The Body

The physical structure of a human or animal is known as the body, it includes a combination of bones, flesh, and organs. Here we will indulge in the many aspects of the body, as well as a few of the body functions.

The human body is all that makes you up. What chooses and controls the actual structure and capacity of the human body is our hereditary data. The way our bodies look and work is influenced by their environmental conditions. They are composed of the living and nonliving parts that make up the entire human body, including each living cell, tissue, and organ. Outwardly human life systems comprise the five essential parts, the head, neck, middle, arms, and legs. A body functions by coordinating with all the cells and organs in it to support life. 

The human body is a solitary construction however it comprises :

cells, tissues, organs, and frameworks.

  • An organ is an association of a few various types of tissues so organised that together they can fill an exceptional role.

  • A framework/system is an association of organs so organised that together they can fill complex roles for the body.

  • It shows us how a body is organised, like how and where certain organs and organ systems fit all together. 

  • The cell is the essential living unit of the human body-for sure, of all living beings. The four essential cell types, along with their extracellular materials, structure the principal issues of the human body:

1. epithelial tissues, which cover the body’s surface and line the inside organs, body pits, and paths;

2. muscle tissues, which are fit for withdrawal and structure the body’s muscular build;

3. nerve tissues, which lead electrical driving forces and make up the sensory system; 

4. connective tissues, which are made out of generally divided cells and a lot of intracellular networks and which tie together different body structures.


  • There are generally 3 types of anatomies. 

  1.  Gross anatomy – is the body that is seen, not in photographs, through microscopes or X-rays. It is possible to see all the internal structures and organs of the body after it is cut open. 

  2.  Cell anatomy – is the research of cells as well as their parts, it is possible due to the several advanced equipment and research scientists that perform all the investigations.

  3. Molecular anatomy –  is the estimation of the tiny parts of certain cells in the body at the biochemical level.

Body functions 

  • The body functions comprise physiological and psychological aspects of a human 

  • Physiological – it is how the organ systems and other cells in the body function together, it shows the mechanism behind all these processes. 

  • There are 10 physiological organ systems in the human body:-

  1. Digestive system – It is made of several organs that work in sync. The stomach breaks down food; the intestines absorb vitamins, nutrients, and water and then pass on the waste to be further processed and taken out of the body by excretion.  

  2. Cardiovascular system- Here the heart and blood vessels come together to pump oxygenated blood throughout the body. The deoxygenated blood is transported back to the heart and later to the lungs to be used again. 

  3. The endocrine system – This is the collection of many glands throughout the body that secrete hormones to help organs of the body to work efficiently. Through the secretion of hormones, the endocrine system regulates the growth and metabolism of the body continuously. It also helps in regulating the internal environments of the body, like temperature or blood sugar levels. 

  4. Immune system – These are in the form of organs as well as processes that help the body fight and evade viruses, toxins, or anything that can generally harm the body or its functions in any way.  

  5. Muscular system – It is the organ system that contains smooth, cardiac, and skeletal muscles. The muscles aid in moving like arms and legs, maintaining posture like the spinal cord keeps a human upright, and spread blood all around inside the body for other organs and tissues.

  6. Nervous system – This system has the brain, the spinal, cord and millions of tiny nerves that help pass impulses throughout the body. It is like a control center of the body and is used to communicate all around, receptors detect the stimulus and pass it along the sensory neurons to the brain, then the brain gives an appropriate response. The stimulus that travel is known as an impulse and the communication is done through these impulses. 

  7. Renal system- It is mostly kidneys in the body, along with other organs assisting them in carrying out their function, which is to regulate fluids in the body like water or blood glucose, and discard or also known as excreting the remaining products.

  8. Reproductive system – This consists of sex organs in humans, testis in males and, ovaries in females. The main function of this system is to produce offspring, it is possible only if the female egg, present in the ovaries is fertilised by one or more sperms that are produced in the males. The main goal is to keep the species alive and ongoing through the centuries.

  9. Skeletal system – It is the combination of bones, joints, cartilage and tissues that help conjoin all of them. An adult skeleton has 206 bones which are 14% of the human’s full body weight. This acts as a support for the entire structure of the body.  

  10. The respiratory system – Is the lungs primarily with airways attached to them to allow the transport of air inside and outside the body. It aids by providing access to air by nose or mouth to the lungs so that oxygen can be absorbed by the lungs and in return carbon dioxide can be exhaled.

  • The psychological aspects are how a person feels, how does their mind work, how they communicate their thoughts, what is their thought process and how does that affect a human’s overall behaviour. 


The human body is composed of the living and nonliving parts that make up the entire human being, including each living cell, tissue, and organ. The science of the human body incorporates physiology and Anatomy. The human body is a combination of cells, tissues, organs, and frameworks. The body incorporates nine significant organ frameworks, each made out of different organs and tissues that cooperate as a practical unit. 


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What is the organisation of the body?

Ans. The human body is a combination of cells, tissues, organs, and frameworks. ...Read full

What is the biology of the human body?

Ans. The science of the human body incorporates Physiology (how the body capacities) and Anatomy (how the body is or...Read full

What systems are associated with the body?

Ans. The body incorporates nine significant organ frameworks, each made out of different organs and tissues that coo...Read full

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