one of Asia’s most prized hunting animals. Tiger shooting was a popular hobby among the British in colonial India, as well as the maharajas and aristocracy of the erstwhile princely kingdoms of which was before India, in the early nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In his hunting career, a solitary maharaja or English hunter could claim to have killed over a hundred tigers. Some hunters hunted tigers on foot, while others perched up on machans with a goat or buffalo tied out as bait, and yet others rode elephants.

Tigers have traditionally been killed on a huge basis to get their iconic striped skins. The tiger skin commerce peaked in the 1960s.even as worldwide conservation efforts were beginning to bear fruit. In 1977, a tiger skin sold in an English market was valued at US$4,250.

Tigers and their exceptional attributes have piqued mankind’s interest since ancient times, and they frequently appear in popular culture and the media. They’re also known as one of the world’s most charismatic megafauna, and they’re employed as the face of preservation campaigns all around the world. The tiger was declared the world’s favourite animal in a 2004 online poll sponsored by cable television station Animal Planet, including more than 50,000 participants from 73 countries, with 21% of the vote, barely defeating the dog.

Use of a body part

In South and Southeast Asia, tiger parts are often utilised as amulets. In Palawan, the Philippines, fossils were discovered alongside stone axes. These, together with proof of incisions on the skeletons and the use of fire, suggests that the bones were amassed by early humans,[39] and the state of the tiger subfossils, which range from 12,000 to 9,000 years ago, differed from the aspect of other Upper Paleolithic fossils in the assemblage. Weathering caused a longitudinal fracture of the cortical bone in the tiger subfossils, indicating that they were exposed to light and air after death. Tiger canines have been discovered in Butuan’s Ambangan ruins, which date from the 10th to 12th century.


Tigers are the most dominant and largest of all cats. Tigers can leap between 26 and 32 feet in a single bound. Tigers are found in South and Southeast Asia, China, and the Russian Far East, but their habitat and populations are quickly diminishing. The shade, size, and markings of tigers differ depending on the subfamily. Bengal tigers, which live in India’s woods, have a dark orange coat with black stripes and a white underbelly, giving them the classic tiger look. The largest of all tiger breeds, Siberian tigers are lighter in colour and have a thicker coat, allowing them to withstand the harsh, frigid conditions of the Russian taiga. They are also known as one of the world’s most charismatic megafauna, and they are employed as the face of preservation campaigns all around the world.


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